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I don't have any experience with Northwestern but we host several events at Indiana University and know the staff relatively well. First class coaching staff, definitely turning the program around, I believe they are going to get some major facility upgrades, the coaches have been very well received as they know what they are doing, and the campus/university is fantastic! Are you looking to send a son/player to IU?
NU...Perennial dormat in the Big 11, but always seems to send a couple of kids to the pros each year.

I think the head coach as been there for about 20 years and has a losing record.

Great education at NU.

IU...A basketball school. Everyone hears good things about the coaching staff, but it will still be hard to do much about the big baseball dogs in the Big Ten: Minnesota and Ohio State. Too, Michigan is on the rise.
Last edited by BeenthereIL

Basketball is King at IU, true. We turned in to a pretty good football school this year too Smile. I think Michigan has gotten over the "on the rise" thing as they are on the national stage now. The baseball program has some work to do but they are getting some top talent and they are still very very young.

IL is getting some upgrades too aren't they? I think everyone is going in on the field turf and stadium renovation projects right now.
you can go to the IU web-site for the facilities upgrade plan. Pretty small time stuff though, especially compared to the south. You can tell by looking at the plans that they aren't ready to sink money into baseball and softball in Indiana. Indiana and Northwestern will continue to get dominated by the rest of the Big Ten AND other smaller schools because their recruiting is terrible and the in-state offerings of talent is awful (ask any scout). They can't afford anything outside of indiana to speak of generally speaking because the 11.7, reputation, athletic department financing struggles, Rick Greenspan, and now the new rules of 25% minimum. Look for them to struggle with a below .500 record,,unless this Smith can turn things around.
Last edited by switchitter
Originally posted by bullsbaseball:
i'm not sure about indiana talent being awful. Re: lance lynn @ mississippi, andrew clark @ louisville, scott rolen, adam lind, tommy hunter & jarrod parker in mlb, and alex meyer & bryce robinson top hs prospects. probably not the number of prospects you will find further south or west, but not awful.

Awful is a strong word but that's just the skinny from many scouts who cover that region. When you can only name a handful that get MLB consideration and you have to go all the way back to Scott Rolen, that pretty much confirms this.
The comments above do not fit Northwestern at all. NU is in Illinois, and I wouldn't call Illinois an "awful" recruiting base. Plus, NU is not a state school. As a private with very high academic standards and a much higher tuition than other Big Ten schools, there are some definite hurdles for recruiting, but they are not at all limited to in-state players.
Originally posted by wisbballmom:
The comments above do not fit Northwestern at all. NU is in Illinois, and I wouldn't call Illinois an "awful" recruiting base. Plus, NU is not a state school. As a private with very high academic standards and a much higher tuition than other Big Ten schools, there are some definite hurdles for recruiting, but they are not at all limited to in-state players.

Illinois has a much bigger recruiting base. And you're right, Northwestern does attract the more wealthy baseball players but I believe they also give scholorships to baseball if I am not mistaken. Someone might correct me on this.
Last edited by switchitter

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