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Why don't people just use their real names, real locations, and then post their "original" thoughts? That way instead of hiding behind a computer with some make believe name, you stand up for what you believe in as a person. It doesn't make sense to me any other way . . . and that whole topic that was deleted would be a non-issue because the whole problem came from people speculating who was who. Just my thoughts . . .
Owner - Play Ball USA Head Baseball Coach - Notre Dame College Prep
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I will add my real name to my signature. Probably most members don't know who I am.Cool

I don't think it necessary to do so. However, I do wonder about people who attack others or present their agendas suggesting that they are looking out for everyone and yet can't disclose who they are and who they believe that they represent.
I love reading the IL forum because MO is not as active. I can relate to you coach because I was attacked by a new poster from "The Midwest" who felt it important to put me down for a comment I made in private to our coach, no one else. They must have sat next to me at the next game our sons played but didn't have what it took to say those things to me in person.
Originally posted by sdk890:
You obviously bring up good points coach, but, then again, what would the point of a forum be if you couldn't post in a mostly anonymous nature.

as an unrelated note, good luck with the Seminoles next year, you have a nice group to work with.

I understand and support the anonymous nature of the site. Then again, I wasn't brought up to attack others and hide behind anything including a screen name. Not the way my Dad handled things nor anyone in my family. I also think that there is a line between disagreement and attack. I don't think that line is fine. Those that attack while hiding behind screen names remind me of Eddie Haskel of Leave it to Beaver fame. JMHO!
Couldn't agree with you more... It appears that nowadays we have members posting under several different fake names, and perhaps overstating their experiences and/or qualifications on certain subjects, which I think adds to the antaganistic environment of this board. I have seen it get out of hand before on other venues. Just think, if everyone used their real names, the moderators could return to their REAL jobs.....
Right on. There is not a fine line at all. There are a lot of people and a lot of things I do not agree with. That does not necessarily make them wrong or right, just not my preference.

Darrell, I'm a Cubs fan! Sorry, I hope you don't hate me now! JK.

The problem comes when people think that their way is the only way or an end all. I am sure that many things I teach (mechanics, strategy, etc.) are not popular with EVERYONE, but for those kids that I work with it seems to work and they are happy with it.

Major on the major, minor on the minor.
Originally posted by sdk890:
what would the point of a forum be if you couldn't post in a mostly anonymous nature.

Honesty, respect and decorum.

Not that I would expect anyone else to adhere, but I've always believed that if I don't want to attach my name to a thought, I probably should keep it to myself.

People's civility has waned at each loss of imminent threat. When carrying a concealed gun became illegal, people became more harsh. When punching someone in the nose started getting jail time, peoples attitudes and banter became bolder. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Thinking that freedom of thought and speech should be protected by anonymity, is how a coward expresses himself and who cares what a cowards thoughts are?
Last edited by CPLZ
Nelson..Since I'm the one who used the comment "original thoughts" that you seem to object to, I thought I'd ask for a clarification on what you find objectionable about them.

I maintain that none of the objectionable posts had anything to do with thought of any kind other than to rip other people. It (thought, orginal or not) had nothing to do with it.

It's great that you post your name, but don't assume that everyone knows who you are and what you do. Many know you run an academy, but not all do. In that way you are anonymus yourself and people not not know "where" you are coming from.

I can't believe that you as a teacher or instructor would ever think of original thought as a bad thing. Don't confuse ill-will and the nastiness that comes from it as any kind of thought at all.

It seems like you enjoy a lot of respect, which I'm sure has been earned. But you are part of the industry of baseball and criicism of that industry comes with the territory.
FBDad - The "original thought" statement was in no way, shape or form aimed at you. It was a general statement acknowledging the fact that many posters opinions are essentially recycling from other people, teams, places and so on.

I am all for original thoughts, especially when it comes to developing and implementing curriculum.

Apologies to you if you felt my statement was directed your way.
Originally posted by JKennedy:
Couldn't agree with you more... It appears that nowadays we have members posting under several different fake names, and perhaps overstating their experiences and/or qualifications on certain subjects, which I think adds to the antaganistic environment of this board. I have seen it get out of hand before on other venues. Just think, if everyone used their real names, the moderators could return to their REAL jobs.....

We have a Fastpitch Softball Board that has now done this. When you make a post, it shows your old screen name AND your real name underneath. If you log on with another type name that doesn't "match up" like say, "Mickey Mouse" then it also puts your email address up for public display. They moderators have to grant permission to all members before they can post. That cleaned the board up real fast.

NelsonGord, no hating here. Cubs? At times, and due to the number of friends I have who are Cubs Fans, I think it is simply a genetic mutation and so, you can't help it. I'm betting you've thought the same about us Cardinals Fans. Cool Big Grin
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by sdk890:
what would the point of a forum be if you couldn't post in a mostly anonymous nature.

Honesty, respect and decorum.

Not that I would expect anyone else to adhere, but I've always believed that if I don't want to attach my name to a thought, I probably should keep it to myself.

