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I don't mind paying for intense baseball instruction to help good HS players get even better. Showcases are fine but to me they sucker you into believing your son is better than he is. Its also political BS in who you know. These are the guys who get you invited most of the time. I'd rather pay a good dollar for serious teachings, which I've done. Never invited to a Team One Showcase but have a son going D-1. Go figure. List quality instruction in the Penna. (NW), Ohio, Ny(sw) areas and I'll
get good HS players there.
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Good for you Coach Blu, it's great that your son is playing D-1.

Unfotunately not everyone can have their kids "found" by D-1 schools.

I really feel sorry for the 400 scouts recruiter at the East Coast show case, the 60 colleges at Teamone South SHowcase and the 50 plus at perfect game... they must be embarrassed to attend these events since it is based on who you know.

So I guess I should just get lessons for my son and sit by the phone.

I'm sure others will join in on this conversation but it be nice if you answer these questions, since we should be here to help others.

How did the college find your son?
What school will he be attending?
What other schools had interest in him, and how did they see him?
The thing a lot of parents do not realize is that it is very difficult if not impossible for D1 schools or for that matter any college/JC to watch your son play high school baseball, why? Because they are playing/practicing at the same time. The most important thing for good HS player to do is to get out there during the summer. I believe that there is no such thing as too much exposure. It is very important to play on the best summer team possible, one that is coached by someone who understands how it works and takes his team to the right events. In addition it is important to attend individual events such as showcases to get your self on the radar screen outside of the geographic area you reside in. I believe that if you are a strong HS player there is a college out there that you can play for, it than becomes a matter of making the connection. There are many avenues to accomplish this .... camps, showcases, national tournaments, writing letter/phone call to coaches. For sure the elite nationally ranked players will be recognized, but even those players need to get out there so scouts/recruiters can cross check them against the best competition. If you are seen only once by national cross checker you might have a bad day and that could be a deal breaker, on the other hand if he gets to watch you a few times chances are he will see you at your best.

Personally my son spends much of the summer traveling with his southern California travel team. They do Perfect Game WWBA, BCS, Connie Mack, USABF. In the fall he plays scout ball and goes with his travel team to Arizona Fall Classic and PG Nationals in Jupiter. I am fortunate in that I can afford to send my son to these events that provide tons of exposure, but most importantly they provide some of the best competition available which helps him to improve.
Thanks for the replies. I agree playing as much as possible is the thing to do. I was too harsh on Showcases because they are good tools. I understand exactly what NC is saying as well. I'm more concerned with parents who get suckered into all these so called World series events for 3-5 grand. I know many who think there kids are a select group when in reality
almost everone is asked. These kids are average to below average at best. This is where I say get great instruction, work hard and prove yourself on the field. I'm a little mellowere today.
Yes I have TR. I'm a Coach as well as a person who helps players at no charge get in contact with coaches. Not all are bad but I've attended some that are called Showcases that are run quite poor. All I'm trying to do is let parents know they need to always investigate before they put out any hard earned dollars. Thumbs up to those that are run well.
Just be honest on a players ability.

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