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Congratulations to the Maryland HS Pre-Season All State Team

Black Friends Of
Brantley Springbrook Of
Bumbry Dulaney Of
Collins Q Orchard Of
Mitchell Kent Island Of
Overholtzer Arundel Of
Short Chopticon Of
Lambert Parkside 1b
Sweeney Magruder 1b
Levine Magruder SS
Natoli Mt St Joe SS
Plantholt N Harford SS
Bechta Centennial SS
Parreira Broadneck 3b
Woolford Nor East (AA) 3b-P
Bernstorf St Pauls C
Brashears St. M Goretti C
Campbell DeMatha C
Smith Westlake C
Velleggia Calvert Hall C
Cropper Snow Hill P
Davis Catonsville LHP
Harmon Westminister P
Hamilton Mt St Joe P
Hessler Springbrook LHP
Pearce DeMatha P
Rivers Ea Tech P
Schwalenberg Huntington P
Swinson Centennial P-SS
Taylor Williamsport P
Yocum Catoctin P

Recognition also went out to:

Asst Coach of Yr: Larry Prange DeMatha
College Coach of Yr: Frank Symnanski Chesapeake
Amateur Player: Steve Johnson
Baseball Exec: Jore Keier
Groundkeeper: Tom McNight Arundel
Media: Joe Gross Evening Capital
Service to Baseball: Ken Dunn So River HS
Umpire of the Year: Larry Hackley
Womean of the Year: Julie Munch Westminister
HoF: Max Bishop - Navy
Tom Kibler - Washington College
Glenn Larnerd - Leonardtown

MSABC Banquet: Feb 18, 2006 Camden Yards
Geier Press Release: June 8, 2005, Oriole Park
Geier Financial Group All-Star Game:
June 25, 2005, ....Balt O's vs Nationals

Stay tuned for initial 2006 meetings
as well as dates for MSABC Regional Tryouts
and MSABC Classic


ps. Hope I didn't omit nor mis-spell those obtaining recogition. (Yet I think the final head count of HS players was 31)

Press Release:
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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I am very excited for all the high school players that made the pre season team. I just do not think it is right for a kid who gets reccomended for the preseason team as a junior, but gets nothing for his senior year. His last season was 10 times better than the season before. He led his county, conference and was up there in the state with wins and era. He also carried his team back to the regional championship just like he did the year before, while being injuried. But agaan, congrats to the players that did make it!
Last edited by SUbaseball
Congrats to the players...

What is the purpose of a HS Preseason All-State Team? Not being from MD I'm not up to date on the honor.

I'm sure it's a nice feather in a players cap but doesn't it prejudice post season honors?

How are the players selected? Not trying to offend anyone but it just seems that when ever there are honors it subjective. I can only imagine the subjectivity when a game has not been played yet.

This is not meant to disparage any player honored.

Also I did see CJ Bliffen play against us in past Fall and think he would be deserving as well some others that are probably not listed.
Last edited by Novice Dad

I recall CJ's recommendation as a nominee last year and also recall at this year's meeting reviewing his stats as submitted [by his HS Coach ?].

What I don't remember is a Coach at Urbana HS attending the meeting, or other HS Coach speaking on behalf of CJ's 2006 nomination.

I also recall the voting of the 2006 nominees was very close. Also the MSABC desired keep the number of pre-season All Stars to 30, yet due to the closeness of voting, recognized 31.

Who submitted CJ's name for 2006, and why was he not in attendance at the MSABC selection meeting?

Last edited by Bear
It is a great honor to be recognized at the beginning of your high school season. All players should feel honored for their accomplishments based on the previous season. What I don't understand is how does a player end his Jr. season with 1st team honors from all respectable sources, but then due to an uncaring HS coach dropping the ball, he did not receive any preseason recognition, in spite of being at the top of his conference and being injured the last third of the season.
Originally posted by Bear:
What I don't remember is a Coach at Urbana HS attending the meeting, or other HS Coach speaking on behalf of CJ's 2006 nomination.

