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Pulled out of an excel document, so apologies for the strange formatting.

Thur Feb 21
10:00 P2 Burleson vs Forney
12:30 P1 Irving Mac vs.First Baptist
3:00 P1 Abilene vs Ryan
5:30 P1 Ryan vs First Baptist
8:00 P1 Abilene vs. Liberty Chr.

Fri. Feb 22
10:00 P1 Abilene vs. First Baptist
12:30 P1 Abilene vs. Irving Mac
3:00 P1 Ryan vs. Liberty Chr
5:30 P1 Liberty Chr vs.Irving Mac
8:00 P2 TCA vs. Forney

Sat Feb 23
P2 9:00 TCA vs. Burleson
P1 11:30 Ryan vs Irving Mac

3:00 P1 3rd vs. P2 3rd
5:30 P1 2nd vs. P2 2nd
8:00 P1 1st vs. P2 1st

Thur Feb 21
2:00 P2 Denton vs. Forney
4:30 P2 Irving Nimitz vs. Burleson
7:00 P2 Irving Nimitz vs. TCA

Fri Feb 22
2:00 P2 Forney vs. Irving Nimitz
4:30 P2 Denton vs. TCA
7:00 P2 Denton vs. Burleson

Sat Feb 23
9:00 P1 Liberty Chr vs.First Baptist
11:30 P2 Denton vs. Irving Nimitz

3:00 P1 4th vs. P2 4th
5:30 P1 5th vs. P2 5th
Argyle Liberty Christian
Denton Ryan
First Baptist
Irving MacArthur

Irving Nimitz

10:00 Burleson v. Forney
12:30 Irving MacArthur v. First Baptist
3:00 Abilene v. Denton Ryan
5:30 Denton Ryan v. First Baptist
8:00 Abilene v. Argyle Liberty Christian

2:00 Denton v. Forney
4:30 Irving Nimitz v. Burleson
7:00 Irving Nimitz v. TCA

10:00 Abilene v. First Baptist
12:30 Abilene v. Irving MacArthur
3:00 Denton Ryan v. Argyle Liberty Christian
5:30 Argyle Liberty Christian v. Irving MacArthur
8:00 TCA v. Forney

2:00 Forney v. Irving Nimitz
4:30 Denton v. TCA
7:00 Denton v. Burleson

9:00 TCA v. Burleson
11:30 Denton Ryan v. Irving MacArthur
3:00 Pool 1 3rd v. Pool 2 3rd
5:30 Pool 1 2nd v. Pool 2 2nd
8:00 Pool 1 1st v. Pool 2 1st

9:00 Argyle Liberty Christian v. First Baptist
11:30 Denton v. Irving Nimitz
3:00 Pool 1 4th v. Pool 2 4th
5:30 Pool 1 5th v. Pool 2 5th
Several good players in this tournament. Over 50 scouts signed in yesterday to see some of the prospects.

Saw Vance Woodruff (Forney-USC) to start off the day throwing against Burleson, followed by Colton Farrar (First Baptist-Tx Tech) throwing against Irving MacArthur, then Curtis Petersen (Denton Ryan-Nebraska)against Abilene, then David Rollins (First Baptist-Mizzou)in a great matchup against Cord Jezek Denton Ryan-Odessa). Most of the area scouts then left and were apparently going to see OPSon in the McKinney Tournament, but a few stayed to watch Carson Blair (Liberty Christian-Tulane) play infield in the night game against Abilene. It was a good day with a lot of talent out there, but it needed to be 40 degrees warmer!
Last edited by Dillon
Burleson 3 7 2
TCA 5 6 2

WP: Chris McTavish
LP: Jesus Sanchez

This one featured no extra base hits, but a rare sight indeed late in the game as TCA shortstop Derrick May took a bad hop off the checkbone and had to come out (he's ok - just a little dazed). With other injuries sidelining his backup, Coach Sharp moved his lefthanded centerfielder (Natural-son) to shortstop where he promptly turned a game ending double play!

