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I have been a loyal fan for almost 20 years. I have seen the bad times and the not quite as bad bad times. I have seen them put together a freaking Hall of Fame All Star Team with the guys they have let go or gave up on. Yet I stayed with them and loved them. I got hats and buttons and other things - I would get shirts but I'm fat and they don't fit so no point in getting them.

After watching tonight's game I think I am coming to the realization they could bring back

Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and Willie Mays in the OF
Lou Gehrig, Mike Schmidt, Cal Ripken and Ryne Sandberg in the IF
Johnny Bench to C
Walter Johnson, Grover Cleveland Alexander, Warren Spahn, Greg Maddux to start and Christy Matthewson to close

and still lose in the first round of the playoffs.

Oh well there is always next year (but hopefully they canw win 11 straight though and win it all).

Cubs optimisim.......It's FANTASTIC!!!!

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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I was shocked to hear some Cubs fans booing their guys, even before the game was over. I thought for a second it was Philly or the Yankees, of whose fans I would have expected that.

Booing DURING game one-tough crowd. As has been wonderfully said by somebody whose identity escapes me, "Anybody can have a bad century".

As an Orioles fan,I'm already talking about next year...again.
Pain! Frustration...Heartache and it isn't even over yet. Torre is a genious, wheatgrass does him well.
I've been a Cub fan now for over forty years. Sometimes it is real hard to watch..Last night and Wednesday were 2 of those days. I think Harden and Lilly can actually get them back to Chi-town (I know, I know..if pigs fly we'd all have bigger umbrellas too). Did anyone see Lou's press conference? He acknowledged how hard it was to watch..benched Fukudome and left, it reminded me of the on-field fit he had last year that kicked them into gear. Been a hundred years..that d a m n goat.....
Last edited by jdfromfla
Originally posted by coach2709:
I have been a loyal fan for almost 20 years. I have seen the bad times and the not quite as bad bad times. I have seen them put together a freaking Hall of Fame All Star Team with the guys they have let go or gave up on. Yet I stayed with them and loved them. I got hats and buttons and other things - I would get shirts but I'm fat and they don't fit so no point in getting them.

After watching tonight's game I think I am coming to the realization they could bring back

Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and Willie Mays in the OF
Lou Gehrig, Mike Schmidt, Cal Ripken and Ryne Sandberg in the IF
Johnny Bench to C
Walter Johnson, Grover Cleveland Alexander, Warren Spahn, Greg Maddux to start and Christy Matthewson to close

and still lose in the first round of the playoffs.

Oh well there is always next year (but hopefully they canw win 11 straight though and win it all).

Cubs optimisim.......It's FANTASTIC!!!!

That's probably the only team these Cubs could beat! Can you imagine guys that old (or even dead in some cases) trying to compete? But then we are talking Cubs here, so maybe they'd end up losing after all. Very frustrating. But wait til next year!!!
I've been rooting for the Cleveland Indians my entire life. I thought for sure this was the year that the curse would be lifted, and the Tribe fan would the "longest suffering" fan. I still have not forgiven Manny for a) leaving Cleveland b) when down 3-1 last year telling the world that winning was not that important and then going out and killing his former team.
As I predicted in the other thread. Cubs will be out after first round

I wasn't liking how they looked against the Brewers..just didn't seem to have an edge..I thought Ted Lilly should have started last night..based on the way Lou said it, I think perhaps a little politics and marketing was involved with the line up as far as having to play Fukudome and as for Zambrano....too much emotion..Torre knew he could work on his mind and set about doing it. Hindsight is 20/20 but going with the hot hand takes guts and the ability to look someone in the eye and say "I went another way"...Soriano has also been mia..stick Theriot in the leadoff slot he's got ice water in his viens..and wants to win, has won and don't care (Besides the fact that he's been getting on)..Soriano looks lost.
Last edited by jdfromfla
Don't be too quick to blame Cubs (or any postseason team's) fans for the booing during the game. It's generally not the folks who support the team for the other 162 games (and who might actually understnad the game) who manage to get playoff tickets.

I was amused listening to the Rays-Sox game on the radio yesterday when the announcers were complimenting all the "fans" with their "brand new Rays gear on" No kidding! I do hope they included an article on the basic rules of the game in the stadium programs.
Bullwinkle donns a mortar board hat, and sits in front of his class and says....