Who submitted CJ's name for 2006, and why was he not in attendance at the MSABC selection meeting?

Originally posted by Baseballmom13:
What I don't understand is how does a player end his Jr. season with 1st team honors from all respectable sources, but then due to an uncaring HS coach dropping the ball, he did not receive any preseason recognition, in spite of being at the top of his conference and being injured the last third of the season.

Bear, I guess my question of subjectivity from an earlier posts is reinforced. To give kids recognition isn't a bad thing and with any list there are arguments about who did and did not make the list. I would think a pre-season list would be larger due to so many variables. I guess it comes down to who is politicing for their kids and who doesn't.

BaseballMom, I think it is unfair to stay that a coach is uncaring because he didn't attend a meeting. I know where I live when it comes down to after season accolades in my area some coaches push their players more than other coaches. Not necessarily because they don't care about the kids but maybe the process.

It would be interesting to have the votes published so everyone can see who votes for who and who doesn't vote for certain kids.

The last thing I would say is that honors are Great but it's what you do on the field that counts and that a player should be playing for the love of the game and not for the recognition.
For the record, CJ got a new baseball coach during the offseason. Last year's coach got the AD job and Frederick County BOE rules prevent AD's from coaching. Personally, I would give this new guy the benefit of the doubt - that is, he probably wasn't even aware of the nomination process.

Furthermore, while preseason recognition is nice, it's the postseason awards that are most meaningful. I can't imagine someone putting on their resume that they were a Preseason All-State pick if they don't follow it up with postseason recognition?
It is always important to remember that there are kids who play for high schools/coaches that do not belong to MSABC, where stats are not kept, and where coaches are hired simply because they are teachers and knowledge of the game is not required. Because of such practices, some students/athletes get pushed to the side. Am I whining? I guess, but it would be nice to see what would happen if there were an even playing field. I envy those kids with coaches who go the extra mile. With four coaches in four years and the priority at the school being lacrosse, it's been a tough road to hoe. (By the way, the AD never heard of MSABC.)

Of course, my last name gives me away...and that's ok. I do send congrats to those who have been honored by the coaches and can't wait to see most of them on the field. March 1 is finally next week!
Face it guys, these teams are a joke. They are picked based on bogus stats kept by the coaches who have the time to go thru the picking process. Coaches like Bernie Walters can get any player on this team any year they want to. I know of D1 players who had better real stats than most of these players on the team who were'nt even nominated for this team. To real college coaches and scouts this team means nothing. While some players are deserving on this team there are many good players who arent even nominated for this team. So why do we spend so much talking about this thing? Good players know they are good and don't need to be on this bogus team to prove it.
Originally posted by airmail:
Face it guys, these teams are a joke. They are picked based on bogus stats kept by the coaches who have the time to go thru the picking process. Coaches like Bernie Walters can get any player on this team any year they want to. I know of D1 players who had better real stats than most of these players on the team who were'nt even nominated for this team. To real college coaches and scouts this team means nothing. While some players are deserving on this team there are many good players who arent even nominated for this team. So why do we spend so much talking about this thing? Good players know they are good and don't need to be on this bogus team to prove it.

Airmail, just wanted to add that IMO that the critisim towards this is not directed at the players but as you state the "picking process". Also I believe that good players do want to be recognized and when they are not recognized it they do one likes to be slighted. Thats why if an organization is going to have "preseason" honors (which is kind of like an oxymoron) than the list should be a wide list with lots of players...but I digress. I can only imagine that there probably is only a little controversy when it comes to picking Team Maryland. In Virginia the Commonwealth games where there are 4 teams broken out by region there is always controversey and certain players (who know certain coaches) are gtd. to make the team while others have a limited chance. Fortunately my Son was not involved in any of it due to a schedule conflict.
Last edited by Novice Dad

I did not see any Arundel player in this year's Pre-Season (that was not on the Pre-Season Club last year.

