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Mr. Rodriquez and a couple of other members,

Okay ..... enough is enough.

I am not going to change a long standing policy and system of moderators and the way we do things around here for a couple of folks that don't seem to get it!

I spent quite a bit of time reading many of the 180+ posts that you have made on this site. My opinion is that many of the problems which you are experiencing are "self inflicted."

As for my identity .... that information is very much available on the main website. Contrary to your earlier post today which contained the following ...
I checked this out you are a couple of students in a college computer lab pretending to run a baseball web getting back at all the jocks you hate.

I especially enjoyed your "private message" although I doubt that I am physically capable of accomplishing the task that you suggested.

As the old-timers around here will tell you this is an especially busy time of year for me personally. I find myself at my real job until 11:00 or 12:00 at night, trying to remain "caught up" so that I can travel to my son's college baseball games, midweek and on the weekends.

At this time of year I am not always able to respond to requests, questions and comments as quickly as some folks would like.

My first reaction was to bsan you from this site and report your actions to your ISP. After consideration I chose to try another approach.

If you would like to calm down and not take everything personally I invite you to remain a member of this site. Many of your previous posts have merit.

I leave the decision up to you.

"Doing nothing is still a course of action"
Original Post

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I guess I'm going to have to get out of the Tennessee forum more often. Between that and my son, I haven't been around as much as I would like.

Sorry.... I'll try to be a little more involved, but always email me if something needs to be addressed here on the board. Bob is trying to see his son's senior year of college baseball and hopefully I will be doing the same with my high school senior.

I'm only an email away.


"If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot."
Bob, I greatly respect your decision as the founder/owner of the site - but please reconsider banning this guy. The forums are now innundated with his hyperbole, and his posts are detracting from the usually good-natured and rational information-sharing that goes on here. It's really a bummer to see his ID attached to any discussion because you know the thread's just going downhill from there. For newcomers to the site, having to wade through all his 'stuff' is surely a turn-off.
Just my humle opinion.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
MaxE, I'm going to publicly apologize. You're right - I should not, nor need not, have said anything about you. It wasn't necessary. Your posts speak for themselves.
I will refrain now from reading and responding to your posts. I just hope you will respect this site as it means a lot to a lot of people. Goodbye.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
Bob, I'm going to urge you to reconsider your decision and ban this guy from the site (assuming it is technically possible to do so.) When it was just him lashing out it was something that could be solved by ignoring him, as I suggested earlier. That's an OK solution as far as the website itself is considered, but there's a factor he's dragged in over the last week which really concerns me.
He has a son. (Maybe more than one for all I know.) He's named the son and is dragging him into his rants more and more often. Some posters have pointed out the negative impact of his behavior on his son, but he obviously doesn't get it.
MaxE is hurting a young man, who doesn't need the grief. You've got to figure that the young man has enough to handle without having his name (and school, etc.) splashed all over the internet by a parent who is obviously out of control.
This website is, I think, dedicated to helping young baseball players. And lord knows, it has served that function admirably for hundreds if not thousands of young men.
There's one baseball player who would be helped a great deal by banning MaxE from this site. I know it's a burden on you, and will probably cause you to be subjected to another salvo of demented invective, but I really think that in the spirit of helping young baseball players, it's a decision that should be made and carried out - now.
Please, ban this guy. Delete all his posts. Make it as if he never existed. Just for that one young man who you and I have never met, and whose name I won't repeat here.


Why don't you just ask to have your user name changed. Those that you have an riff with won't automatically be inflamed at seeing you post and prepare for a fight. It would be like a fresh start and you and they can leave the annomosity behind, like a mulligan so to speak.

As an innocent bystander without a dog in this fight, just a suggestion.
Eye, Enias, MaxE and the other names he uses. He is getting the opposite of what he set out for to promote his son. His son with the 50 game balls could be a great kid. pitchers who throw 85 mph who don't have problem dads are easy to find though. I agree with pdog why have the kid pay for dads actions. Ofcourse there is the other side that says as long as he follows the rules why cant he say what he wants. He aint hurting anyone but himself and maybe his son. He needs to understand that everybody and not only him loves their son. Only he deals with it differently than others. Its his son so let him learn the hard way, too bad and too sad.
Max, BBNE1, Eye....whomever,

With your attitude and remarks, you are doing just the opposite of your intent. Your intent was to promote your son, in a good light. That is dads, we all attempt it, in some way or the other. But you are casting a bad light on yourself, and unfortunately, a questionable light on your son, by association.

I have several suggestions. Stop posting argumentative posts. If you had been around here, for the past five years, you'd understand that the irritating posters normally fade away. No one cares about their opinions. No one care about their successes or failures.

