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I counted my son's actual throws in one long-toss session. I just observed and didn't mention I was counting. 147.

That's about right, but if your son is just starting to long-toss, please be conservative. In fact, don't throw for max distance for a few his way up to it if he hasn't been throwing.. and reduce the reps. Also, be sure he runs 1.5-2 miles afterwards.

I'd recommend LT 3-4x/week, and throwing in total 5x/week. It's quite a commitment, but if you stick to it it will pay off.
Try researching the coaching forum and asking questions there. Generally speaking though, I would focus on core strength, plyometrics, band work and mechanical stuff.

Please get your pitchers throwing and watch out for the ones who haven't picked up a ball for awhile.. many injuries occur where they start out too fast.

One fun drill to help your pitchers hit spots is to have them throw to the left or right shoulder of their partner in warmups. They get one point for hitting their spot. First one to 20, etc.
Just to add on the Long Toss program. I have a 14 yr old true Freshman who made his JV team. He has a solid bat and his arm is A+. He could have stayed at the FROSH level but they wanted him on JV to be the starting CenterFielder. If it wasn't for long toss he would have gotten lost in the shuffle. He hasn't quite hit his growth spurt yet and he is the youngest and shortest guy on the team. Everyone is in awe of how he can throw from CF to 3b with not one bounce and also throwing to home on one hop. Well the asnwer was long toss. I'd say in the past two years he probably didn't get to long toss in maybe 4-5 of those weeks. Like bum , dedication and a strong love for the game will and can get kids ahead of the curve. Shoot there are days when I don't feel like going out there my **** self! But I realize the passion he has and the work ethic that has been instilled in him to always get better because someone out there is looking to take his spot on the team.

I too have the alan jaeger program and just purchased some great tubing from Oates Specialties. The Jaeger bands broke after a while but his program is top notch.

Bum, I followed a strict program as well but he also threw about 5-7 balls of maxed effort long toss. Where he would throw from 200 - 250 feet. He would try and top his personal best from time to time and it is also a great way to set goals. Good luck to everyone and take care of those arms!

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