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Don't know what happened with the above cut and paste....sorry about that, not sure why it pasted in several formats, and multiple times.  I tried to go in and edit the post but it does not show the additional posts in the edit box, only the one....and did not intend to post the LINK...I am not a customer, nor promoter of Top Velocity....although I do like some of his "stuff".


Sorry again!

To add one more point, as a starter the recovery period is much different than for releivers, so many do feel that running is beneficial. I know my son liked to run afterwards but as far as we have discussed it wasnt for flushing out the lactic acid, more like flushing out the head.  I have no issue with anyone sho prefers to run, but I do not believe t is for the reasons you state.

As an instructor, it is your obligation to be familiar with all the information available in 2014, that would include training (or leave that to the trainers). Because running worked for you may not mean it will for someone else. JMO

Originally Posted by Back foot slider:

Don't know what happened with the above cut and paste....sorry about that, not sure why it pasted in several formats, and multiple times.  I tried to go in and edit the post but it does not show the additional posts in the edit box, only the one....and did not intend to post the LINK...I am not a customer, nor promoter of Top Velocity....although I do like some of his "stuff".


Sorry again!

I think that the important thing here is that most of us are bringing different things to the table.

That's why I am adamant about anyone that is adamant that those should follow what worked for them, there are so many choices. As a parent we had great people surround our pitcher but we still did our homework and I still try to keep up with the every changing philosophies even though I have no clue how long son will remain in the game.

What baseballinstructor and a few others may fail to realize is that all of us have something in common, parents of pitchers, or were at one time ourselves (not me) and if we took everything someone said and not do our own investigation our sons may never bcome pitchers beyond HS.

I have known some of the people here for many years, and although I don't always agree with them, I respect that they are able to open themselves up to knew and different ways of doing things and help others.  The game of baseball and how it is played and all that goes with it, is even very much different than the game when son became a professional years ago.

Since we're now listing recovery stuff we do, here's a generic program that is a good shell of what our athletes do (programs are typically individualized but this is a good start):


After a tough throwing session (pitching, bullpen, weighted baseballs, long toss, etc), athletes will do this circuit in some order:


-Foam roll / self-myofascial release in various areas (lacrosse ball, SKLZ ball)

-Resistance band work, primarily external rotators

-Isometric holds in external rotation

-Internal rotation stretch of some sort

-Shoulder tube / Total Bar oscillations with arm in various positions

-Rebounders with plyocare balls

-Elbow extension stretch

-Stim using Marc Pro or Compex

-Voodoo flossing / compression wrapping on elbow


Then we might do some cardio, like interval-style Prowler sled pushes, Concept2 rowing, sprints, speed deadlifts, etc. Also some challenging open-chain stability work like waiter carries, overhead slosh pipe holds, maybe some upward external rotation tosses, etc.


If it sounds like a lot, it's because it is. We treat recovery like it's as important as the training effect (and in reality we should treat it like it's MORE important).

Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I am trying to help young pitchers reach their dreams using a pitching program that has proven to work with myself and countless others.  Not sure how old you are but maybe I can help you too JH.  


You can continue your mission to stop distance running in baseball and I will continue to develop pitchers.


Parents and Players, any pitching questions?

It can be very amusing when a poster doesn't know the background of the person they are debating.

Originally Posted by J H:
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

Predictable responses. 


I'm not sure why your still wasting your time here.  Would love to hear your credentials other than reading "scientific facts".


I get it.  You don't like to run.  


I have an idea - Start a new thread all about not running in baseball, post all your links.  Talk each other into it more and more.  I will answer questions that parents and players have about pitching here on this thread.  





OK, fine. It can be personal. I really wanted to avoid this, but your obliviousness is truly remarkable. ________ - I've looked into a lot of your material you have on the Internet. You're absolutely clueless about how to teach pitching, and NO ONE should listen to anything you have to say. 


I vote to have this thread closed. If close-minded, ignorant, condescending, obnoxious people like ________ want to present themselves as "experts" on topics they literally know NOTHING about, let them do it somewhere else. No need to waste more bandwidth here.


Have a nice day. Let us know when you decide to actually research and learn how to do your job. Until you do, stop wasting people's time and posing like you know what you're talking about. Your talent took you far further than most people could have imagined in this game, and you're very fortunate for that. Your knowledge of the craft in which you excelled so much is shockingly neanderthalic. That makes you a terrible teacher. It's OK, not everyone that played can teach. But don't act like you can if you can't.


And for the record, my "credentials" (which are utterly meaningless, by the way), are plenty good. Even by your ridiculous standards. The "reading scientific facts" credential is more than you have, anyway.



What JH has uncovered is what I've been advising parents for years. Just because a guy played pro ball doesn't mean he knows how to teach.  I was a successful player in high school and college back in the 70s. Much of what I was taught turned out to be folklore passed through the generations. Access to information is now as easy as sitting down at a table in your house. To waste this opportunity is a shame. If you're not moving forward you're moving backwards as everyone else passes you. 


I have a decent understanding of JHs background.  We shared a few direct messages and I think we are on common ground with what we both have to offer.  Hopefully we are all here to help parents and ultimately help kids to enjoy their baseball experience.

What I do not understand is trying to discredit someone that has fully lived that experience. High school, college, minor, major, Internationally, etc... I am simply offering to help parents and kids navigate their way through the process. JH was nice enough to personally apologize and realize that having access to someone that has the experience that every single baseball player wants and every baseball parent wants for their kids here is a good thing.  

I agree with you, sometimes just because a player played professionally doesn't make them good instructors.  However, in this case.  The proof is in the pudding. Several players have moved on to play highs school, college and professional baseball.  I don't care to prove anything to you, I just hope you can respect my experience and the help I am providing here.


Originally Posted by LAball:
Originally Posted by TPM:
Please provide where you got that info.  I cannot find it on the internet anywhere. 
Thanks in advance.

Really ? You want to rely on the internet for scientific research? No wonder you can't be taken seriously . 

If you go to Yahoo Answers the internet can't be relied upon. But if you read credible sources their information is reliable. It's a benefit reliable sources post their material on the internet. If Dr Andrews posts on the internet regarding arm injuries and surgery it's not exactly a Yahoo Answer.

Originally Posted by BOF:

RJM, I respect your opinion, (BTW your post to the Legion Mom in the other thread was perfect) but we have been through 2 pages of attacks, so lets try to stick to the issues and facts if you don't mind.  

My posts were page one and page two responses. I just started reading this thread.

Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

What I do not understand is trying to discredit someone that has fully lived that experience. High school, college, minor, major, Internationally, etc... I am simply offering to help parents and kids navigate their way through the process.... I don't care to prove anything to you, I just hope you can respect my experience and the help I am providing here.


If you were simply helping navigate through the process, no one would have a problem. It's the teaching discredited methods, and not attempting to be current on the latest methods, science and facts. Not to mention demanding respect without earning it. You don't just get respect because you demand it, you need to earn it. We're still waiting for you to earn it.

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