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I understand why you were upset. Despite your reluctance to talk about your kids, this is an inspirational story and it might help others that are dealing with injuries -- or their parents, who have to remain postive and encouraging behind the scene. I'm glad the injury on Sunday wasn't serious.

You know, there are many here that will criticize the well-known coaches (not just Cecil and Omar). But there is a large group of people that will defend and praise these guys for what they do for their kids. I have nothing negative to say about the FBA coaches. I'm glad you have had a positive experience.

As we have discussed, there were emotions on both sides of the field this past weekend. I'm sure the game this weekend will be a better reflection of two strong teams.....both will classy parents and coaches.

Personally, I'd like to see Foster pitch against Rollins. Cool
Last edited by Panther Dad
They say hindsight is 20-20.

With that in mind, I have elected to delete my earlier posts. I regret having made them and the hard feelings they generated. Although it is entirely up to each individual poster I would encourage others to do the same.

I truly hope CTFC's son is healthy and able to play this week. I understand completely how he feels as my son went through a very serious knee injury and painful rehab in the summer of 2005. My apologies to Coach Phillips for casting aspersions on the FBA coaching staff. We look forward to hosting FBA at the Newman Smith/TCA Tourney this week and I look forward to watching some great baseball from all the teams.
Last edited by Natural

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