Originally posted by shortnquick:
Your reference to football did not offend me at all. I was just showing you how silly your response was to me when offering an opinion that differed from yours.
I could read in your posts the passion you have for HS baseball. I could read through your posts the passion Tulowitzki has for HS baseball. But why can't you open your mind to the fact that you nor Tulowitzki can impose that feeling on other players that don't feel it. And then sit back and refuse to hear and assess why players might not have that same feeling.
You have posted for 10 years, thats great. I would think you would be a bit more tolerable on opinions that don't mesh with your own.
One last time from, and through, my lack of "intellegence and now my "silliness"...boy, a bad day for an "old timer" for sure:
The player in the article isn't the topic in this thread.
To my reading, the topic isn't HS baseball or some option.
You have turned the topic into "So What" on the topic of the league organizer/promoter who is the OP posting and leaving.
As it relates to the issue you created within the thread, I am pretty clear...adults should not plagiarize the talents and choices of a 17-18 year old to advance an interest, especially a business/$$$ interest.
To post, walk away, and then dangle this player and scholarship in the topic is the antithesis of the manner in which the talents of this young player should be discussed, if they are discussed, in my opinion.
To imply this young player should be a "poster boy" for the evils or inadequacies of HS baseball is equally untenable, for me.
For all we know, the player in the article may have all the intangibles and more. Who knows because he isn't being "used" for any reason other than "playing in high school is no longer vital for a college scholarship."
To me, the negative aspect of the "So What" you have asked is what is so obvious.
This young baseball player appears to have been "used" for a point on the site. I have no idea why and certainly express no view on whether he has the values of Tulo, myself or what I would prefer.
Because there is nothing about those aspects in the article or the OP, the "intangibles" are unknown.
That the OP appears to have "used" him to advance a "cause" without coming back to participate, and you think this is about my "silliness" and lack of "intellegence," there really is no discussion.
I won't use this young man as the tool for a discussion you and the OP wish to bring.