I guarantee, if remains healthy, you will see a different Arundel player next year.

What do you mean you have NOT read Mr. Walter new book?

OBTW: This year's process was a fair and as even as any year I have seen.
Last edited by Bear
Originally posted by Bear:

I did not see any Arundel player in this year's Pre-Season (that was not on the Pre-Season Club last year.

I guarantee, if remains healthy, you will see a different Arundel player next year.

What do you mean you have NOT read Mr. Walter new book?

OBTW: This year's process was a fair and as even as any year I have seen.

Bear, I was going to actually delete my previous post because I don't want to seem like its whinning, but then I read your post.

I have no doubt that "OBTW: This year's process was a fair and as even as any year I have seen." but it doesn't mean its fair. When you have coaches and teams not represented due to not being a member or not choosing to is going to be slanted. In your earier post you state "Who submitted CJ's name for 2006, and why was he not in attendance at the MSABC selection meeting" it shows me that there is a bias/slant if a players coach is in the room.

The MSABC is probably a fine organization but maybe it should be more of a players to watch list and be an expanded list at that. I even have a problem with that. I'm sure there are plenty of Jr's who will play well this year that did not play Varsity last year. Also by naming someone a Pre-Season selection does it become a self-profiling prophecy for post season and Team MD selections???
It's unfortunate that they have to try to limit the selections to what they believe are the top 30 players in the entire state. Fortunately Maryland is a rather small state, but the fact still remains that we're blessed with some very fine ballplayers across the entire state.

Each year several players are left off the list that I believe are very deserving - this year is no exception - but I'm sure I'm not alone. The system isn't perfect, but at least 30 great kids get well-deserved recognition.

Congratulations to all who were selected!
OBTW: This year's process was even as any year I have seen.[/QUOTE]

Bear, I was going to actually delete my previous post because I don't want to seem like its whinning, but then I read your post.

I have no doubt that
"OBTW: This year's process was a fair and as even as any year I have seen." but it doesn't mean its fair.
When you have coaches and teams not represented due to not being a member or not choosing to is going to be slanted.

In your earier post you state
"Who submitted CJ's name for 2006, and why was he not in attendance at the MSABC selection meeting" it shows me that there is a bias/slant if a players coach is in the room.

Not sure what message you intended to send
(or why?).

I looked into these matters a little farther, and as I understand it, Blevin's MSABC paperwork to the MSABC may have been submitted by........ his family.
(And am attempting to verify that as we speak!).
(In addition, based on the current process, this is permissable.....yet may require to be tweaked by and with the new MSABC President and staff.)

Also note, a few concerned MSABC members re-looked at Blevin's HS 'stats' and commented that the numbers may not be among the top 50 nominees.

(If memory serves me, 93 HS boys were nominated for MSABC Pre-Season in 2006....which is the largest I recall in years...Of those 93, it took several hours to get to 31. In fact, it took 10 minutes to get to 25, the last 5 took maybe five hours!.......Yes the process can improve, but geez, what HS Basebaall Coach ever heard of a Six Sigma Green Belt?).

With respect to Maryland being 'a rather small state'....this is correct.. geographically....
& ....incorrect on a per capita basis.

With respect to 'each year several players are left off the list' ....
.....left off the nominating list
.....left of the selection list.......yes

With respect to 'It's unfortunate that they have to try to limit the selections to what they believe are the top 30 players in the entire state.'
......In 2006, there were 31 HS players selected. Yet, the number is not as arbitrary as implied. It is based on:
- MSABC President and staff
- Price per banquet ticket
...... (HS Players selected are not charged)
- Size of banquet rental space.
- Type and quantify of the MSABC volunteers
- # Nominees selected.

With the new 2006 MSABC Pres and staff, the following initiatives are being discussed:

- Increase MSABC yearly dues

- Increase MSABC membership

- Improve the process for Pre-Season Selection.

