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It makes you wonder why Big Poppi is struggling this season. I know why, do you?

An I don't believe one bit about that him and his doctor thought it was okay. Save the excuses. These are professional athletes that know what they put in their body. If you believe the "we didn't know", then you must believe Barry Bonds when he said he didn't know. Give me a figgin' break!
Last edited by Rock-N-Fire
I'm just very tired of this PED stuff. There is no solution because pitchers stats have been affected and the only thing to do is prevent it from now on.

I don't blame Manny, Arod or anybody. These guys want to get better. They want to be the best- if they could get away with it, just maybe its worth it. I'm sure everyone has heard this point, but its so true. Its not even like it makes them better, it just helps so so much over the marathon of a season they have.

The worst problem, as someone said above is that you don't trust anyone anymore. Thats whats terrible. Maybe Pujols is juicing, maybe not. But if hes clean, and now nobody believes he's clean, everyone just waits for the press release about him. This is why I don't get upset over steroids. I still sit back, enjoy the game...
Originally posted by Rock-N-Fire:
It makes you wonder why Big Poppi is struggling this season. I know why, do you?

An I don't believe one bit about that him and his doctor thought it was okay. Save the excuses. These are professional athletes that know what they put in their body. If you believe the "we didn't know", then you must believe Barry Bonds when he said he didn't know. Give me a figgin' break!
I'll guess it's because he's in his mid thirties, overweight and has knee and wrist problems. It's Mo Vaughn all over again.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
I've read Manny's statement. He took a prescription drug that he and his Doctor thought was OK. Probably true. He has been tested at least 15 times. But you never know.

Kinda like the Paul Byrd defense... you know how he took HGH that was prescribed by his doctor to treat an injury... then we found out his doctor was a dentist Eek

I ain't buying it. Release the physicians name Boras and while you are at it, release the name of the substance that was allegedlly prescribed. Also, release why it was prescribed. I am betting we'll find out none of that only this vague statement.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by itsrosy:
Is it possible that the player with the most credibility is now Jose Canseco?

I don't believe for one second that a legitimate physician would prescribe any drug to a MLB player without fully examining it's contents and then checking the MLB list of banned substances. This is spin in the worst way.

You got that right!
Originally posted by itsrosy:
I don't believe for one second that a legitimate physician would prescribe any drug to a MLB player without fully examining it's contents and then checking the MLB list of banned substances. This is spin in the worst way.

I agree 100%. They are actually accusing the doctor of malpractice. Do you think they will be filing any complaints against the doctor? Initiating any lawsuits against the doctor for improperly treating him? I think not.

This doctor allegation is a smoke screen unless they reveal who prescribed it, what was prescribed, and why they prescribed it. If the doctor comes out and owns up to it, I'll start believing Manny's story.
The worst problem, as someone said above is that you don't trust anyone anymore. Thats whats terrible. Maybe Pujols is juicing, maybe not. But if hes clean, and now nobody believes he's clean, everyone just waits for the press release about him. This is why I don't get upset over steroids. I still sit back, enjoy the game...

Albert Pujols would not be as consistent as he has been over his career had he used steroids. I think we are at a point now where the "mainstream" usage has passed. Those that are using will get caught and are getting caught. Even if they aren't using them now, if they did in the past, their numbers will show it. Pujols has been consistent his entire career.
If the Doctor Prescribed It defense was in any way true, why would he waive his right to challenge the suspension? If his only mistake was not presenting a Theraputic Use Exemption, wouldn't he want to get that out there to vindicate himself? He's suspended either way.

As for passing tests, remember the allegation during the A-Rod revelations that certain stars were being warned of upcoming testing.
ClevelandDad, doesn't every team have a long list of doctors that work with their players? From othopedists, internists, dentists etc. These doctors know every drug that is on the banned substance list. Why would a player have the need to seek out his own "private" doctor? Makes no sense. The guy who knows is Scott Boras and he will become invisible for a while. JMO.
When someone in any sport is caught using PEDs there is one of two reasons for doing it

1) sheer incompetence by everyone involved


2) they were trying to cheat and got caught

Looking at scenario number one - the player might be dumber than a box of rocks and so are his agents and doctors. The list of things that are banned is pretty long but the MLB office has a phone number that players, agents and doctors can call. They can then ask the MLB office if what they are taking is banned or if it's something that HAS to be prescribed by the doctor can they take it. All they have to do is ask to get the right answer. IF they don't ask then it's their fault for being stupid. People are getting paid to do the right thing and if they aren't they are incompetent or they fall into the second category

Scenario number two - they could care less about the rules and will do anything to get an advantage. If they get caught then it's one excuse after another.
Originally posted by itsrosy:
ClevelandDad, doesn't every team have a long list of doctors that work with their players? From othopedists, internists, dentists etc. These doctors know every drug that is on the banned substance list. Why would a player have the need to seek out his own "private" doctor?

That is of course a rhetorical question.

There is no need. Secondly, if there were a need, the treating physician would consult the team doctors if there were any doubts. As I said before, we'll never find out who this mystery doctor was because there wasn't one imho.
No way does Manny get a free pass. It is his responsibility to ensure what goes in his body is not in violation of MLB policy.

That being said, no way did he write the apology (clearly not literate enough in English to pen that...I'm sure agent's spin control going on).

The statement about passing drug test's does not specifically say drug test for what and by whom. I take that statement as nothing more than a smoke screen...kind of like saying I'm not biased against ____ (fill in a group) and follow that up with many of my friends are_____. lol
Last edited by wayback
More info from
LOS ANGELES – A source close to Manny Ramirez(notes) said Thursday that the illegal substance for which the Los Angeles Dodgers slugger tested positive was not “an agent customarily used for performance enhancing.”

At least not on the baseball diamond. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the substance is supposed to boost s-e-x drive. It is not Viagra, but a substance that treats the cause rather providing a temporary boost in sexual performance, the source said.
Last edited by Rock-N-Fire
"He took a prescription drug that he and his Doctor thought was OK."


Clean athletes are freaky about what goes into thier bodies. And, if you are using the team doctor than that doctor sure as heck knows what is good and what is banned.

That is a pre-prepared "if I get busted" statement.

That is just a bust. Torre and LA deserve better. Take down Mannywood.
Originally posted by baseballregie:
No surprises. He was already the worst example for young boys that MLB could offer.
Manny is one of the best role models in baseball on preparation and approach for hitting. As for behavior I'll be the role model for my son over anyone else regardless of their profession.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by baseballregie:
No surprises. He was already the worst example for young boys that MLB could offer.
Manny is one of the best role models in baseball on preparation and approach for hitting. As for behavior I'll be the role model for my son over anyone else regardless of their profession.

Yeah, right. Good luck on that role model thing.
According to
"However, two sources told ESPN's T.J. Quinn and Mark Fainaru-Wada that the drug used by Ramirez is HCG -- human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is a women's fertility drug typically used by steroid users to restart their body's natural testosterone production as they come off a steroid cycle. It is similar to Clomid, the drug Bonds, Giambi and others used as clients of BALCO."

Technically HCG isn't a steroid; instead it stimulates production of testosterone, which is a (usually) natural steroid.

It is also rarely used for male fertility issues. But Manny has three kids already, so it is unlikely that there is non-performance enhancing reason for him to take it.

It is the drug Canseco was recently trying to bring in from Mexico, and got caught.

Finally, IMO, there is zero chance that either Manny or the doctor were unaware that it is banned.

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