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To quote Woody....

My observation on the lack of shame anymore in our society is valid, in my opinion. With shame being mostly absent it makes being a parent more difficult these days. A valuable tool is missing, unfortunately.[/

In an attempt to not sound like an old Seinfeld episode, I personally feel the problem in Society today is a lack of GRACE. With grace, one needs to worry less about shame. It simply rears it's ugly head less.

By GRACE, I refer to honesty, manners, responsibility, kindness, respect, obligation, patience, and integrity.

Now go do the right thing...


We Do Not Lie, Cheat, or Steal... Nor Do We Tolerate Those Amongst Us That Do...

you might screw up, but if it is ever that bad that you have to make a call from jail, don't CALL
that's a common attitude & one endorsed by MY parents ... that's why I called someone else when I had trouble and needed help. it led to some tension yrs later when some things came to light, but they said don't call so I didn't.

that's also why I told mine & their friends they could call me anytime they needed help ... and dam if some didn't take me up on it .. usually in the wee hours.
Originally posted by Bee>:
you might screw up, but if it is ever that bad that you have to make a call from jail, don't CALL
that's a common attitude & one endorsed by MY parents ... that's why I called someone else when I had trouble and needed help. it led to some tension yrs later when some things came to light, but they said don't call so I didn't.

that's also why I told mine & their friends they could call me anytime they needed help ... and dam if some didn't take me up on it .. usually in the wee hours.

I told my kids not to call, as it was a warning to them that behavior that leads you to jail, dealing with us would be your worst nightmare.
We have always been there to support our kids, and luckily, they never had to make that call, that's not to say they have been model kids, but lots of it was silly kid stuff.
My daughter is 9 years older than my son, it was NOT easy bringing her up. She was a handful. She always warned her brother that getting in trouble with us was worse than anything one could imagine. At 30 she is her brothers keeper and has been since he left for school. It made our job a bit easier. In fact she often at times would get mad at us because she felt we were too easy on her little brother. Smile
The point I was trying to make, kids do not have any fear or respect these days,IMO. I brought my kids up as I was brought up, we feared getting in trouble with our folks more than anything, therefore we behaved, got into silly trouble but NEVER anything that would lead to major trouble, because we were AFRAID and RESPECTED mom and dad, but we knew that we could count on them anytime. I always beleive that values and "grace" should be taught in the home before our kids go out into the world. We knew that our son had much talent, but we NEVER allowed him to get away with anything because of that, and I think this happens often these days.

My kids are adults now, so I should not have to go back to remind them how they should or should not act at this point, when these stories surface, because as OV says, if I had to at this point, I haven't done my job.


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