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Hey - I am happy for the Yankees Frown

Seriously, the game is still about pitching. I don't believe they have enough. Don't tell me Joba Chamberlain or Phillip Hughes. Fine talents but have not proven they can throw that hard for long periods of time (e.g., 1 season). CC is a workhorse but he has been touched up in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, I would still like to have him for the Indians however Smile
Next we'll see how these newly acquired players handle playing in New York. Should these players and the Yankees get off to a slow start the New York media could become the Red Sox's best weapon. Based on expectations, what will be real funny is if the Yankees don't win the World Series in 09. Not winning the division would be hysterical not only from a personal standpoint but from watching how the New York media eats them alive.

Burnett has had one season where he showed anything more than a .500 pitcher. Sabathia hasn't pitched well in three post seasons. W@ng hasn't pitched well in three post seasons. The rest of the starting rotation is suspect. If Sabathia and Burnett win 34 between them, all they've done is replace Mussina and Pettite. By the way, other than Teixeira, where's the defense?
Last edited by RJM
Inside info is that they have no intention of fulfilling all contracts past a year, maybe two.
George wants to see a WS championship before he leaves us.
Would anyone think that is true?
As a pro players parent, I am not in favor of salary cap, however it's becoming lopsided and that takes away competition.
I watched the press conference when CC and AJ were introduced. After the formal part the guys from the YES network talked to the Yankees president. (Forgot his name ) and he said what they spent on the 2 pitchers amounted to about 1/3 of what they had coming off the payroll. With that said Tex is not that big of a surprise. I bet they are not done either. Dont be surprised if you see another starter . Maybe Sheets? Although the Brewers are in real trouble with there pitching right now,so i expect them to try very hard to keep Sheets. They will have to overpay for him though. IMO
Originally posted by TPM:
Inside info is that they have no intention of fulfilling all contracts past a year, maybe two.
George wants to see a WS championship before he leaves us.
Would anyone think that is true?
As a pro players parent, I am not in favor of salary cap, however it's becoming lopsided and that takes away competition.
Fortunately, the Red Sox can compete financially to a point. But it really screws the rest of the division. Will the Yankees have so much money all these contracts (including ARod and Jeter) won't kill them in three or four years as these players skills erode? And I realize the point is win now and deal with it later.
Originally posted by lodi14: Maybe Sheets? Although the Brewers are in real trouble with there pitching right now,so i expect them to try very hard to keep Sheets. They will have to overpay for him though. IMO
Would you give a long term contract to a questionable arm? He's only made thirty starts and pitched enough to qualify for the ERA title once in the past four seasons?
Correct me if I'm wrong...but I do believe that will give the Angels "5" picks in the first 56 selections if Teixeira goes elsewhere.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone Wink

In case you missed this earlier>

My message to the world~Grace is a gift from God and He who created the world is ultimately, "ABSOLUTE POWER". Bless all of you who can see the forest through the trees and did/do the right thing. For yours' is the Kingdom of God. Actions speak louder than words and sometimes come from the most unexpected places. WDJD? He died for our sins~The Lord Is My Shepherd-Shep

With all due respect, baloney. Spending almost a half a billion dollars on three players, more than the combined payrolls of many MLB teams?

God bless the Rays and Rockies the past two years, but the stinking Yankees are trying to buy the title they've not been able to win with what they develop. They don't spend well necessarily, they spend a lot.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
I can not think that this is good for baseball. The Evil Empire has now spent $430 billion this off season for free agents. I know TPM and others who have children in professional ball are not in favor of a salary cap. I don't know that I am. However, I can't stomach this.

Ahh, million, typo possibly but quite probably stupidity! Eek Wink Big Grin
How much is a seat at the new Yankee Stadium?

Upper level seats go for 1/17 of CC's contract, mid level seats go for 2/19 of Tex's contract and lower level seats go for your first born child but you must first sell your soul just for the chance to be able to buy the seats.

When the Yankee's were winning all those championships back in the 90's it was because Steinbrenner was on suspension and Cashman was able to build a team through the minors. The vast majority of the players came up through their system but when King George came back he went back to trading away the good young players for the All AARP team.
IMO, sometimes chemistry is more important than the bucks you spend.

Has anyone every figured out if all of these personalitiles will work together as a team, like will there be too many egos in the clubhouse.

I like Girardi, but I see him as a young players manager. I thought that in hiring him there would be a new direction.

It should be an intersting season.
the average work year for the 40hr week is about 2000 hours. for a mlb season of 162 games,average time 3 hours. consider spring training,going to the field early,etc. they may put in 1500 + hours in season. minimum pay around 360,000 + per diem ?

To think all the regular guy's wanted,was the 40 hr work week,Jimmy Hoffa would be happy.
Last edited by 20dad
Per the Washington Post this morning:

"Satan's money always spends".

May the ghost of Albert Belle, who was the regrettably the last time the O's out-bid the Yankees (hey, maybe that's the problem...), haunt their clubhouse.

Now I have to get O's-Yankees tickets just to hear the boo's rain down. From reading the blogs by Oriole fans, it should be worth the price of admission. Lots of unhappiness in the hometown. Of course if it's too ugly, then we'll sound like Yankee fans. AAARRRGGGHHH, this is just so wrong.

Does anyone recall that at the end of the season when Te-stinka was drafted, with three days left in the season, the O's were in line for the draft choice, but Texas lost three, the O's swept three, against, who else, the stinking Yankees, so Texas got Te-stinka at #5. At #7, the O's got a pitcher that has never thrown a MLB inning.

P.S. On ESPN's web site, there's a Tex calculator to see how long it takes Te-Stinka to earn your salary. He earns mine in 3.06 at bats, or with .94 of a hit.
Last edited by hokieone
all this and they still need in no necessary order

01-- A catcher if Posada still has problems

02-- A second sacker if Cano continues to decline

03-- A left fielder if Matsui is not fully recovered and who play RF

04-- Actually an entire outfield-- can Damon stay injury free?

05-- What is left in the tank for Mariano?

06-- Will Burnett be another Pavano?

07-- CC was under 500 with the Indians before he left last summer

Still a load of questions to be answered, at least in my eyes

I also think that the BOSOX lost nothing here as they are fine---by the way what about the Swisher kid in the entire Yankee picture ?

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