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100% agree with CBI.  RJM, Road Runner, Gunner Mack: all that you say about your families are true, but your ancestors chose to come to America because they could not make that progress in Europe.  They fled real persecution in Europe, and slowly were able to make a place in America.  However, that is not equivalent to slavery and its aftermath; for example, in America there is no Jewish or Irish equivalent to events like the 1921 Tulsa race massacre.  That is what happened to Jews in Russia, to Catholics in Ireland in 1798, etc.

If you want an equivalent, compare Blacks in America to the Jews in Europe, Catholics in Ireland, etc.  Not fully accepted, had nowhere else to go (until America became an option), suffered for centuries when the people in charge thought they were getting above themselves. 

America was founded to be different from Europe.  We cannot be like the Europeans in the 19th and 20th century were.  We have to be better than that.  And yes, the "we" has changed over time.  Many of us didn't have ancestors here in 1776, yet we are now part of the "we the People".

I was telling my story not to compare my family's plight to slavery or to compare different ethnic groups to slavery.  I told it because I am proud of what my family fought for and I am proud of how they overcame many prejudices to make it in this country.  I actually had two great-great-grandfathers fight in the civil war, it's just the one story is awesome.   

I was telling my story not to compare my family's plight to slavery or to compare different ethnic groups to slavery.  I told it because I am proud of what my family fought for and I am proud of how they overcame many prejudices to make it in this country. 

Same here. And the prejudices existed when I was a kid and had to deal with them when people found out I’m Jewish. Plus Anti Semitism is on the rise again. In a random situation I’m fortunate no one would ever look at me, remotely consider I might be Jewish and make a rude comment. But sometimes people make them due to having no idea.

By  the way I’m not looking for reparations from the Egyptians or the Russians. Plus I have a sense of humor. Some of the great Jewish humorists turned Jewish suffering into comedy. My favorite maybe because my mother couldn’t stand it is .... What’s the difference between a vulture and a Jewish mother? The vulture let’s you die before it eats your heart out. You may not get it if you’re not Jewish. I’ve had Italian friends say the joke fits Italian mothers.

Last edited by RJM
@RJM posted:


 What’s the difference between a vulture and a Jewish mother? The vulture let’s you die before it eats your heart out. You may not get it if you’re not Jewish. I’ve had Italian friends say the joke fits Italian mothers.

I am a Jewish mother. Not really a good portrayal or a necessary comment.

I wonder if that self race joke thing isn't a  bit dangerous. I have no problem with black people using the N word or jews making jew jokes and as a white person I don't see it as a legitimation to use it myself just like a disabled person making wheel chair jokes isn't a legitimation to make wheelchair jokes as an able person. I also understand the wish to use self humor to take the power away from discrimination but I wonder if it was easier to get rid of that stuff if the words were off limits for everyone because not anyone understands that nuance (or "misunderstands" on purpose...).

At least if they haven't seen rush hour


It fit mine and several I knew. And it’s a joke. Years ago I told it to a friend. He laughed and told me his version.

One his birthday his mother gave him two shirts. The next time he visited he wore one to show his appreciation. His mother’s reaction ... What! You didn’t like the other?

Reality, cliches and embellishment are what make great humor. The greatest gift is to be able to laugh at yourself. A lot of comedians won’t do college campuses anymore. They’ve become so politically correct and every joke offends someone. 

Are you familiar with Sam Levenson? He was a comedian, humorist and game show host from our parent’s era. His schtick was based on Jewish cliches and suffering ...

He said the best advice his father ever gave him was, “If you ever need a helping hand you will find one at the end of your arm.”

@Dominik85 posted:

I wonder if that self race joke thing isn't a  bit dangerous. I have no problem with black people using the N word or jews making jew jokes and as a white person I don't see it as a legitimation to use it myself just like a disabled person making wheel chair jokes isn't a legitimation to make wheelchair jokes as an able person. I also understand the wish to use self humor to take the power away from discrimination but I wonder if it was easier to get rid of that stuff if the words were off limits for everyone because not anyone understands that nuance (or "misunderstands" on purpose...).

At least if they haven't seen rush hour


That's a nice thought, but we'll never get to a point where 100% of the people are 100% thoughtful and nice 100% of the time.  People have to be able to ignore others who say hurtful things and be able to move on with their lives.  Actions are different.

@Dominik85 posted:

I wonder if that self race joke thing isn't a  bit dangerous. I have no problem with black people using the N word or jews making jew jokes and as a white person I don't see it as a legitimation to use it myself just like a disabled person making wheel chair jokes isn't a legitimation to make wheelchair jokes as an able person. I also understand the wish to use self humor to take the power away from discrimination but I wonder if it was easier to get rid of that stuff if the words were off limits for everyone because not anyone understands that nuance (or "misunderstands" on purpose...).

At least if they haven't seen rush hour


A current day problem is too often people look for a reason to be angry and upset. They look at too many issues sideways and upside down searching for an angle that will offend them. It’s much easier to be happy. Being constantly offended is hard work.

Society would be far better off if someone who is offended explains why rather than jumping down the person’s throat. 

One of my homes is in Maine. Maine is very white. I’ll hear cliches about blacks that come from lack of exposure. I’ve noticed people look around before making a comment. I’ve told people if they need to look around the room before saying something it’s probably offensive enough to not say it. If it’s true you shouldn’t fear having to back up your statement. 

Last edited by RJM

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