"In 1984, the Cub organization wins their first NL Eastern Division championship, and return to post-season play for the first time since 1945.

Under manager Jim Frey, the Cubs post a 96 and 65 record, breaking the 2 million-attendance mark. Second baseman Ryne Sandberg wins the NL Most Valuable Player award. Acquired in mid-June, pitcher Rick Sutcliffe went 16-1 with the Cubs to win the NL Cy Young award.

After winning the first two games at Wrigley Field, the Cubs lost the N. L. championship series to the San Diego Padres, three games to two.

Now, if the Padres can do this....why can't the Cubs?

Ya gotta believe!"
Originally posted by Bullwinkle:

Now, if the Padres can do this....why can't the Cubs?

***Frantically waving his hand from the back of the room...ooh, ooh, ooh, call on me, call on me!

Moderator Yes, CPLZ, do you think you know the answer?

CPLZ It's because they're still the Cubs!

Moderator Very Good, CPLZ, that's correct! Take the rest of the day off and enjoy the White Sox game tonight. Big Grin
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by kbat2012:
Originally posted by Double Eagle:
... I still have not forgiven Manny for a) leaving Cleveland b) when down 3-1 last year telling the world that winning was not that important and then going out and killing his former team.

There is a simple rule to treat "Super Star", When you got the extraordinary Talent like Manny, that's a bless from God, you'd better keep him and treat him well, otherwise he will put a curse on your team and get his revenge sooner or later. I really want to see Manny get his revenge on those arrogant Red Sox fan this year.

jd: I don't like Fukudome's swing, No power transfered from the leg. Also he is not aggressive at the bat. Too many called 3rd strike. 0 for 9 in two games, that's embarrassing.

I think Fontenot should be in the line-up!
I think Fontenot should be in the line-up!

Me too, he and Theriot are winners...I say let Soriano hit 8th or better yet wake him up with Reid Johnson starting in left..someone who has some fire in the belly, win for the fans to heck with the prima donnas..shoot he doesn't even look interested//and then he woke up....and said Dear Bullwinkle..Pads went home for the win, we can do it but Lou has to forget the conventional and put the Dodgers back on their heels..If I'm Harden Manny gets a bruise..maybe two..who cares if he gets first..he's not trotting round the bases. Waiting for Mr. Longball will be a ticket to "Wait til next year". their only hope is to get attitude and attack that young squad with all they have.
White Sox fans don't act like the spoiled north side whiners

Cause they haven't made bail yet...or hocked their kids toys to get the next bottle of Thunderbird...Sox fan is a mental retardation..Cubs fan is an excercise of loyalty. Wink
My poor brother has had that illness for years we just keep him in a closet and tell the neigbhors hes workin Big Grin..we let him out now and then he mumbles about Belten Melton, Woody and how fashionable and snappy those short pants were... Razz
Originally posted by powertoallfields:
I think Fontenot should be in the line-up!

Lou agrees with you. He siad inhis press conference words to the effect that:

"I'm not taking another question about Fukudome. I'm going to put Fontenot, Johnson or someone else out there. There's no sense of putting that kid out there anymore. I'm done talking about Fukudome."
Coach, I've got you by at least 30 years. When you've seen this for 1/2 a century it really gets old, very old!

Hello Hokieone, long time no speak. As I wrote on another thread, don't confuse this playoff crowd with most of the 3.3 million who came out all season long.

Bullwinkle, I sat through all 3 games at Jack Murphy Stadium in 1984. It was baseball's version of waterboarding for Cub fans.

Finally, don't put any credence into anything written by Soxnole. He's taken to spreading his venom to another forum. Soxnole, stay where you belong!
Originally posted by kbat2012:
Two ways to break the 100 year curse for the Cubs.

Other than making these two changes, I don't see the Cubs winning the WS in another 100 years.

That is why they don't win. There is such a sense of foreboding and doom every time they make the playoffs. I know that it is easy to say that the Cubs bring it on themselves.

As I watched the games, I never saw a group of fans and players self fulfill a prophecy like this. The fans quit as soon as the Cubs trailed and the players choked trying to meet the Cub fans expectations. Really depressing.
I agree with Bighit, though I myself thought they would learn from their mistakes and make it further.

You can't make it unless you remain "loose". I like how the teams with the younger guys can do that, because their expectations aren't as high either, so the pressures aren't gloom and doom.

Who boos your own team?

