Originally posted by ZacksDad:
In the words of the coach last night "we are starting to put humpty dumpty back together again" which to me sounds like Zack does a lot "wrong"-even though his instructor says he hits the ball hard. I just wonder what this will do to him. Any thoughts?
ZD - I wouldn't get too caught up in the Humpty Dumpty analogy. Many instructors have their own way of doing things. Ususally these various components of the swing are slight differences, sometimes they're drastic. My son has worked with 4 or 5 different hitting instructors over the years, not to mention input from a variety of coaches, and each one has taught him something different than the others.
My point? There's not a "right" way or a "wrong" way to hit. If Zack was doing something wrong, he wouldn't be hitting it 290' now would he? HOWEVER, the benefit to getting the instruction is to learn proper techniques so that they can be more consistant with the swing and eventually he'll learn situational aspects of hitting as well.
The best thing you can do with Zach is be positive. My son gets frustrated at times as well and I have to point out the positives of the lesson. One thing I'd suggest is that you video the lesson so he can watch it later and see what he's doing.