Don't attempt to cast negative posts towards the web site owner (Bob). You will be history, if that continues. He is the Grand Poo-Bah.....and has all of our utmost respect. Smile

As far as dropping the race card, that's ludicrous. All the text, in these posts are the same color. There are plenty of good Hispanic players in Texas. I've yet to witness any discrimination towards them.

Good luck to your son, seriously.
David Marshall

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You need to take your destructive rhetoric somewhere else. Who one this site has treated your son unfairly. The problem the members of this site have with you has nothing to do with your racial background. The negative venom you have been spewing, under the guise of promoting your son is unbelievable. You have probably hurt your son in more ways than you can imagine. The baseball community is pretty tight and lots of college coaches and professional scouts read this board even if they do not post publicly.

Hopefully you will find peace with the demons that are tormenting you and set your energies in more positive direction.

PS: My sons have been called racial slurs on the baseball field

PPS: This is the first time I have ever mentioned this on HSBBWEB because it wasn't done by any of the members what would the point be.

GO NAVY!!!BEAT army!!!!!
somewhere in this country there is a person watching what is going on here, hasn't said a word and knows the truth. He is the guy I am looking for, the one that can sift through all the BS
ok, I'll bite - -

it seems someone feels that "any attention is good attention"

however, people will associate with, hire, or recruit, those who meet their needs and they are comfortable around - and stay away from those who make them uncomfortable, for whatever the reason

& Big, you're on the wrong track again - the race card is best played at Churchill Downs, Gulfstream Pk, or Belmont (Santa Anita Pk for you westers)

lefties? - - - they just aint right!

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If you understand that one thing, that's what I'm fighting for my son's right to be treated similarly in consideration of his hard work and talents.

MaxE ...

I really didn't want to get into a debate with you because it becomes a no-win situation, but sometimes it is difficult to overlook some messages. You don't seem to want to listen to what others are telling you, even tho you keep telling all of us what and how we think ... and expect us to accept it without question. I think that is totally wrong. You need to grant us the same freedom of speech and thought that you are claiming we are trying to deny you.

That being said, I would like to pose a question to you that I think many of us would like the answer to (I am sure I'm not the only one to have checked out your son's bio that is linked to your signature): why do you continue to imply that your son isn't getting the accolades that he deserves?

Many of us have sons who have been overlooked for their talent, who have played in the shadows of other players who became high profile for various reasons (including genetic/familial links that had nothing to do with their talent), who deserved awards and accolades that were awarded elsewhere, who sat the bench even when they were the "best" on the team, who endured ridicule and negativism from players and coaches they had known for years because of someone's perception (or misperception) ... and our sons just keep/kept doing what they do the best, and eventually they succeed(ed) at their own game. It appears, based on what you have listed in your son's bio, that he is also doing just that.

You claim that your son has been the brunt of racial negatives over the course of his life ... and we can't know otherwise. It is his life and your perception. But to imply that we are all a part of a racist attitude that you use to implicate us ... without knowing one darn thing about us personally ... is just plain wrong. Just as we haven't walked in your shoes, neither have you walked in ours. You can't possibly know what drives us all to believe how and what we believe ... and I honestly think that the problem many of us are having with your posts is the sense of hostility you express towards people you don't know at all. You choose to paint us all with a broad brush, and then when we take offense at your comments, you basically tell us that we are wrong.

One of the wonderful things about baseball, from my perspective, is that it is a sport where players can play "on a level playing field", where their talent speaks for itself, and where great things can happen for and to a talented player. I think most of us choose to look at the positives involved instead of dwelling on the negatives, to gleen what we can from the wealth of knowledge and information that appear on this site, in an effort to help our sons as much as humanly possible. But that is not my perception of you, or your purpose for being on this board.

You claimed earlier that you were here to "to promote my son and learn of things that I could do to further his chances" ... and I would suggest that you take yourself (and your seeming desire to dwell on the negatives) out of the equation and look for the benefits at this site instead of using it as your personal bandwagon to protest the injustices you claim have fallen your way ... none of which we were or are responsible for.