His dreams have now come true.
Last edited by Natural
First of all Coach Talley FC -- I resent the idea that I somehow show favoritism to your idea of a so-called inner circle. Show me the posts and I'll be glad to discuss them with you. Yes, I have friends here ---- do you? There is obviously a difference of opinion on this issue and I won't take sides on what happened as there are two vastly opposing reports. However, as you would agree, Jack Sharp has an impeccable reputation in the baseball community. Your coaches would agree as well. Regarding heat of the moment situations, things are said and done that may not represent "normalcy". In this case, I'm sorry your son was injured. I hope he will not miss games as FBC is having a nice season thus far.

I think it's safe to say that no parents here condone laughing at the prospect of an injury -- if that actually occurred. And whether or not the player's ejection was fair, it seems to me that there are rules that should be applied. And umpires may need to be reminded of certain rules from time to time. In my opinion, if the kid (I don't know who it was) was indeed laughing at a kid that was injured, I would support his ejection. Again....let me be redundant....this could be my favorite Trojan....if he disrespected the game or his opponent, the umpires should have the right to decide a punishment, within the rules.

This incident includes a multitude of discussion points....including the idea of bunting while up 10 runs and the ever increasing "talk" on the field. In my opinion, which isn't worth the cost of your morning coffee, there were baseball men in each of your dugouts --- running up the score at this point in a tournament seems ridiculous. Freshman -- young player? Ok. But he too needs to learn how to play the game right. Your coaches should be sure that happens. The on-the-field talking needs to be controlled by coaches as well. It's not just your's happening most everywhere. I think the focus needs to return to the game.

Ok -- I'll even contribute a controversial comment Cool ---- why do the Christian schools seem to have so much trouble with this "heat of competition"?

I doubt that we'll reach agreement on this incident. I hope both teams recover from their injuries and learn valuable lessons.

-PD, the totalitarian moderator.
Last edited by Panther Dad
I congratulate many kids here, including those that I do not know personally. And who said Natural's son was my favorite Trojan? Cool You missed my point.

My earlier post had nothing to do with this incident -- I was joking with Natural about his left-handed son playing SS in an earlier game. And, if you read my post after the incident, I think it's clear that I did not take sides. No one previously discussed the circumstances of running up the score ---- including your post that agrees that bunting was wrong in that situation. So, you're contradicting yourself. I have no problem with trying to score more runs in the 2nd inning. You reported "poor sportsmanship" in your earlier post -- from both sides -- now you're saying there wasn't enough time for it.

And, for the record, I take most posts here at face value. This site is just a hobby for me, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. In the interest of jouralistic integrity, someone originally "reported" that the game was forfeited because an ejected player refused to leave the dugout. Is that really the case?

I am a member of Prestonwood -- so, I wasn't baiting anyone. In my opinion, the private school rivalries have become somewhat crazy. Just an opinion. And we have illness in the family or we'll be headed to church as well.

In any case, accidents happen in baseball games. Again, I am assuming that the play at 2nd was an accident. You have not indicated that you believe it was, I'll choose to believe otherwise. Make a few friends here and maybe you'll view things differently.

Last edited by Panther Dad
"Inner Circle"

I have no dog in the fight here but you have touched a nerve. If anyone who reads this message board does not think there is an "inner circle", they have they heads neatly tucked in the clouds. This forum is a great place to learn about high school baseball in the Dallas / Ft Worth Metroplex. But, if someone who is not a regular on the forum makes a comments that is controversial to one of the regular posters, they will gang up on the perceived outsider. It is just the way it is, this is not to say the inner circle is always incorrect, sometimes / many times they are in the right, but they do back each other up on a regular basis.
I didn't say there wasn't a group of posters that have become friends here. If that's an inner circle then so-be-it. But, as a moderator, I don't think I treat their posts differently than I do others. Maybe I do. In this case, I never claimed that Natural's post was more accurate than others. I wasn't there -- and I don't have the energy to call around to see who's view is closest to the truth.