- Seek additional Corporate sponsors for the Post Season All-Star HS Game (at Camden Yards)

- Expand (or contract) the MSABC Regionals
(which selects the players for Team Maryland and All-Star HS Game)

- Identify and create several MSABC committees
to examine several initiatives:

---- Restart to improve MD Prospect Showcase it a MD Cup (or something similar to PA Carpenter Cup, or Ohio's Top

---- Improve communications between the HS Coaches and MD Colleges

----- Initiate a Statewide MD HS - NCAA Recruiting Seminar.

------ Seek to leverage the MSABC Buying Power.

------- Improve the MSABC Web Site and email distribution list.

Yes, I agree, the system isn't perfect, yet it works.
This is supposed to be for the kids -- not the coaches, the schools, or anything else. I know who nominated my son and it certainly wasn't his high school coach as, at the time of nominations, there was no high school coach.

I know that it is difficult for some kids to watch the same kids receive accolades over and over again when they receive none and when they know that they are equally competent on the field. And the reason they know? Because they are the ones recruited and chosen for the most elite local teams when the high school does not come into play.

You're right....this team means nothing to colleges or scouts....but it does mean something to the kids. And again, isn't that the point of the team?
I meant no disrespect with my post. The point that I was trying to make was that there are a lot of very good ball players in the state of Maryland. It's unfortunate that not all of them will get the recognition that they may so richly deserve for any number of reasons. Many of those reasons are out of our control. But that doesn't diminish the respect that I have for the fine young men who made the list.

I hope this clears up any potential misunderstanding that may have occured. Smile

Perhaps you misinterpreted my posting or maybe I was not clear. I was not critical of the MSABC HS Pre-Season All-State selection process. I was attempting to make the point that there is no 'all state' selection process of which DC players are a part.

DC players are ignored because DC does not have an organization that selects all state. . .or all district players. Further, DC players are not included in with other jurisdictions that do. Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Hawaii do have organizations that select all state baseball players.

That's a good point. An organization should be started that covers the "Capital Area", which would include teams from DC, MD and N. VA. For legitimacy it would need the backing of the Post, Times and some other organzaitons, such as Perfect Game and the Georgetown Baseball Association.

Included would be all the schools that play in the IAC, WCAC, DCIAA and the independents.

Just my two-cents...
M-ARHPDad - I heard your point of view. Not sure what you are saying or have said.

There are several organizations that "covers the "Capital Area".

The Washington Post All-Met is familiar to many. The local media (Gazette, Journal, Chnl 8) are example of others. Touchdown Club has a nice luncheon every year. Knights of Columbus.

IAC does recognize players every year.
So does the WCAC, as well as DCIAA.

Did I miss something?
Can I put it on another Senior moment!

Originally posted by CapitalBaseball:

That's a good point. An organization should be started that covers the "Capital Area", which would include teams from DC, MD and N. VA. For legitimacy it would need the backing of the Post, Times and some other organzaitons, such as Perfect Game and the Georgetown Baseball Association.

Included would be all the schools that play in the IAC, WCAC, DCIAA and the independents.

Just my two-cents...

To add fuel to the fire the Post thinks that Metro area is DC and MD and IMO usually slights VA in coverage and recognition.
Originally posted by Bear:
M-ARHPDad - I heard your point of view. Not sure what you are saying or have said.

There are several organizations that "covers the "Capital Area".

The Washington Post All-Met is familiar to many. The local media (Gazette, Journal, Chnl 8) are example of others. Touchdown Club has a nice luncheon every year. Knights of Columbus.

IAC does recognize players every year.
So does the WCAC, as well as DCIAA.

Did I miss something?
Can I put it on another Senior moment!


Do they do a pre-season poll? We all know about the Post All Met every year along with the other publications. I think what we were talking about here is a more comprehensive in-depth list of players like you provide, espcially during the pre-season.

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