ok, long toss is great for arm strength, but how long in distance is important. So, how far (in distance) should a thirteen-fourteen year old be playing long toss, how long (time per day), and how many times a week?
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quote:Originally posted by #44:
im 15 and the FARTHEST i can throw in long toss is 150 ft. at average i like to throw 120 ft. i do alot of this cuz i wuz out of baseball for about 1 1/2 years but im back to throwing my 75-80 4-seamer! i love throwing fastballs so i focus on long toss alot.
quote:Originally posted by mtownfan:
Not true judd some people can throw hard, but n
not far.
quote:Originally posted by mtownfan:
I like what you are saying. You could be right I don't know, but I still think it is possible that he can throw 80 but not 260 JMO.
quote:Originally posted by OF_Marshall07:
On long toss....I had Tommy John surgery and when I was rehabbing long toss is a big part on getting your arm strength back. Right now, I can throw long toss, on a line (8-12ft off the ground), about 300 ft. I throw about 90-92mph. I am not a pitcher and I dont work on long toss a lot either. I am sure I would be able to throw father, but when playing shortstop or 3B, that is good. My arm is very strong now and long toss helped. Also, when throwing loss toss, to be able to throw harder and father, stretch it out. Throw so that the ball will one hop the person you are throwing too. You do not necessarily need to throw it on a line for the person to catch it. Eventually you will get to that point, but not right away. Only make 5-8 throws of this length though, as you dont want to hurt your arm. The last thing I would say is that if you want to have a stronger arm, you need to lift some weights. Strengthen your shoulder and your core muscles. Then, if you pitch, you should really focus on your legs. Just look at Clemens for that. His legs are huge and we all see what he does. He still does long toss on the second day after a start. Help condition his arm and legs. I saw him throwing long toss from foul line to foul line at Miller Park. I dont know how far it was, but he and his partner were about 25 feet from the warning track. Just a little input. Let me know what you all think.
quote:Originally posted by mtownfan:
Are you serious 100 mph. Wow! Where did you clocked at?