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so I have had some issues with being late on pitches the last few years. It hasn’t been season ruining or anything, as I am still among the league leaders in most offensive categories, in a pretty competitive league. However I feel like I get beat by moderate velocity fastballs, and late moving breaking balls way too often. And when I get to them, it’s a very inside out, liner to the opposite field. I want to be able to turn on an inside fastball for power, not just fight it off to right for a droopy base hit.

I have tried all I can think of; getting started early, adding a leg kick for timing, playing with how I grip the bat, starting with my hands farther back and forward and up and down, and on and on; but still the same issue. I legitimately can not remember the last time I pulled a hard hit foul ball off a harder throwing pitcher.

To me, it feels like I have trouble getting the barrel to release. Almost like I’m making contact well out in front, but still somehow going to right, when I see other guys pulling the ball with power, while hitting it deeper in the zone. Any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas would be super appreciated.

Original Post

Thanks for sharing the "frustration" video.  We've all been there... gotta be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes when going thru the struggle.

Really hard to tell as I am picking up a few different and somewhat opposite things on the two videos.  So, this is a longshot simplistic stab...  But on swings 3 and 4 of the first video, it looks like you are letting inside pitches travel too deep and getting jammed.  So, even with foot down early, etc., if you let that happen, all you can do is what you described.  You must recognize location and get your hands out front as you are pulling them in.  Then, stay behind and drive it.

This is one "disease" that usually requires a whole lot of taking a step back to tee work to regain the feel of staying behind/staying inside/getting to it out front and driving pull pitches before you get back to front toss or pitched bp.

The short second video actually shows a little bit of leak but if you go back to the tee work and include the "stay inside" aspect as a focal point, that should help wit that as well.

Disclaimer - beware of internet hitting advice 

Last edited by cabbagedad

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