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This doesn't look good:

Feel for all the families who have already spent a lot of money. I know PG will do its best to get in as many games as possible. Has anyone been to Jupiter when the weather caused a lot of changes? I'd like to get an idea of what to expect.

Jr. has several coaches wanting to see him there. Any suggestions for getting in front of them asap if the whole thing is a washout (in addition to camps)?
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It will be windy the first couple days that's for sure. In fact it's windy today. Hoping we don't get a ton of rain. If we do, we are in the right place. They have a great grounds crew here and they know the importance of this event.

I'm just happy that Sandy isn't coming at us. Hope it goes east so it doesn't affect the Atlantic Coast and the Northeast. Think East!


Have your son stop up in the Blue Tower at some point. He is a great young man and we would like to help him if we can.
My son played an exhibition game this morning around 9:00. Started to drizzle and the wind was pretty bad. Weather isn't too bad as of now though. He did mention he didnt care for pitching in the high wind. Said the field was in great shape but slightly damp and gave way some late in the game. All-and-all, the weather was not much of a factor yet.
Last edited by BK_Razorback
I am confused as to what you are "hearing". I live in south florida and have since 1996.
I am not hearing this. Yes the weather is not nice, but not a hurricane.

If this hurricane was a real threat, they would be out blasting on the news that we need to prepare and you have no idea how they try to scare you into preparing. We here laugh about it, how the grocery stores, Walmart, Home Depot, gas stations, etc get to boost their weekly sales and we spend our weekly paychecks in doing so. Hurricanes are no laughing matter, but from what I can tell, it will affect this area as a tropical storm, and we get those frequently.

I do beleive that Palm Beach County has closed schools for tommorrow, a move that was made last night due to possible flooding and high winds, but we are NOT in the path or the cone of the hurricane.

Yes, it could be bad, we have had so much rain that the ground is saturated and there will be beach erosion and possible flooding.

Forecast is she is heading straight for a hit on the northeast!
Last edited by TPM
Oh yes I know the eye is headed right us, and that you are just getting those 'bands

Just hearing stories from friends down there talking about how bad it is to play in.... and I guess now they are canceling everything tonight and tomorrow looks worse. Didn't get our 530 game in.

Didn't mean to imply dire conditions! Just very poor timing --- I guess when you anticipate for almost a year getting your start in Jupiter, you really hope for better conditions. Nothing to be done about it.

Up here, Looks like we are getting a 'perfect storm' in the NE on Mon /Tues. Time to take the patio furniture in!
Actually, as far back as I can remember (my own son's first time at the tournament) it has rained. The hurricane season is just winding down and this month of the year in the past few years seems to be very active in tropical storms as well as hurricanes.

FWIW, Wilma (our last bad hurricane) hit us this exact time many years ago, we had a TV run on batteries and all the neighbors in my building came into watch the World Series.
Son has played the last 2 years and the weather was perfect. He had a 5:45 game in the stadium today-- but obviously was cancelled. My husband and son are curently on their way home. (about 3 hours) The reports they've heard are pretty much same thing tomorrow--Sat and Sun to clear up. We're only 3 hours away, so it's a long drive but nothing like flying from all over the country. You can't beat Mother Nature, but I'm sure PG will do everything humanly possible for as smooth a show as possible. Good luck to everyone.
Tropical Storm warning for Vero Beach for the next 36 Hrs...

Tropical storm conditions likely. Rain showers will bring heavy downpours and strong gusty winds at times. High 79F. Winds NNW at 35 to 50 mph. Chance of rain 90%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected.

Tropical storm conditions likely. Very windy... showers and thundershowers this evening will give way to a steadier rain overnight... a rumble of thunder possible. Low 72F. Winds NNW at 40 to 60 mph. Rainfall possibly over one inch.

Tropical storm conditions possible. Windy with rain diminishing to a few showers. High 77F. Winds NW at 25 to 40 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.

Saturday Night:
A few showers in the evening, then clear overnight. Low 64F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
We are just finishing up today's games. All games scheduled for today were played. We had to change the schedule and we still plan to get at least 4 games in for every team.

Today was very windy and it rained several times. Far from ideal conditions. The grounds crew put in quite a day and night.

We should begin to get in a regular routine tomorrow. Lots of college coaches and scouts today. Yankees have 25 scouts here, Blue Jays have 34, most the other clubs have at least 15 including most of the 30 scouting directors. Colleges from all over the country here.

