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Hi MaxE, I was wondering if you feel you have recived any helpful knowledge, advice, etc. from this site.
I also wonder do you feel as if you have helped another parent or player to further themselves on their quest to play BB at a higher leval weather that be HS college pro.
I have read many of your posts I might be wrong but I dont remember reading any advice about baseball, like how to grip a pitch swing a bat set up to take a ground ball etc.
I have read your oppinions on many things and have no problem with them they reflect your life and experinces, have no problem with that other than to say I only need to be told once, I dont need to be beat over the head with the same comments.
how about it lets hear some stuff about baseball. not putting less importance on your other matters.... I heard you the first time , got it, lets hear some thing new.
thank you John H.
This is posted in another thread but I thought I'd add it here. Really, the best way to handle Max/enias/x/nbee/or whatever he is today or tomorrow is to NOT post anymore in response to him. This advice was given to me by some other websters and I thought I'd pass it along in this thread. Let him rant, but if we don't respond, maybe he'll give it up.
My 2 Cents tater

Happy B-day PAMom party

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

you know Mrs...this is not what you and I and most others expect from this message board...I agree with you and your post...

The other day, I rec'd a PM from someone. A word of thanks for somethng I'd said to them about a topic. I had thought all along that based on the screen name this person was a man...but discovered another mom...with desires, dreams and hopes for her son...

this site offers that and more...I'm not here to judge or be judged...

Without this site, my son's skills would have been the same...but thanks to advice from people on here, and due to Bob's efforts I found options for my son...

BK had to do the work...and will continue to have to do so in college...

Someday when he looks back over his life, I pray he'll "hear well done my son" ....

His perception of life is full of expectation and desire...

And with a little love from mom and dad...and a little luck, maybe he'll tell his own children of his travels and the things he conquered in life...

The glass is more than half full... Smile It's called perspective. We have a choice. It's a free world. With stumbling blocks, long roads and winding trails.

Oh but what a challenge!
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Other threads I started with complete instruction of pitching, batting, have been sabotaged by BigHits, TRHits and others here as they continue there endeavor to run me off.

This is a perfect example of your problem. Asking questions that you do not have the answer to and disagreeing with your conclusions in a nice way is not "sabotaging" your threads. It is dalog and debate. That is your problem. If anybody disagrees with you you just do not have the maturity nor capacity to handle it. Your ego becomes completely insulted and you tryn to cover your lack of knowledge with links, regurgitations, bs, and your "opinions". That would be fine in most cases, but you come off as being the final word on each topic, when in reality, there are other points of view that differ from yours. You just cannot handle that.
What a baby! You are amusing though. Just a joke.

the Florida Bombers
"I love the HSBBW"
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Texas 2004

You are so right!

You can't trudge through a pasture without getting some goo on your shoes - but some of the most stunning things, and most beautiful places can not be reached from a paved road.

We all have to choose whether we let the goo on our shoes keep us from seeing the miraculous.

I'm one of those who see my glass half full. And I believe shoes can always be washed.

Life is what you make of it and folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Some of you may disagree with what I have to say, that is ok, I won't take it personally.
I think that we have lost sight of what the purpose of this place is about. We have allowed someone to push our buttons, this was his attention and he succeeded. This is not a good thing for the new websters that join us everyday.
I too am guilty of contributing to this board, I am sorry that I let MaxE, or whoever he is get to ME. The hispanic thing just did it, I could not contain myself.
I don't think that MaxE even knows what point he is trying to make anymore, it is all so ridiculous. The more we post the more satisfaction he gets.
Came back to add one more thing, I know if my son came on to seek advice, he would think twice about posting.
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Allow me to step in here. I don't know MaxE too well, but from what I've read so far he feels threatened cause he's hispanic. MaxE, I don't know what you've been through and I don't know what it feels like to be insulted cause of my race, but coming here and taking it out on the posters here is not the way to deal with it.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned him yet. What do you think Jackie Robinson had to go through? Have you or your son been banned from the same hotels and restaurants that your teammates go to, like Jackie did? You might not have it as hard as you think you do. I had to deal with a drug-ridden High School which is why I had no friends,then my parents split-up, they weren't supportive for me in the first place, never there when I needed them. But I had to face it. Life sucks, it really does!!! I get depressed sometimes when I think about what a loner I am. And there are kids starving to death in Africa, who probably haven't even heard of baseball either, they have it really bad. MaxE, if you son was on my team and the fans were hurling insults, I'd go put my arm around him like Pee Wee did to Jackie. Point is, you think you aren't getting a fair chance in life, baseball, whatever. That may be the case, but no one said life is fair. It isn't! It's not fair my parents had to split up halfway through High School. You said before you are a human being with feelings. So was Jackie Robinson. So if he can take it, then I'm sure you can too. So good luck, I'm just gonna go back to watching Dr.Phil!Smile

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference"
Just wanted to add this...

The season is on it's way, we will root for our sons (and daughters, for those who have any on a softball team) teams no matter what level they are on and hope and pray that they will succeed.

Baseball is the only sport I know where people can come together watch a game and be rivals but friends still yet. So let's forget and remember it's only a game (life and baseball).
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