I'm busy following the 4-0-1 Panthers -- go East!
CTFC -- you're obviously too emotional about this topic to discuss it objectively. I didn't parse your posts -- it was Four Baseball that originally reported how the game ended. Or are you Four Baseball as well?

I don't resent the idea of an inner circle -- maybe you should reread my posts -- I said that I resent the idea that I show favoritism towards some posters. And I'll have to go look up the word "espouse". Cool I'm not interested in continuing this argument....seems we've gotten along in the past. Concerning the message board, you can turn the experience into anything you want. To be perfectly honest, I joined the dicussion when you mentioned my name. I don't really care about one team running up the score (or not) on another team. I'm not overly concerned about kids trash talking, although I wish the coaches would dial it back a bit. And I do not want to see players hurt, under any circumstance.

Regarding this topic -- you're absolutely correct -- we should be congratulating the tournament winner. Incidentally, the final results were not mentioned until after the details of the FBC/TCA game began -- Letot first listed that information.

Let me join CTFC in congratulationg ALC on winning the championship. It appears to me that this was a very competitive tournament, with several strong teams and more than a few college/pro prospects. According to many reports, the scounts flocked to these games....and that's good for the kids. It sounds like there were many competivite games. And I'll admit, the winner was a bit of a surprise to me. Way to go ALC!!!
Last edited by Panther Dad
Coach Tally FC,

As a member of the "inner-circle club" let me be the first to welcome your insight into the posts. You obviously have a vested interest and a valid opinion.
I must admit I was taken aback by the fact that your son was hurt, and had Four Baseball mentioned the injury in the original post, I'm sure the "inner-circle" would have been offering words of concern for your son as well as words of support for Coach Sharp. I've sent a prayer of healing your way.

Natural gives wonderful advice and insight, also. (Except for his slanted Univ. of Texas posts.)

After reading your continued posts, I can see that you, like the rest of us, are a passionate parent that cares not only about their son, but the great game of baseball, also.

We all have our opinions, and yours, as well as the "inner circles" are what make this board a great place to discuss ALL aspects of baseball.

Once again, let me welcome you for the insight you bring. I'm happy to include you as the newest member of the club. Dues need to be paid to Julie. Wink

Congrats to Argyle on the win. I heard they had an injured player as well. Someone who knows, please post.
Last edited by collikar
Leeeeeettttts get ready to ruuuummmmble Big Grin

It is sad that a player get's hurt. Was the sliding players intent to hurt the 2nd baseman(hopefully not)
but we must face it, that baseball is a dangerous game
when metal spikes and testosterone are involved. CTFC, I hope your sons injury is not serious and that he will be back out on the diamond soon.
Letot -- if you want to direct the discussion down that road, you have to do more than suggest it. Your team received recognition -- what else do you want to talk about? --- you can lead horses to water but.....well you know the rest.

You have three posts on the subject.

What else can you contribute on the championship game?
Will do PD. Denton High sophmore pitcher Hunter Dozier went the distance and looked good in a losing effort. Abel Baker Denton High can flat swing the bat. The folks at both Denton Ryan and Denton High did a great job hosting the tournament. The Bar-B-Q at Raider Field is outstanding. I would like to thank the many volunteers who helped make this tournament a success. Hope to be back again next year.
PE scrimmaged Denton last week. I like their pitching once they get into their district schedule. 4-5 games in three days stretches the pitching on most teams but provides opportunity for those that may not be in the top 3. I assume Abel will be used sparingly on the relief or emergency situations. Nice to have a kid like that who can come in and give you strong innings. And you're right -- he can SWING IT!

How did Carson Blair look throughout the tourney?
First of all I want to make sure everyone here knows who this post comes from....I am an assistant coach at FBA....I am the coach that went to the home plate umpire to talk about the situation (not Omar or Cecil, they were checking on our player)....

