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Originally posted by bballparent:
Originally posted by catchermom03:
I am very skeptical here...95% of your posts address Top would appear you are connected with that organization...would be alot nicer and certainly more ethical to state that fact instead of attempting to delude others by inferring you are a bballparent

I can only post on what I know. My boys only went to what was available in New England which was the Top96 and Brockton Invitational. One went D1 & the other D3....both coaches saw them at the it's hard not to post good things. They helped colleges see the talent.....sure can't complain!!!
Originally posted by dominick:
Yes, the question needs more refinement. I was trying to have people express their thoughts/experience with how important it is to attend a showcase camp that they "paid for," as opposed to an invitation camp or all-star selection or tournament with their team. In other words, if most attended at least one paid showcase camp somewhere, it could mean that that is the manner in which most players evaluated/recruited. I know there are no hard statistics, but I also know that you can get a sence for what many players think is important.


Do the basic research as to which showcases serve the regions you may have interest in. It isnt very hard to do this. You also have this board as a great source of info concerning showcases.

Then - try to save up some money - and attend the ones you are interested in.

They are now - your best and most logical means for bringing your skills to the attention of others.

It is as simple as that.

Good luck.
Originally posted by catchermom03:
I am very skeptical here...95% of your posts address Top would appear you are connected with that organization...would be alot nicer and certainly more ethical to state that fact instead of attempting to delude others by inferring you are a bballparent
I don't have any connection except my son played AAU ball in Massachusetts where TOP 96 is what every kid aims for. My son wasn't accepted after his sophomore year but was after his junior year. He got letters from over 10 colleges, only 2 division I, and ended up getting a scholarship. I can only talk about whqat I know!! Sorry to disappoint you and your grassy knoll theories! I'll have to check in more often!
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Originally posted by bballparent:
Originally posted by Dibble:
there is also a ton of players attending HS Showcases that have NO CHANCE playing college baseball what so ever. Just curious how many Showcase operators will turn down willing paying players who have no talent.

The top96 IN New England turns them down every year. They get over 500 applications for 100 spots - which is why over 100 coaches attend annually. They post which coaches came on their don't have to write and ask.....very upfront organization.

I beg to differ.

Every showcase/camp/tournament we have ever dealt with treated my son and I in a very professional and couteous way.

We have traveled from Texas to Puerto Rico - and just about everywhere else in between.

With one exception - TOP96.

Worst and most rude treatment I have ever received - treated us like dogs.

Is it a good showcase. Yes. I have said that before.

But please - the upfront stuff is a total crock from my perspective.

You are probably one of those pushy parents who talks for their kids....see those parents on every team my kid has been on. You'll find you are much better rec'd if you let your kid do the talking. If the player is really good enough to play college baseball, no talking (therefore no percieved rudeness) will be needed!!

I've had experience at blue/grey/top96/brockton Invitational/bay state games/2 college camps......never gave anyone a reason to be rude. I found they were upfront but had no need to deal with any directors on a personal basis. The showcases are for the PLAYERS, not the meddling parents.
Originally posted by bballparent:

You are probably one of those pushy parents who talks for their kids....see those parents on every team my kid has been on. You'll find you are much better rec'd if you let your kid do the talking. If the player is really good enough to play college baseball, no talking (therefore no percieved rudeness) will be needed!!

I've had experience at blue/grey/top96/brockton Invitational/bay state games/2 college camps......never gave anyone a reason to be rude. I found they were upfront but had no need to deal with any directors on a personal basis. The showcases are for the PLAYERS, not the meddling parents.

LOL - Thanks for the advice. Eek

BTW - You have 27 posts on this site - and every single one of them concerns TOP96. What's up with that? LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
this is why some people can't post or won't post.not everyone here is a scout or coach or a baseball genius. we talk about what we know,ask about what we don't.this isn't true of everyone but for the most part it is.i don't knowbballparent but in new england top 96 was one of the if not the best showcase,my son has been to team one, area code tryout, colege select and top far team one and top 96 best run. lots of coaches,at least 60 at area code. 6 at college select and the guy with the mike doing the play by play made it look like a little league game. my point is we talk about what we know. the top 96 people have more class than to sneak in here and throw some free stuff you seem to be a smart baseball guy ...but you can be a bit of a touch hole in my opinion ,we are all here for help giving and taking.if i wanted to here a bunch of hen cakling i'd go see my mother in law. lighten up and merry christmas

Read your own words. They apply to everyone. Not just those that agree with you.

As I have said before - TOP96 has a solid showcase - and has had one for many years.

However - in my particular case - they treated my son - and I - very poorly.

That is a fact. Sorry if you dont like it.

As for the derogatory comments spewed out by bballparent - the words speak for themselves.

