Have an idea, would like opinions. There is a thread in the Illinois Forum about best places to eat. There are many people on the HSBBW who travel to baseball games and other activities. After reading the Illinois thread, it dawned on me that this could be part of a new and very interesting forum. Hate to add more work for MN-Mom, but actually think a “TRAVEL” forum would be a very valuable and interesting addition.
HSBBW people could discuss the best hotels, eating establishments, attractions, and much more. If someone was going to a location for the first time, they could find the best pizza places, steak houses, barbeque, sports bars, etc. They would know ahead of time the best hotels and the best prices.
I know we travel all over the country and stay in hotels and we eat. Be happy to answer questions about all the above. (I think)
For sure we have people from all over the place on this site, so someone should only need to ask a question and get answers. Because we do travel a lot I have somewhat selfish motives… Want to know where the best food is! Always looking for the best pizza, steak, or barbeque in town. And have stayed in Hotels that I wished a warning had been given ahead of time.
Illinois is doing this, but I think it deserves its own forum. If not, that’s OK!
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