I told the umpire that the slide "looked intentional because our player was 2-3 ft behind (to the left field side of) the bag when the player made contact....His words were..."I was going to tell you that"

I paused then made sure that was what the umpire said!!!! At that point, I told the umpire that under Federation rules, that was an automatic ejection.... At this point he went to the base umpire to discuss it with him. The base umpire said he didn't see anything because he was making the call at first...At this point, the home plate umpire ejected the runner....

It as simple as that....

Now to elaborate with more factual detail on this matter....When the kid slide into out 2nd baseman, the ball was nearly to first base....A player under any circumstances should NEVER slide late....This increases a chance for injury to him as well....This was NO NORMAL SLIDE...There was one intent only and that was to take the pivot man out no matter where he was. That was the reason for the ejection....All I have said here I would testify under oath to....

I don't know any of you on this web site...I will admit to lurking here for more thatn 2 years...I always enjoy the banter that goes on here....

Do I think the player from TCA meant to "HURT" our player - NO....Do I think he was intent on taking him out no matter what....YES....

CTFC is right, there was mouthing going on from both sides. I guarantee you we will handle our kids Monday....

As far as running up the score....that is the biggest load of c r a p I have ever heard....We went into the game to play baseball....That is what we did!!!!

I'm sorry that some people on here want us to call off the dogs at 10 runs....Last time I checked, the run rule was 10...I noticed in the McKinney Tournament that some teams got beat by more than 15. No one here complained about that....But let a powerhouse get behind by ten runs, (by a team that most don't consider worthy) and everyone wants to say we were running up the score. Confused Two years ago, FBA got DROVE by teams and no one here complained that it wasn't fair!!!!

These are high school kids in a competitive situation. You play ALL sports to win...That's the reason we keep score...Coaches loose their jobs if they don't win....Who are any of you to know the intent of our players or coaches....Our coaches didn't even call pitches because we scored 10 runs in the top of the 1st....

Why should we quit playing baseball after 1/2 an inning. The last time I looked, TCA has a very good team. Both were playing for 3rd place....Are you saying TCA was going to go to the plate and not try to get back into the game...Are you saying that TCA's players and coaches had conceded to us after 1/2 an inning of play....Everyone needs to quit crying because "we were running up the score" That is a bunch of c r a p!!!!

Personally, I feel that you don't call off the dogs until you get 15 runs ahead (but I'm not the head coach). This is because if the other team starts scoring runs, the game still continues....Don't complain to me about not having enough pitching....TCA knew the number of games before they showed up....

I could keep going but I won't for now....I wait for the responses from people that have only half facts and truths to respond....
Last edited by Coach Phillips
Coach Philips,

Welcome to the message board. We like having coaches that will participate and contribute their unique perspective.

Concerning this subject....if you read back....there was not a group of posters that felt like you were running up the score. When the initial comment was made about bunting and stealing when up by 10 runs, there were no details about the inning, etc. I assumed that it was later in the game. Let me clear up my perspective on it --- I do not think you call off the dogs that early in the game. I do think you keep trying to score. And the decision to stop stealing and bunting is not a black and white call. Only the coaches there can determine the overall tone of the game. In general, it is good baseball etiquette to stop bunting and stealing when the game gets out of hand --- I'm sure you would agree.

Thanks for joining the discussion.
Originally posted by Letot:
Will do PD. Denton High sophmore pitcher Hunter Dozier went the distance and looked good in a losing effort. Abel Baker Denton High can flat swing the bat. The folks at both Denton Ryan and Denton High did a great job hosting the tournament. The Bar-B-Q at Raider Field is outstanding. I would like to thank the many volunteers who helped make this tournament a success. Hope to be back again next year.

Hunter Dozier is the player to watch! He is not a primary pitcher... he was called upon to come in and pitch in the final game of the tournament. He generally plays 2nd base. During the tournament, as a sophomore, he had a HR and 5 doubles!

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