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At this point I would tend to believe that the majority of HSB readers do not feel summer scores are important enough to post them.. And I agree. Too many variables to make them significant, at least until playoffs begin. I would, however, like to solicit some opinions here as to whether summer ball should be used as a developmental period, where incoming talent is evaluated for the spring, or as a dog-eat-dog quest for a top seed in the summer tourny. Any thoughts?
I agree with JK - at least in our conference the games don't matter until playoffs. Most coaches send their seasoned players off to play elsewhere so they can look at what's up and coming, and then they all come back when playoffs start.

I'm not sure what it SHOULD be, but I wish it were a more competitive situation. I think more players would feel they didn't need to find a travel/showcase/tournament team to play on if the summer high school season where not what it currently is. And that would end some of the push and pull that goes on between high school coaches and travel team coaches. JMHO. Again, I'm only talking about our conference... not sure what it's like in other areas of the state.

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