Good luck - and stop calling people names. Its not nice. IMO. Wink
Last edited by itsinthegame
You answered me back on November 13th but obviously since I did not take the bait you felt the need to revisit this thread...
1st...I may not post often but I read everyday and had noticed a common flavor to most of your posts...they all addressed Top 96..which indeed made me quite suspicious as to your intent..perhaps I misjudged your intent and if I did then I apologize but even you yourself must admit it does appear to be a tad suspect
2nd...I have a sour taste in my mouth for the Top 96 see my son played AAU for many years...we beat the Lightning for the state championship...our coach nominated all his players for the showcase and not one was invited...we, too, have done PG, Bay State Games, Jet Cro why should Top 96 be any different other than they possessed strong animosity towards our team...which BTW over the years was not an uncommon trait...if you go back to the demise of the Mariners and what took place afterwards then you will comprehend where I am coming from...BTW most of our team are currently playing D1 and D2 so the caliber of players was there just ignored by Top96
3rd...I know "its" and he his not by any way, shape, or form an intrusive parent...we all have our opinions and last I checked this country still had freedom of speech..I verbalized mine as you did yours
20 dad,
I have been posting here since 2003...I welcome any parent or child to address me in a kind considerate fashion...I invite you to do a litlle reading and maybe then you can validate what you posted... grassy knolls I am not on one...don't know where you are located but we have at least 6" of snow and ice...Happy Holidays

Don't know who you are nor do I really care as you are entitled to your opinion and I was not goingt o respond but since you seem to want to impugn my character I am responding

May I ask what a "touch hole" is? Is that a NH phrase?

Also I dont know where you were when you supposedly attended one of our events but we have no announcer doing play by play--he merely announces the players for the benefit of the coaches and parents.

Oh, and by the way your counts are wrong in most all cases

As for "lightening up", your attitude could use some adjusting to say the least
You bring up a very good point.
top 96 people have more class than to sneak in here and throw some free stuff out.

If one goes back and reads EVERY single post by bballparent since May 3 of this year you can see what's happening. bballparent's only goal is to promote top96's programs from baseball to softball from California to the east coast from PA to Florida. Wink
Last edited by Fungo
i'm very sorry for falling into the bickering trap.i read this message board every day. and at times it seems as someone is getting beat up over something stupid.thats not why we are here. as i said top 96 was a very good showcase ,went big time very watered down now, tr i'm sorry if i offended you,or any other touch holes .you seem very critical of people most of the have your resons i'm sure.or might be the way i take it.
now tr i don't know you but when i went to area code,i did not actually count them but i saw at least 60 people with radar guns they may not have been coaches,team one and top 96 had alot as well. but select by the coaches sign in sheet had 6 on the saturday i was there,in bighampton.the announcer got a little off track at times. i know they put a lot of work into the showcase and maybe it was just a bad weekend, maybe . for the record, area code was very well attended and best of all it was free.bottom line any showcase that gets kids into a schooland doesn't break the bank is a good showcase.

again merry christmas
tr my son was there in i heard from many people at that showcase it was not the usual turnout.but it was my only experience with i said earlier it was clear to me the effort was put into making a class outing just a bad weekend and what ever gets a kid into a school is the showcase for them.
touch hole is a term of effection like meat whistle etc.maybe a nh saying. maybe just my saying. people say i'm not quite right.

its in the game your right everyone has a voice .and i was out of line for butting in.and i'm sorry for the name calling. i have signed my sorry papers.and will try to be more open minded.

merry christmas
Originally posted by Fungo:
You bring up a very good point.
top 96 people have more class than to sneak in here and throw some free stuff out.

If one goes back and reads EVERY single post by bballparent since May 3 of this year you can see what's happening. bballparent's only goal is to promote top96's programs from baseball to softball from California to the east coast from PA to Florida. Wink

Now that I know I can't reply to showcase questions, I;ll have to read more stuff on this site!! But don't accuse me of saying anything about top96 softball because I've had no experience with that!! And believe it or not, I was just trying to pay forward....top96 was great for my kids so I promote it. Enough said on this subject!!!

I'll go try to study up on softball (since I've been accused of promtoing it!!! :-)
I think a touch hole is that part of an old fashioned cannon that you "touched" the flame to in order to light the fuse. TOP96, very exclusive club there, hard nut to crack. Had a very bad experience one day a few years ago at a "North of Boston" indoor facility with the initials "EI" that seems to be affiliated with them somehow. Took months for my kid to get his confidence back after some coach in there made a thoughtless remark about his size, after we showed interest in trying out for the AAU team that works out of there. I call it the day he was struck by "Lightning", if any of you get my drift.

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