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I think it would help inform people who are just starting to showcase to leave messages like the one from triple play on the board. I believe anyone with any sense can discern just how idiotic the post was. I think those that took the time to calmly answer did a great job. My son would not be in college today if it were not for PG Of course I would like a 10% refund because they got him as a 9 and anybody that know anything knows he is at least a 10. laugh How 'bout it PG. Seriously let me take a minute to thank PG T1 TR and the HSBB web for all the help.
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We did not request that the thread be deleted.

In fact, I'm not sure any thread should ever be deleted unless it is vulger, but I'm sure I'd be in the minority on that.

We should give people credit for being able to form their own opinions.

It is very humbling for us to see all those people who speak up on our behalf. Thank you all!
I was one of those who asked for the previous thread to be deleted. (First time I've done that since becoming a member in 2001.) IMO it was way over the top and was not even close to adhering to the board rules which clearly state that any posts that have nothing constructive to provide the forum can be removed without warning. This one was a personal complaint and should have been made in private.

OK, I'll get off my soapbox and go out and enjoy today's beautiful sunshine. Cool

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The only problem with removing the post is the belief by some that the reason it was deleted was because it spoke to one of our board "sponsors".

As liberal as I am in some way, I think that it was non-sensical and a mistake to delete the post.

Why? Because you didn't like the tone? It was what it was. It was that persons experience.

I've left posts up on the Midwest/Illinois thread which were really "personal" and vindictive and aimed at my son. While I clearly edit/delete other such posts that criticize a specific kid, I can handle it. Sometimes not as "well" as I should.

Sending the wrong message. That post, in my opinion, should not have been deleted.

I'm not blaming anyone, especially not you. Your request was for good reason. I respect your opinion but I do have to disagree. I thought there was some constructive information among the replies. Now that it's gone I can't remember them all, but I do recall both "Gloveman" and "Blazer" bringing up the proper way to time runners on first movement.

Yes I know the original post didn't adher to the rules. However as far as being personal between two parties, I have to disagree there too. Only two of the several posts were by the two parties in question.

We did not post anything at all for quite sometime despite first seeing it last night. However, many others did post their opinions. The thread was not deleted until after we replied. If the original post didn't adher to the rules, why did it take so long to delete it? Only when we replied, was the thread deleted. It seems as though people had all night to read the original post that could only be described as "ugly". Then only those that happened to see our post, late this morning (that lasted about a half hour) were able to see our response.

It's not a big deal and I understand why this thread was deleted. But at this point it's left for those who don't know... a disagreement between two parties. I kind of thought it was MUCH more than that. So much so, that I thought about it all last night rather than blasting out a reply. There is nothing very personal between two parties when one is an unknown anonymous poster, who has obviously lied about things like being from Milwaukee, WI. and the other is very well known and upfront whose reputation is taking a beating. It's really only personal to the party that everyone knows.

At any rate, this is the greatest of all baseball message boards. Most all the people are polite even while disagreeing. So allow me to politely disagree with the decision to delete that thread.
PG - I did not see your response, although I didn't think any was needed. Just a "hot" parent venting in a public forum, which was not appropriate.

Believe me when I say that we folks (at least 99.9% of us) who have been to your events have tremendous respect and admiration for you guys. Keep up the good work. I'll miss you guys this summer. Frown

"The only people I ever felt intimdated by in my whole life were Bob Gibson and my daddy," Dusty Baker.
The post you are referring to should not have been removed. Beenthere and PG make good points as to why it should have remained.
Any person who visits this site on a regular basis would have realized that this person had personal issues that should have been directed to PG. As far as the board rules, I have seen many posts that broke the rules and remain up. I am sure there may be others out there that are not all that satisfied (not necesarily with PG, but other businesses) but are intelligent enough to do the right thing about it. And I think that instead of PG going on the defense, not responding would have been in their best interests. It is natural to react as they did, however, they need to still set themselves apart as professionals and not put themselves on the same level (unprofessional) as this poster. PG knows how everyone feels about them, by tomorrow there would have been dozens of posts defending them. As they stated they may have figured out who it was, they should have contacted that person.
I have seen questions regarding inquiries about other business' such as PG's and there have been some negative replies and those remained up. Beenthere is correct, by removing the post, and PG being a board sponsor you have sent a wrong message to some. In addition, by doing what you did, you may have silenced many people that probably have thought about posting and now may be afraid to do so. I visited here almost a year before I got the nerve to post something.
I visit this site everyday,sometimes more than once, due to an injury I am confined most of the day at home. I have met great people here from across the country to across the state to across town. Today is the first day I have been disappointed when visiting the HSBBW.

