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Do you guys get kind of annoyed when there are little kids playing machine pitch and they have on Pro Preferred Gloves, A2000's, Dynasty bats, or other fancy equipment, and just toss it in the dirt when they aren't using it because they don't know how good it is? I just started umpiring today, and it was 8 year old machine pitch, the catcher had the top of the line all-star gear, like what varitek uses, a pro preferred mitt, and he wasnt even good, the short stop was using an A2000, and the first baseman had a pro preferred mitt. They all didn't take care of it, just chucked it in the dirt, and it kind of ticked me off. I don't have that nice of gear, but if I did, I sure would take care of it. If you had a kid, would you buy him a $200 glove?
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OK - Life lesson here - You are not paying for it, so don't complain. It could be that "Dad" never had the opportunity or funds to play the game. He sees the opportunity to give his kid what he never had. Maybe the kid has saved up Birthday and Christmas $$ and decided to buy the glove, bat, etc. Maybe there is no reason for the purchase of the pricey equipment. What you, as an older player can do, is remind them what a great glove, bat, etc, they have and encourage them to take care of it so it will last a long time. People who work for their money are free to spend it at they choose, as long as it's not illegal or immoral.
I know what your saying, but I still don't beleive that an 8 year old needs a 200+ dollar glove, when they can't tell the difference in that and a plastic one. Unless they are playing on like a select team, that plays big tourneys etc. I don't think that money should be spent on gloves they don't know the advantages of, it would be better spent on things like lessons. I don't mind little kids having good bats, more power to them to hit it further, but gloves and catchers gear, should not be spent hundreds on. I see your point, but its probably not the wisest choice for them to blow their money.
I forgot one thing, they also change positions, every year. ONe year they want to play first base, so you buy 'em a pro preferred, and then they decide they wanna catch, a pro preferred catchers mitt, and then there's 200 bucks down the drain, then when they get into 6th grade, they decide they wan't to play infield and outfield, so there's two more gloves, then they give up baseball in high school. I don't think you should have the best stuff, if your not committed to the game.
Adam I don’t want to get too philosophical here but ----- I think you are trying to apply your values to someone else and that does nothing but irritate you. Through out your life you will see people that don’t appreciate the same things as you. You will be faced with that from now on. People appreciate different things and then there are those that seem to lack any kind of appreciation. While we don’t have to accept other peoples’ beliefs, we do have to tolerate them unless their actions actually violate society’s laws. I suggest you set a good example (as you see it) and let that example stand as your message to others. Show the younger players your equipment and how you take care of yours. Explain to them WHY they should respect their equipment. They need to learn. I’m not disagreeing with you just trying to help you put it in perspective.
While we’re on this subject there are things bother me too. I see some young people cut perfectly good jeans to make them fray and rub the bill of their baseball hat on rough concrete. Some people poke holes in their tongue, ears and other parts of their body and place metal studs in them….. People act strange don’t they? Gotta run. I need to go put on my colorless shirt (white) and tie a ribbon around my neck (necktie) and see if I can ruin my competitor’s day. Wink

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