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I believe to get into some of the local tournaments with the Mustangs, Tigers, Marshalls, etc... you can contact any of those teams to inquire about the availability.

My son plays for the Mustangs and for the 2008 season our schedule was set back in March 08. If you were to contact them now for 2009 I believe you could get into several of the tournaments they hold. I understand that some are invitation only but I bet they aren't all set up that way.
Originally posted by 4genball: much negative feedback and so many examples of a world full of hate and doubt.....such a shame.

4G, some of your comments including the one above are painfully over the top. IMO there is a big difference between someone playing devil's advocate and "examples of a world full of hate and doubt".

However, I must say that I am very happy that you are no longer "a lost and dying soul stranded in this world without hope".
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Every time a new poster comes on the site there is a learning curve involved. The new poster has to learn about the board and the old posters need to learn about the new guy.

To new people I would say give it a chance, read the board rules and don't be overzealous. To the old guard I would advise them to give the new guy a chance to get used to us and to not feel the need to be territorial.

Newcomers sometimes are overzealous and old timers sometimes are not very forgiving. Let us give each other a chance to adapt.

Originally posted by Bighit15:
Every time a new poster comes on the site there is a learning curve involved. The new poster has to learn about the board and the old posters need to learn about the new guy.

To new people I would say give it a chance, read the board rules and don't be overzealous. To the old guard I would advise them to give the new guy a chance to get used to us and to not feel the need to be territorial.

Newcomers sometimes are overzealous and old timers sometimes are not very forgiving. Let us give each other a chance to adapt.


The one thing JBC has going for them is knowledge and experience.

If Aaron, Tony, and Rudy are will be taught correctly. There is no doubt about that.

I sincerely hope the organization succeeds. Always room for knowledgable baseball people.
"So far.....what has been achieved by this long and drawn out thread? It seems to me, with every question answered, a new comment or question is posted."

This thread started to "promote" his Baseball Club - and (3) pages later I think we all know about them now!

Every organization has their own way to judge the talent of players that are either trying out or involved with their organization. JBC calls it a "scale" and believes in that system.
Only time will tell if their system works or not.

(with the Jaramillo's involved they are following a sure thing - HITTING)

Good Luck!
Last edited by HaltomScout
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
So far.....what has been achieved by this long and drawn out thread? It seems to me, with every question answered, a new comment or question is posted.

Where does this thread rank on the "JS" chart for you?

Call me ignorant Ken, but I have no idea what the "JS"
chart is. Sorry!
Last edited by Danny Boydston
To those of you who have expressed an interest in playing for our club,

Please join us at the Lake Dallas High School Baseball field this Sunday, August 10th. We will begin signing everyone in at 5:00 PM. The workout will begin at 5:30PM. Our returning players will join the workout at 7:00PM.

We will make our roster decisions and communicate those decisions to the parents and players at the end of the workout. The final rosters will combine our returning players with players that we have seen or will see at our workouts.

Sunday will be the last "group" workout held, and private workouts will not be available after Wednesday August 13th unless specific arrangements have been made.

If you are interested in attending and have not notified me, please contact me at the E-mail address below.

If you cannot make it and have an interest in our club, please contact me immediately so I can schedule a private workout as soon as possible

Baseball field is in the very back of the school property. Turn in at the 1st entrance past the school building and follow the parking lot, past the football stadium, all the way to the baseball fields in the back. Go in through the third base side gate.

Thank you.
Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players: much negative feedback and so many examples of a world full of hate and doubt.....such a shame.

Originally posted by 4genball re: "What is the top hand's role in the swing?":

Probably not in "your" discussions as you abviously do not undertand the biomechanics of the swing.

The fact that you made the statement "the lower body has no place in a discussion of the role of the top hand in hitting" shows how uniformed and "little league" you are.

Everything about the swing starts and ends with the lower half....but I understand why you think the way you are a symptoms guy like most all self professed "hitting instructors".

Also, I didn't realize you were the new "thread category" monitor. Did you get a corner office with your new position?

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

And the haters come out.

Originally posted by 4genball re: "Since no one else has mentioned it.......":

Hold on there Sandra Day O'connor. Before you pass judgement and make such a ridiculous statement about someone you obviously do not know, you should try and make sure you have your facts straight. I usually don't comment about ignorant posts of this type because I figure everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I'm a little closer to this one than most so....

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

Nothing good can come from negativity. You can't fix a negative with a negative. If we have nothing positive to say, we do not say anything.

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

During my coaching career I had a lifetime winning percentage of .810 and have had my players go on to D1/D2/D3 universities, JUCO's and the professional ranks. As a scout I've had six players signed to professional contracts with one of them playing international ball (Italy).

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

I had 119 direct and indirect (salaried and bargaining unit/union) employees reporting to me and was the VP of Operations for our Texas business unit. My territory ran from the Texas/Arkansas line south to Harlingen and west to San Angelo. I have a Masters in Project Management from George Washington University.

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

...I do not believe in self promotion.

Originally posted by 4genball re:Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is looking for 16U players:

After this thread, I'm thinking we should hold some reading and comprehension classes...
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
Hey PD,

When does someone (moderator) decide a thread has ran it's course. IMHO, this last post would be a good "thread closed" point. Then of course I have never been asked to moderate anything! Cool

By the way 4genball, nice high school facility your holding tryouts at. Watched the young one there for four years.


This is the greatest thread in the history of ever.

Why do you want it to go away?

I give it a "JS" rating of 9.
I've been away from the message board for a few guys can decide when to shut a topic down by discontinuing the will sink like a lead weight. Cool I'd prefer to moderate threads that are violating message board rules rather than those that grow weary to some. If this group is legit, their results will speak for themselves. The new clubs come and go quickly, eh?

Typical PD-
get your stabs in when you can; never understood why they made you the moderator.

Roll Eyes marshalsrule, this is the best you can come up with for your 4th post. What has PD done to you? Do you know PD? I bet not, if you can't contribute in a positive way, then don't post.

By the way, I didn't think PD's post meant to take a stab at the JBC. JMO
marshallsrule, I suggested to the owner that PD become a moderator. You had better believe he is much nicer than I am. If you have a problem with PD feel free to pm PD or myself. PD is one of the fairest and most patient moderators on the site.

I don't believe that PD took a shot. I believe he is suggesting that we have been around long enough to know that they come and they go. That is it.

I suggest you read the board manners.

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Last edited by Bighit15
Thanks guys for coming to my defense -- and you're right, I was simply suggesting that the initial promotion of JBC should threaten no one. In my opinion, the key to a club's success is simple ---- say what you do and do what you say. There's room enough for numerous select organizations in town.

marshallsrule -- the moderators here are an easy target. I can't determine whether you are upset with me because you think I am taking a shot at JBC or because I didn't shut down the topic. In either case Marshals has a single "l". Cool
If this organization has anything to do with, or any ties to Rudy J, then by all means give them a chance.
The young one took lessons from Rudy a couple of times and realized he is one of the best at what he does. He was also one of the most professional and polite people we have ever met in all the years my son has spent in baseball. Just my two cents worth before we run out of bandwidth. Wink
Last edited by Danny Boydston

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