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Originally posted by IEBSBL:

Well you might have read my profile but you have not read my posts. Again I have stated HS coaches are as much to blame for this as anyone. Yes ABD is in my own backyard. However, I do not have any players from my program that play for the Spring league. Why is this offensive to me? When did I say it was offensive? I don't find it offensive, I have seen his teams play I do know that there are some guys on the rosters that were cut by teams but were still good enough to play. Heck, I saw two kids that I know they got cut and they were good enough to play for me. I know where HS baseball is going because I know where softball and basketball has gone. My issues is with the shear arrogance of the organization.

You know nothing about me. You comment about HS baseball traditionalists are unable to grasp it is an alternative, is lame. If this was the case I would say Summer baseball and winter baseball are a must for my players. I don't, I make sure my players are playing outside my field and gaining exposure. Also I am completely offended by you stating I will have fewer players to cut. Again you know nothing about my program or about me. I am not going to pull and ABCL and broadcast how great I am. However, if you care PM me, and I will tell you exactly what I do and you would be shocked. I am going to guess you won't because you sound like a disgruntled parent, and I haven't even seen your profile. I will be awaiting your PM.

Really! Playing the disgruntled parent card. Typical response anytime a parent has a opinion contrary to a coaches

"I don't have any players playing in the spring league".
Uhh probably because it runs at the same time as the HS baseball season.

When did I say it was offensive /I don't find it offensive"
My bad,this must be how you embrace something

"My issue is when it bleeds into the HS season"

"However when stuff like the above article starts happening during the spring season this is not good for the sport of baseball"

"They went their because they did not see eye to eye with the coaching staff on how their son should be utilized.This type of situation is not good for HS baseball. This type of situation is not good for the HS coach"

Maybe ****ed off would suit you better!

"HS baseball traditionalists are unable to grasp it as an alternative"
Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to players opting out of HS baseball for a alternative Spring league similiar to the ABCL. Most HS coaches have evolved to a point were they see the benefits of playing in leagues that will challenge a player...Congratulations you made the transition.

Why in world would I PM you for your resume. I doubt that it would change my mind on having choices. You see I really don't care who you are,what you've done or how you do it. If your providing a dynamic baseball experience for your players that should be enough.

OK. Lets cut to the chase. IMO your ****ed. If your heart was true and you loved coaching it would not make a bit of difference who was on "your field" because you loved to coach. But your competitive and you want to win and you have this monster in your backyard vying for virtually any player willing to listen. They have history,resources,experienced coaches, college connections, pro connections and it goes on and on and on. Are they arrogant,I'm not sure. But they are in business and their going to promote it. Do they promote their business by stepping on HS coaches toes. Hell yeah.

Really to bottom line this ABCL exist because there's a demand. And believe it or not any kid that you lose to an alternative Spring league like the ABCL provides an opportunity for another kid to play baseball for his HS.If you love the sport of baseball you provide more opportunities, you don't limit them
Last edited by dswann
Never told you I would give you my resume big guy. I only hand out a resume to employers. What I said was PM if you really want to know what goes on in my program and of course you didn't because you just want to run your mouth and not get to the heart of things. Oh and your comment about less kids to cut is typical of a disgruntled parent and that is why I called you that. Like I said if you really want to know what goes on with me PM or continue to stand on your soap box out here and get no where.

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