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Son had a very good summer, played in some top top tournaments, has every indication from coaches, scouts that he could play in DII or JC program if not some DI. Has several coaches interested, no offer yet. Son told us this week he is done with baseball, sick of it, can't play one more minute. I'm fine with his decision, but how do I know if should ecourage his to stick with it until the end of the spring season? He's t
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especially difficut situation at a time when so many players are celebrating their NLI signing this week. I'm sure that this has simply added to your sons frustration. However, this is just the beginning and there will be so many more opportunities for him to sign come spring time. I would absolutely encourage him to stay positive and keep his dream of playing baseball at the next level alive. None of us know your son better than you, this may be his last dance and he's simply ready to move on with his life. I would encourage him to play the game, finish what he started with his high school team and have as much fun as possible and he may be pleasantly surprised where that commitment leads him. I'd also recommend if he choses to play in the spring and pursue his dreams to do the work. Encourage him to contact as many coaches as he can to let them know about him, son's interest in wanting to play for them, provide spring schedule for high school team, etc. Best of luck w/ all of this ! The one thing that's great about teenagers is that one week life is terrible and the next week life couldn't be better. Enjoy the ride, be supportive, encourage and believe !
its a long season from march to October. My kid was thinking of not playing basketball this winter and working out to be ready for the spring season, but we both agree that its better to switch gears for awhile and do something different.

plus, one of the coaches at a showcase we were at recently said that if the kids play other sports, to continue doing that, because there's no substitute for competition and the thrill of competing. just lifting/working out all winter isn't as valuable as competing in another sport (at least his opinion)

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