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A big out of state school is coming to the house this weekend to talk with my son. We anticpate an offer being made. My son still has interest in a few in-state schools but one in particular has told him they're not quite ready to "actively recruit" him (as they put it). They say they are taking care of more pressing needs (pitching) first.

How do you go about informing the in-state school that they need to get moving if they want to stay in the picture?
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As you evaluate the schools & offers that you receive keep in mind 2 things. Does the school FIT your son's needs academically, athletically, and socially? Does the school recruiting you 'love' you?

Your post suggests that the in-state school you are trying to court doesn't 'love' your son.

Our son had 3 offers from excellent institutions of higher education. He chose the baseball program that 'loved' him, and we haven't looked back.
First of all the school is coming to your home--that is a major plus

Has you son visited this school officially?
The instate schools are not ready to make an offer?--tell them X school from out of state has been in for a visit in the home-- that will shake leaves--then see what happens--

Make sure your son does make a decision until he is sure of what he wants-- put the pressure on the schools !!!!

BTW he is sitting in a great position

Should you care to chat further and in detail please free to phone me

Tom Rizzi
Consulting Director
Last edited by TRhit
Lone Star,
Your son must be pretty good if being visited by an out of state school.
I don't believe in being dishonest and I don't believe in pushing a school to give your son an offer, I have seen that backfire.
Listen to what all the schools have to say before your son makes a decision. It is very early in the process.
If the in state schools were really interested, you would not have heard about taking care of pitchers first! Be patient.
Last edited by TPM

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