Go Highlanders
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posted February 21, 2004 12:55 PM The problem is I'm not Mexican, I'm a US Citizen that is European Spanish but I get lumped in with all the negative stereo types...and so does my son

That may be the most racist statement I've read on this webite yet. If I was mexican I would be upset. Heck, I'm not mexican and I still am.
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There are sources of bigotry all around is deemed too fat...too short...too dark ...too light etc etc...but once you utter the word all else ceases to be shut people grandparents were the objects of the same bigotry when they first came to this country, as well as the Italians, when they were told they need not apply for jobs.. hence that is why you find that cpos and firefighters are mostly Irish or Italian as that were the only jobs offered to them when they came here...they did not go on a tangent ranting and raving about how unfair life was or how they were being persecuted but went about quietly finding their niche in society and the rest is history.
My own son has faced adversity in his quest to make it to the next level and it took a special coach to look beyond his height and see the catcher inside the boy...the hard worker who quietly goes about his business and yet is a contributor in many ways...he did not need me or his Dad to post 4, 5, 6 times on a website his attributes...they came flying through on their own merit with litle help from either of us except financially
We all love our no more than I...but once you start flinging insults... using bigotry as an excuse for any and all of your woes then you lose all are not helping your son you are hurting are allowing your own prejudices against all Americans to cloud your good intentions for your son...and in closing, since I am married to a foreigner, I ask you the same question I would ask anyone of my husbands heritage...if things are so bad here why don't you go back to the country you came from...are the advantages the same there? or are you here so life can be better for you and your family...with freedom of speech etc and all the dreams you dreams may and can come true

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Couldn't resist, though I should ignore. Speaking of being in the minority, how many jewish baseball players have there been in bb history? Doesn't bother us a bit! Never meant to bring this up, but just don't buy into your
way of thinking.
We live in South Florida, home to as many hispanics as found in the whole country. Heck, you sometimes go somewhere and feel like you are the foreigner. Never really thought that any non hispanic players were discriminated against. You are totally off base with this argument. It's not the color of the skin, religious background, etc, it's the ATTITUDE! We don't tolerate that down here. I can't speak for the rest of the USA.
HSBBW is a place to share and be part of a group that understands your lifestyle, goals, love of the game. It is not meant to exist for promoting our children's futures. So sorry that you came aboard thinking that your son would get the break you are looking for him to get! I really think that is why you are so disappointed.
I sincerely wish your son the very best, if he works hard enough it will come to him. But realize that there are MANY kids out there that have as many accomplishments as your son, some more, some less, hispanic, non hispanic, christian, jewish, muslim, italian,polish, chinese, afro american, whatever. Nice Bios looks good on papaer, but is not what gives you a great scholly or pro contract.
I am done now!
And that, 50, is exactly the point. If somebody's son got a place in college, a scholly, or a pro contract based solely on what his parent posted here, I'd certainly like to hear the story. The site is here for information, guidance, and shared experience....this ain't the flippin' Want Ads!

I think we have a poster here who has misinterpreted the intent of the site. If, as has been reasonably said, a player can be passed over because of excessive parental baggage, that is shared experience and guidance. What it isn't is a threat or a fait accompli. Take the information and use it or ignore it, that doesn't negate the validity of the comment....nor does it guarentee that the comment has direct impact on the player involved.

Had posters responded to his comments on his son with 'your son sounds as if he is the hardest working, most talented player in the country', would that make it so?

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
Originally posted by MaxE:
Originally posted by Dad04:
posted February 21, 2004 12:55 PM The problem is I'm not Mexican, I'm a US Citizen that is European Spanish but I get lumped in with all the negative stereo types...and so does my son

That may be the most racist statement I've read on this webite yet. If I was mexican I would be upset. Heck, I'm not mexican and I still am.


Respectfully I disagree with your characterization of my statement. Why, because I hear people say that atatement all the time, "they all should just go back to their own country," referring to anyone who is Hispanic.

My wife can trace her ancestry in California all back to before Generalissimo Santa Ana. Her family were Vaqueros in the Bakerfield area. I can trace my family back to Valencia, Spain and Majorca. Our family has being in the United States since 1895 when my great-grandfather came around the horn to the Hawaiian islands and then to San Francisco.

It is ironic, no one in our family speaks a word of Spanish. And we have never been to either Mexico or Spain.

So which country am I supposed to go back to? I wouldn't know anyone and couldn't speak the language.

Quite frankly, the Mexicans gave my daughter and older son a miserable time in high school because they were not considered to be Chullo (their word) enough. It like the being told you are not Black enough.

My children feel completely out of place here. they don't fit in with whites and they don't fit in with Hispanics. So we just stick to ourselves. My children prefer not to have any friends than have to listen to the garbage from both groups.

Max, I am not very well educated, but as far as I know, if a person is not a Native American, they are an immigrant. We are all from someplace else. My Dad came over on a boat from Ireland.....other than me, who cares?
I do, bb! Whereabouts was your Dad from? My grandparents came over from Mayo (loads of family still there, obviously), and my father-in-law was from Westmeath.

Slainte, Doug!

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
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