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CPLZ-Low values? I take offense to that having played for and coached with mike. He definetley has values. I doubt you know him. He apologized, admitted his wrong. It doesn't take away from the fact he moves his players on to college programs (Number 1 priority for an HS coach in my opinion) and continually builds a winner. It happened, its over. My 2 cents.
Last edited by Carl Spackler
Sometimes as a coach it is a tough thing to watch what is happening on the field. To me, Bill Cowher making a tackle was reactionary and was the lowlight of his career. I think he should have been severely penalized.

To me, The HS Coach in question might have been reactionary picking up the ball (but shouldn't have been if he has been a coach for a period of time) but then putting it in the catchers glove was a sneaky, dirty play that reveals that maybe winning may mean too much to him if he is willing to cheat like that to win. Should have been tossed out of the tourney. You know a school like Rita is not going to do or say anything...for the most part, parochial schools stand behind their coaches so long as they win.
Last edited by FastballDad
It's cheating. There should be a penalty for cheating, or attempting to cheat, whether you admit you did it or not. No way would I want someone who would even CONSIDER doing something like that to coach my boys. I don't care how successful your program is, how many years you've been coaching or how many players you send on to play college ball. You're also teaching something that cannot be condoned on any level. You do what ever you can WITHIN THE RULES to win - otherwise, no matter the outcome, you are a loser.
I have to disagree with Carl Spackler. The number one goal of a high school coach should not be to get his kids playing at the next level. The percentage of kids who actually play after high school is way too low, so you would gear your program around the few kids that actually play after high school? That doesn't seem like the right thing to do

As far as the current tournament in Naperville, they played down to the current 4 teams, and now it is single elimination. Basically they set it up so if you won 2 of your first 3 games you advanced to the final four. But there is no advantage to the two teams that are 2-0 vs. the two teams that are 2-1.
Last edited by NCHS Redhawk
Originally posted by Carl Spackler:
CPLZ-Low values? I take offense to that having played for and coached with mike. He definetley has values. I doubt you know him. He apologized, admitted his wrong. It doesn't take away from the fact he moves his players on to college programs (Number 1 priority for an HS coach in my opinion) and continually builds a winner. It happened, its over. My 2 cents.


The number one priority of any coach is to deliver good citizens to the community. Anything after that is far, far down the scale.

He's a cheat, period. Honest people don't ever consider such actions, cheaters see what they can get away with. He has no business being around young people.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by NCHS Redhawk:
I saw another case of HBP in high school baseball when the batter was not awarded the base. Simply could not believe that call. I guess the rule is that the batter has to try to get out of the way. But unless the batter obviously tries to get hit, they should get the base. But no one asked my opinion.

Yep its annoying, and occurs without intent on the part of the batter especially on breaking pitches. IMO most HS batters can't even see spin. Then they get in to a count where they can't look for only a FB; and have to guess. The inside fastball that they thought was going to be off the plate for a ball, actually was a hard breaking pitch that broke in on them a little to much; and WACK! The batter didn't get hit intentionally; and the pitcher doesn't hit his spot but gets rewarded. YUCK! I don't understand the rule at all. Pitchers should not hit the batters. If they do, then "batter take your base."

OK guys, thanks.
Originally posted by ballyall:
Interesting line--of course he was referring to his recruiting practices, but it does become comical in light of his recent behavior and reaction in the summer league championship

In an interesting developement at St. Rita, Shane Conlon will NOT go there for his senior year, he will attend Naperville Central. I think I know what happened to cause this, but I won't comment here because that would not be appropriate.

Needless to say, this makes Central one of the best teams in the state for next year. Last June they won what is considered the toughest sectional top to bottom with 7 juniors in their batting order and a sophmore starting pitcher in the championship game. All those kids are back.

They would have been very good without Shane, he will improve the team significantly.

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