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Hey guys, I'm a baseball player from the Lehigh Valley region in Pennsylvania and I have a slight dilemma and a question or two.


To start off I'm 5'9 / 5'10 and 125-130lbs. I'm doing all I can to gain weight but it's just not coming this is hurting my chances when it comes to baseball already. Both my freshman and sophomore years I was cut from my JV team because I was "too small" even though last year  I went 20/20 in the cage (only one to do so) and threw strikes at a decent speed of 75-80 mph. Since then I've gained very little weight due to metabolism but have picked up a few MPH. Also due to my family's money situation I've not had the opportunity to play travel ball. I'm already discouraged when it comes to trying out this upcoming season because I feel like no matter what I do, the HS coaches will find a reason to cut me. It's very frusterating since everywhere I've played I've been told "You have what it takes" when it comes to playing some level of college baseball. When I was in 7th grade a college baseball coach walked up to my dad personally and told him that I was the best pitcher at the camp and that he could definitely see me playing division 2 or three college baseball. The past two seasons I've played in the local rec league which is believe it or not pretty talented and being one of the younger players in the league it presented a challenge. The past two seasons I've struck out 106 in 64 (35 in 29 innings and 71 in 35 innings) innings while only walking around 35-40.


Hitting wise, I'm not a power hitter by any means, I'm mostly a singles guy with some speed but I also draw tons of walks. My batting average has been around .350-.400 not totally sure but I've walked around 40 times each season. 


Also my one teammate this past season who played rec ball and senior legion played one year of JV but got this past year and was still invited to two combines. The one thing which questions the legitimacy of my HS team as well is various players who are very good were cut while they took a 5'2 130 lb kid who did not play at all and apparently showed nothing throughout the season which makes no sense on the "too small" thing I was told when I was cut. 



My question is if I get cut this season is my dream of playing some level of college baseball over? 

Yeah if it is I'll be disappointed but some times things are not meant to be. 


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Screw 'em. Play wherever they will take you. Play rec, post on here looking to guest play. See if you can find a travel team that will let you fund raise. I know your school tried to get you to sell wrapping paper sometime in your elementary career so why shouldn't you try to find local businesses to contribute a little money. My son plays for a travel team that will cost around $200 a month. He has worked out an agreement to take care of a couple of yards for a year if they will pay the team costs. If it rains a lot he is toast. As long as you continue to work at it you have a shot. Just because a coach can't see past the physical doesn't mean you should give it up. We played a team with a left handed catcher today. You just need to find a coach who will see the possible instead of the impossible. Good luck.

It's only over when you stop playing.  Being cut is a blow to the ego and can make things more difficult but it's out of your control so why worry about it.  Work on those things that you can control.  If you want to play, work on your skill, seek fair evaluations of your talent, and then make your decissions.  You can't control genetics or coaches, you can control effort and commitment so spend time on the things you can control.

You're in one of the most baseball talent heavy large high schools in the area. You've been cut your freshman and sophomore year. You have four months to get a lot stronger and vastly improve your skills to make JV as a junior. Ask yourself if it's possible. It's the only way you're going to make varsity as a senior. Does your school have juniors getting regular playing time on JV?


If it doesn't happen for you in high school ball it doesn't mean baseball is over. Be the scorekeeper or an equipment manager for the team. Play summer ball at whatever level you can. After high school there's a Connie Mack League that's 17-22 that's casual ball. There's also MABL after high school.


Forget about what some college coach said when you were in 7th grade. Focus on what you are now and improve.



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