Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:
blue dog-
how can you say that players never get into a torque position? do you know what torque is? it is two forces working in opposite direction on an object... on your little league site you get all your clips from, can you not stop the player when front foot touches down and their bottom half is opening, but top half hasn't quite begun to open- that is crating toque inthe body...
Where's the force in the opposite direction?
if hands go back at all, then ther is counter rotation - because counter is opposite of the regular rotation..
Wrong again. Hands go back as the scap/shoulders load.
do you not see any hands/arms going back in any of those clips? (and remember, arms are connected to shoulders) Bagwell? Williams? Boone? Bonds (from rear), Griffey01??...
Everyone of them.....and none of them counter rotate.
and hip rotation FORCES FRONT FOOT TO GROUND? so you are syaing that players rotate hips BEFORE foot hits ground - where is the energy source?
Absolutely. Energy comes from the center. The pelvis.
I thought the ground was the energy source?
Never was. Never will be. It's a center out movement. Not ground up.
so there is no such thing as kinetic energy now?
This has nothing to do with how the beginning energy is created.
You have way too much to unlearn.
I bet you got 100% at the Epstein Little League hitting school though.