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Have an idea, would like opinions. There is a thread in the Illinois Forum about best places to eat. There are many people on the HSBBW who travel to baseball games and other activities. After reading the Illinois thread, it dawned on me that this could be part of a new and very interesting forum. Hate to add more work for MN-Mom, but actually think a “TRAVEL” forum would be a very valuable and interesting addition.

HSBBW people could discuss the best hotels, eating establishments, attractions, and much more. If someone was going to a location for the first time, they could find the best pizza places, steak houses, barbeque, sports bars, etc. They would know ahead of time the best hotels and the best prices.

I know we travel all over the country and stay in hotels and we eat. Be happy to answer questions about all the above. (I think)

For sure we have people from all over the place on this site, so someone should only need to ask a question and get answers. Because we do travel a lot I have somewhat selfish motives… Want to know where the best food is! Always looking for the best pizza, steak, or barbeque in town. And have stayed in Hotels that I wished a warning had been given ahead of time.

Illinois is doing this, but I think it deserves its own forum. If not, that’s OK! cry
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Lets, see...organize this stuff into categories where is easy to find just what you are looking for?....or lump it?

In the spirit of regression...I suggest we go all the way and lump the whole HSBBW ALL into a single category..

...Kitchen Sink... sub categories...

while we are at it lets do away with the dewey decimal system at libraries, or any internet search systems...

Since it will take forever to fnd anything I can spend even MORE time here...(my wife will LOVE this!)...I will however fight to the death boxing to retain a seperate Karmaegory for the Enlightened Karma thread...

Here is a about adding a Kitchen Sink category where EVERY post is also put in by chronological order where those who are confused and off task...and want to stay that way....can reside happily....

On a related note...VERY concerned about the Future of the HSBBWS...With MN-Mom payed by the click..I am afraid she is taking all the money and buying a beachside resort in the Bahamas.... cry

GREAT idea PG.... applaude
Last edited by observer44
As much as I’d like to come up with such a great idea, it belongs to our Illinois websters. Anyway, that’s where I saw it.

Soxnole started a topic “Best places to eat….. in Illinois and elsewhere”. Mike F started a topic “Beef Stands after ball games”. play baseball started “Hot Dog Stands for after Ball Games”. The results are great… These people KNOW their food!!!!

I just thought adding best hotels, entertainment, attractions, etc. to the always popular eating places could be valuable to baseball travelers. Might even be a reason to keep people involved on this site beyond baseball years. Even things like Sporting Goods stores and ball park directions could be valuable at times. Kind of like having “ONSTAR” over the web!

I suggest people go to the Illinois Forum and check out “Best places to eat…. in Illinois and elsewhere”.

If it can’t become a forum, perhaps it could become a single topic (guess it already is) chef. I think it would eventually set all HSBBW records for activity because it would never grow old. This “BASEBALL TRAVEL GUIDE” of sorts… sounds like fun, too.
I love the idea!

While I agree with CD above that we won't be able to implement all the good ideas our members suggest, this is one that I think would be so helpful that we just have to go for it. I'll take a look at our current organization of categories and figure out a good place to put the new "BASEBALL TRAVEL GUIDE" forum (or whatever we will name it). Thanks to all for your input!
Maybe we could figure out someway to award points... to the best critics! Once someone suggests a certain place and people go there and agree... the original poster gets 1 to 10 or more chef chef chef chef chef
or these good good good good good
If the poster gives bad advice we could give him one of these nono

Sorry, might be going overboard here. I can see after awhile how the HSBBW would create their own rating system for recommended eating places and hotels and other things.
I think it is a good idea, as well, and like the suggestion that it somehow be linked to the tournament/showcase forum ... perhaps a section where the "I'll see you there" and "Tournaments and Showcases" and the "Travel Guide" could be merged ???

I did think of one problem, tho ... what I consider "good" food (which is anything other than something I cook) may not qualify under somebody else's definition.

Oh, and one more thing ... itsinthegame. hopefully you weren't implying that we should eat cute little Percy Penguin were you? cry Penguin meat isn't anything like turkey and definitely doesn't taste like chicken ... has something to do with all the water protection on the outside. Besides ... we haven't tried all of our moose recipes yet, and that could take a while considering how large those ungulates are.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
BOTH of the above ideas are good - putting it right under the Tournaments & Showcases forum as suggested by TR and FBM, or making one for each region of the country as suggested by catchermom. Big Grin

But I guess we can't do both at the same time, so I'll look at the list of forums again and try to see if there is any way to accomplish the best of both ideas.

MAYBE we could put the Travel forum right under the Tournaments & Showcases forum, but keep it organized by region. Rather than randomly adding threads for each new inquiry, we could start a thread for each region, and ask members to post their inquiry or suggestions within that region's thread. Or some variation on that idea.

Not only did soxnole and other Illinios websters start this, they gave a ton of great recommendations. When they’re not arguing about the Sox and the Cubs, these people EAT and appreciate good food! I’ve been to a few of the recommended places in that thread and agree with their assessment.

Should be fun as we all become food critics. We will become somewhat important to businesses in many areas of the country. They won’t even know why many of us have stopped by to give them our business.

You may be interested in some "notes" (over 400 pages) regarding many areas of the country where I have been on the road, playing, scouting and watching ball games with travels to over 100+ pro and amateur ball parks from CCL to Canada to PCL.

Details on:
- Cafeteria's
- Diners
- Restaurants
- Where Visiting Team stays
- Cities
- Fans
- etc

All "donations" being accepted for a youth
organization, with checks payable to SSSA.

Prices are always negotiable, but for you
(& PG....for all you do) here's what I am thinking:

Single copy = $20 + S&H
Five copy's = $95 + S&H
Ten copy's = $180 + S&H
Twenty copy's = $340 + S&H
Fifty copy's = $800 + S&H
100 copy's = $1,500 + S&H
500 copy's = $7,000 + S&H
1000 copy's = $12.5K + S&H


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