Strangest comment of the day... "We can't even get close to the game with all these golf carts around here" Actually at some games I suppose that is a problem, but it's a problem most want to have.

Hoping for a great day tomorrow.
Last edited by PGStaff
I only wish our coaches did... they left to go home after our 8:00 am game on Sunday left us 0-3, but three hard fought, close games. Didn't take any consolation games even though I know we could've played at least one that afternoon and one Monday to provide more exposure for the kids. 30-man roster meant a lot of kids only got a few innings over the course of 3 games... what a shame for such a great event put on by PG to get spoiled by coaches that just don't get it. When I asked our coach after the game if we were taking consolation games his response was "We don't know when they are!" Of course you don't, they can't set brackets and consolations till after the 10:40 games were done... last year we played consolations on Sunday and Monday that were all still well attended by scouts that wanted to see the players. Unbelievable waste of great opportunities. Coach should not be allowed back by PG in my humble opinion.

I'm not saying that the world is perfect, but I am so looking forward to college baseball...
last year we played consolations on Sunday and Monday that were all still well attended by scouts that wanted to see the players

I just want to share my experiences at Jupiter-which were awesome! I think my son was the only player from Montana represented so that was also neat for him. Anyway, to start I would commend the PG Staff for the organization of the tournament and for their ability to quickly react to and deal with difficult weather conditions.

Our first game was delayed and finally started at 9:40pm on Friday with steady rain showers and wind gusts up to 50 mph. Somehow the field just seemed to absorb the rain. If we had those conditions in MT I don't think we could play for three days after. Even with that late schedule there were scouts watching, albeit less than the earlier games.

The next day, despite wind, the weather was decent. PG rescheduled and I think by the end of the day, the tournament was basically caught up. Our team played the top-rated (at the time) Cardinals Team, losing a close one 0-1. That was incredible with literally hundreds of scouts and coaches watching. My son, who is a junior catcher, started the game and I could tell he had some nerves early on, but what a great experience to literally be in front of that audience!

Back to the quote at the top. We finished pool at 1-1-1 and our coaches arranged consolation games on Sunday and Monday. At both games there were scouts on hand and in fact, one coach came to the Monday game to specifically watch my son play. That, in my opinion, is why you stay to play while you have the opportunity in front of the coaches.

In summary, a great event and I hope we can go back next year.
Some Jupiter thoughts...

I had a man walk up to me at a game Sunday. He said "Do you have any idea how many kids you have sent to college?" I said, "Yes... None!"

He went on to talk about his two sons... "My youngest son will be going to college next year and my older son has his degree and was drafted." He went on to say... "There is no way that would have happened without PG."

Once again I reassured him that it was his sons that were most responsible and I thanked him.

As we continued to talk he mentioned how amazing it was that we were able to get the tournament in with all the weather problems and rescheduling required. I told him we have a lot of experience at those things.

Anyway, later I got to thinking... I know we have a very good hard working staff, but it takes so much more than us. For something like this to work it takes not necessarily in the following order.

Highest level teams run by class individuals that are willing to adjust at a moments notice. Teams that don't clutter everything up looking for something to complain about. These are the true professionals in amateur baseball.

MLB scouts and College coaches that truly understand how difficult things can get and go with the flow. This group (the scouting community) hardly ever complain, they just adjust.

Umpires who not only work in less than ideal conditions, but adjust to any schedule and keep everything running on the new schedule.

Grounds crew willing to work with us and willing to spend the extra time and effort it takes to make fields ready during periods of bad weather. And to get fields prepped in between every game to stay on schedule.

The vendors, parents, fans, gate keepers, trainers, media people, agents, everyone associated, that simply adjust to everything going on.

Yes, our people are very good at what they do. They amaze me when the pressure is high.

Finally I thought about myself. I remember back when I felt the need to be totally in charge of everything we did. Now I realize... I might have been the least important person in Jupiter this year. And I love it!

I just wish the MLB teams would quit hiring our scouts. We're losing 3 or 4 every year to MLB scouting departments. Seems like we have become some kind of a training ground.
My son and I just returned from Jupiter. He was fortunate to be on a team that finished third, shut down by the tournament MVP pitcher in the semi's. What a great few days in front of more scouts than you can imagine. Playing against the BEST competition anywhere in the country is priceless! No doubt this was the BEST tournament I have ever been to and I have been to many over the past three years. Props to PG for putting this on.....I can't say enough on how good this event is.

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