You been around baseball long? The Phillies are known for it, they are the Da Vinci's of getting on folks..heck they booed Mike Schmidt (Remember Mitch Williams? He got death threats)..I've seen Yankees booed mercilessly, Atlanta fans didn't even show up for play off games..Not that I'm making excuses, I'd a been mad at them if I was there, but a century of heartbreak and frustration and a fan can feel it starting to slide away..Dempster walking 7? 4 infield errors? Yow it was like hanging off of a cliff and feeling your fingers slowly sliding off.
The hottest pitcher on the team for the last 2 months didn't see the mound..Sorryano doesn't get benched and goes 1 for 13, Reid Johnson..a guy who would take one for the team never saw the one threw at Manny..(IMO he should have been hit..maybe a couple of times..he had that whole team just walkin on the clouds..someone had to DO something..instead..let him single, score and then just back away and walk him the rest of the night). The Cubs just thought they were going to have it given to them and forgot they were up against Joe Torre..Lou has a huge responsibility..and as Tony Gwynn said last some point the players have got to play..getting outscored like that was a disgrace..Shades of the 116 win Seattle M's..humm they had the same skipper didn't they?
Those Game #2 errors were a freak sequence, like Willie Davis making three errors in one inning during the '66 World Series.

The Dodgers wisely pounded first pitch strikes and then attacked Soriano, Ramírez and Soto's extreme down&away holes. Fukudome's continued collapse sealed the deal.

DeRosa and Lee (in Game 3) were the only Cubs hitters to make effective adjustments.
Last edited by HaverDad
While I would agree that Soriano is not your typical lead off hitter and he did struggle during the playoffs. I don't understand why anyone thinks it was stupid to lead him off in the play offs.

Lou had every reason for putting him in the lead off spot! Here is one that would be hard to argue.

Cubs 2008 record 97-64

2008 Cubs record with Soriano leading off – 69 wins – 36 loses

2008 Cubs record with anyone other than Soriano leading off – 28 wins – 28 loses

Now... Who in the world would bench him?

If they bench him and they lose three straight, how would Lou explain that? Smile
eBay posts this...

"This listing (260296144067) has been removed or is no longer available. Please make sure you entered the right item number.
If the listing was removed by eBay, consider it canceled. Note: Listings that have ended more than 90 days ago will no longer appear on eBay."

Loyalty and Devotion must indeed be a hot commodity in today's market. Wink
Perhaps the fan has posted on Wall Street instead?
Last edited by spizzlepop
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Cubs 2008 record 97-64

2008 Cubs record with Soriano leading off – 69 wins – 36 loses

2008 Cubs record with anyone other than Soriano leading off – 28 wins – 28 loses

Now... Who in the world would bench him?

If they bench him and they lose three straight, how would Lou explain that? Smile

You may be right on the splainin' that Lou might have to do, but come on...this is a perfect example of statistical non starters. Attributing any portion of the Cubs record to who leads off, especially Soriano, is an excercise in selective stats (which by the way, America has fallen in love with). I'd just as soon see the stat regarding W-L records of particular clubs vs. barometric pressure, in this case, it would probably have more significance than Soriano in the lead off spot.
They allowed the Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary, but pulled this? Roll Eyes

It said:

After 41 years, enough is enough! I am now selling my Chicago Cubs Loyalty and Support. My blood pressure and hopes and dreams can not take this constant abuse. My family and friends, along with my neighbors, would say that I need to forget about the Cubs and move on. As in any extremely abusive relationship, it takes time to see the mistake of staying in the relationship, and I now know it is time to get out of this relationship. I have lived and sometimes almost died with the ups and mostly downs of living on each pitch. I now see the error of my ways.

The highest bidder can designate my new MLB team to which I will give at least 20 years of devotion and constant cheering. I will attend at least 2 home games and 1 road game for this team every year. Also, I will give to a charity of your choice, a donation of approximately a dozen Chicago tee shirts (2X), 1 Cubs Mark Grace #17 jersey, 1 Ryne Sandberg bobblehead doll, and 1 personalized Nevada license plate that reads "ACUBFAN". If the charity would will not accept these items, I will give $100 to the charity, along with video of me burning all of my Chicago Cubs items. I feel that something good should come from the end of this relationship.

I am now looking for closure to this long and extremely painful portion of my life and walking through a new door and team.

Thanks for looking.

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