People's civility has waned at each loss of imminent threat. When carrying a concealed gun became illegal, people became more harsh. When punching someone in the nose started getting jail time, peoples attitudes and banter became bolder. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Thinking that freedom of thought and speech should be protected by anonymity, is how a coward expresses himself and who cares what a cowards thoughts are?


I'd elaborate more on some of the thoughts in this post as relates to my family but then again, I intend to run for President in another 4 years and so, don't want to give major disclosures on a public site!
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by sdk890:
You obviously bring up good points coach, but, then again, what would the point of a forum be if you couldn't post in a mostly anonymous nature.

as an unrelated note, good luck with the Seminoles next year, you have a nice group to work with.

What does "mostly anonymous" mean...exactly?

Nice job JKennedy, will done.
TravelDad, I'd bet that most posters on this site are known to run in certain circles. Thus, mostly anonymous probably means that those posters not in those circles would not know who a particular poster is. Too bad for me that none of my southern friends post here. It isn't for a lack of trying. SIBullets is about the only one. Whenever is speak at a clinic etc. I always include information on this site. However, I guess it falls on deaf ears. What I'd like to do is create some Southern conspiracy so that we could take over the site. LOL!
JKen & TDad-

I looked over that statement originally regarding the Seminoles, and after reading it and looking at the new screenname pretty much (think) I know who it is.

The suprising part is that I don't necessarily think they are overtly "promoting" the Seminoles, in fact they decided not to play on my team this fall and next summer. Great family, great kid, just decided there was better opportunity elsewhere.

The fact that this was taken as pure promotion is the problem with interpretation when it comes to these posts.

It is possible for kids to leave programs to explore other opportunities and still be "friends" with the team and staff they decided to leave. In fact I look forward to working with this particular kid at some point over the winter, regardless of what uniform he chooses to wear next summer.

Darrell - What's your economic plan? Pro-Life? Can you make MLB opening day a national holiday?

I am looking forward to voting for you in 2012 (pending your responses to the above), because I am sure as heck not excited to vote on Tuesday.

-NelsonGord = Nelson Gord
Originally posted by JKennedy:
I am looking forward to Tuesday's election with great anticipation. am I

I always feel a little better about myself knowing I've honored those that fought for me and before me by doing the small part I can to preserve our great country's freedom, and voting.
Coach, I like your platform and recognize how you feel about hard work versus government handouts.

I also didn't see in your platform anything about "spread the wealth". I like the sound of that phrase; it reminds me of making a PB and jelly sandwich. But, I hate the sound of it's close buddy; "income redistribution." I doubt you think much of that either!
Try Medicare, a government program for health care. Also, they can look in to a reverse mortgage to use the equity of their house to provide an income for life.

I believe Americans are generous people who believe in helping each other. Whether it was the New Deal or the Great Society, Americans showed that together we could lift each other and have a society we could be proud of. We now have a society where the richest 1% control 50% of the wealth and the top 10% control 90% of the wealth. Used to be a blue collar worker could buy a house, mom could stay home and still educate his family. Then mom and dad had to work. Then they had to max out their credit cards. Then they had to borrow equity from their homes. When Reagan was in office, the top tax rate was 70%. He made it 39% Now it is 36%. The rich got richer, and defits went sky high. Under Clinton, we had a surplus and 8 years of uninterupted economic growth. Bush took over and gave the rich more tax breaks. How are we doing now? They call Obama a socialist because he wants to put the top tax bracket back to 39% where Reagen had it. Give the middle class a break and bring the American Dream back for most Americans. It ain't trickling down folks.
By the way Rosy, last time there was a political discussion, which I believe has no place on this site and will soon explode if it is not locked, you said the Tribune was not a Republican paper. That was before Zell bought it. Now, they endorsed Obama, the FIRST Democrat they have ever endorsed for President. Is that enough proof that when I said they were Republican, I was right?
Carr - Them clothes got laundry numbers on them. You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number. Any man forgets his number spends a night in the box

These here spoons you keep with you. Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box.

There's no playing grab-a$$ or fighting in the building. You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon. Any man playing grab-a$$ or fighting in the building spends a night in the box.

First bell's at five minutes of eight when you will get in your bunk. Last bell is at eight. Any man not in his bunk at eight spends the night in the box.

There is no smoking in the prone position in bed. To smoke you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smoking in the prone position in bed... spends a night in the box.

You get two sheets. Every Saturday, you put the clean sheet on the top... the top sheet on the bottom... and the bottom sheet you turn in to the laundry boy. Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box.

No one'll sit in the bunks with dirty pants on. Any man with dirty pants on sitting on the bunks spends a night in the box.

Any man don't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box.

Any man loud talking spends a night in the box.

You got questions, you come to me. I'm Carr, the floor walker. I'm responsible for order in here. Any man don't keep order spends a night in...

Luke - ...the box.

Carr - I hope you ain't going to be a hard case.

Luke - [Smiles, shakes head] .
Last edited by Smokey

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