If you still have it, perhaps you could repost your response here. The initial post was amazing, and I do think your response is important for all to see. Plus, I'm sure it is enlightening in and of itself.

Great reaction here on your part, by the way. I'm not so sure I could have acted in such a class way.

I understand but please read the following concerns I have. I have way too much respect for those involved in this site to undermine anyones efforts.


I’m afraid we would be opening up a “can of worms” by posting it again. At this point I don’t think anything can be accomplished without the original accusations. Truth is I’m glad it’s done with.

But I will say this! Not as a professional business person, but as a normal human being.

The original poster was “unknown” and we are not. We were only trying to answer the untruths he spoke of. Several people made posts on our behalf, as usual. While we appreciate this so very much, most of those posters were not at the event in question. My reply directly involved the accusations regarding that event.

I agree with all who think we didn’t need to reply. On the other hand, there are many who follow the message board who may not know for sure what is really true or false.

It is my personal belief that if someone posts derogatory comments about any person, place, business, etc., they should have the courage to stand up and be responsible for what they say. I have absolutely no problem with what people have to say, good or bad.

Of course, for an accuser to remain anonymous and say anything they want to the general public, without any possible ramifications, is not right. When the accused can’t reply to those accusations, it is even worse. Deleting the thread shortly after the accused has replied, could make the accused look like the actual problem to some people. That said, I fully understand and respect the decision to delete the thread. I just wished the timing would have been a bit different, I guess. Absolutely no hard feelings on our part.

I apologize to those that might think we went over board. We can be wrong, we can make mistakes, we can’t make everyone happy, but our entire business relies very heavily on, us being honest. When someone accuses us otherwise, they should stand up and be counted. Unfortunately, this person did not contact us directly or even post on our web site. He chose to remain unknown and make his inflammatory comments on the most popular message board in high school baseball. We replied and once again please except our apology for doing so.

We would never do anything to diminish the great work and importance of this web site.
Posters such as that which made the original post will continually come and go on a site such as this--it is the nature of the beast--anonymous and with no profile-- foe all we know many can be the same under alternate ID's--

I know and you know cream always rises to the top and there will ALWAYS be those dissenters who appear out of the woodwork for no apparent reason.

What always gets me is that they are not man/woman enough to confront face to face the people they have a gripe with.

But then , that tells you a bit about the person !!!

Need I say more ?

I think the 15 plus pages of people who responded to the asking to identify yourself post says all that needs to be said. There were more than enough that attended more than one of your events that if they were unhappy they would not have gone to the second one.
My son would always use the info he got from camps and the like as motivation to work harder to prove them wrong. We never attended a PG event but we had showcases that said he wouldn't be where he is now. He's won over 90% of his games in his lifetime(although he was 1-1 against Midland)but he didn't throw 90.
Also we made sure when we spent the money we were going to enjoy it like a vacation so if the camp didn't go as we hoped he would still have fun and we didn't feel like it was a waste of
The last thing you need to remember baseball recruiting is tough for everyone involved,the
kids,the parents,the coaches,the groups like PG,
College Select. The story I like to tell is we are friends with a single A pitching coach and he told us about one of his pitchers that was fairly small throwing 87 (lhp) out of high school and one year later cruises at 95 and hit 99 3 times in one game. Kid doesn't have a clue as to why he is faster, coach can't see any reason for the difference but someone saw something and the kid is playing in the minors.


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