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On a post-college bohemian adventure to Europe, I was in Munich and looked in the phone book for people with my same last name (it's quite rare) and found just one. Ah, a relative! I found this person's home, knocked on the door, and a very old man answered, his ancient wife behind him. I didn't speak any German, but held up my passport and kept saying the last name over again and pointing back and forth between myself and the old guy. He went nuts. Somehow I wasn't coming off very well and he started shouting at me and getting very agitated. His home was near a former concentration camp and I wondered if maybe he hadn't worked there in his youth because when he saw the silver eagle on my PP, he came unglued. His wife started pacing back and forth behind him. It was very strange.
When I got back and told this story to my dad, he said, "Well, you know (our last name) isn't really our last name. Your great grandfather was adopted and took the name of that family."
So here I am, walking around with a name that's not even 'mine'. Not an uncommon story, actually. Just makes it hard to feel connected to a family line when you don't even know from where you came. In any case, the last name translates loosely as 'one who digs potatoes', or so someone told me.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
"In any case, the last name translates loosely as 'one who digs potatoes', or so someone told me."

Krakatoa, That is too funny. Properly spelled, Mine translated is a brightly colored bird that steals shiny things.Roll Eyes

Hope the rest of the trip was enjoyable.

"There is among us a far closer relationship than the purely social one of a fraternal organization because we are bound together not only by a single interest but by a common goal. To win. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will do." Sandy Koufax

I research genealogy - I was not too surprised to find out I am a pain by blood as well as by nature - Payne that is - but after all it is just spelling.

My favorite was when I learned my 7th great grandmother (born in Ct in 1690)was named Elizabeth Borden - now that tidbit of information comes in very handy during family arguments - you better watch out - my Borden blood is boiling.
My children feel completely out of place here. they don't fit in with whites and they don't fit in with Hispanics. So we just stick to ourselves. My children prefer not to have any friends than have to listen to the garbage from both groups.

How 'bout a little chees with your whine? Can I get you a snivel bucket?

I question whether you are actually related to a baseball player. I am starting to believe We are being played. I cannot imagine a baseball player as insecure and so lacking in confidence, even reaching the level of proficiency you say he has.

Success in athletics, in business and in life requires self-determination, almost tunnel vision in pursuit of dreams and goals.

Your son, if thats who he really is, will not be successful at whatever he tries, with the built-in excuses for failure he recites like a Mantra with his father, if thats who you really are.
I am truly appalled MaxE. You are one angry person. Seriously consider how you are coming across to your son. You have one big chip on your shoulder about prejudice that you perceive is being put on you and your son. We all have to face it in some form or the other...too tall, too short, fast ball not fast enough....little league daddies picking their sons for all stars, etc. etc....grow up and seriously stop whining. We have always told our son that he would just have to be better....if he is one of the best than he will have to be picked...allstars, varsity, college, etc.... Your race card is unbelievably sad.
Mr. you say the americans are against you and so are the mexicans. Ever wonder why? Your probably not liked by african americans, latins, japanese, russians, and every other group. Ever wonder why? Reading your sons information I see he went to Australia to play baseball. Theres alot of kids who wish they could do things like that. Your son has had opportunities that some minorities or other kids cant afford and your still crying about the world being against you. Adrian Gonzalez, Delmon Young were both the first pick of the draft and are multi millionaires. Their both from California their both minorities. Guess the world treated them better than you. There are bigots in the world but I havent noticed any that stick out on this board. Except for maybe you.
A quick story about different races and backgrounds.

My daughter had emergency hip surgery and spent Christmas week with my wife at her side day and night. She was visited by two sisters
from the s****r team who are originally from Nicaragua. The mother and father were also there at the hospital. We have known them for three years and the girls and my daughter are best of friends.

The father told us(with much prompting from us) about his life in Nicaragua. His village was caught in a gun battle between the two warring factions at the time(Sandinistas/Contras). He fell on top of his female cousin to shield her from the bullets, he was hit in the arm and and it shattered the bone. He pretended to be dead as they went around shooting the villagers. After about an hour he raised his head to see if it was clear--shook his cousin, but sadly
the bullet that shattered his arm passed through and killed her. He
does not have the full use of his arm and not a day goes by that he does not think of his cousin and wishes he could have done something
to have saved her. But you know what? Every time I see him and his wife they have the biggest smiles on their faces and their daughters
have the same positive outlook on life. They are straight A students
and play three sports at the high school. And absolutely LOVE it here in America. The parents are both very successful in their jobs
and do not miss an event involving their daughters.

I bring this up to put some perspective on this subject of being discriminated against. How is it that some foreigners are successful
in America and never complain about discrimination and others can only see the negatives and continue to refuse to look in the mirror?

I hope I haven't gone too far off the subject with this, but I don't see anyones' opinions changing after numerous efforts to try to reason.

* The opinions and views of MaxE are not those of the HS Baseball Web nor of the millions of Spanish-American/ Mexican-Americans that reside in this country, legal or illegal. I should know I am one of them (legal that is, I was born here and so were both of my parents).

People see what they want to see, nobody can change that. For some people it will always be about their nationality, or other factors.

Your only a victim if you allow yourself to be. For me I was never the victim, it was a challenge to make myself better and stand out above the rest, no matter who the rest were. My parents taught me that.Which is what we should all strive for in the end.

"God knows I gave my best in baseball at all times and no man on earth can truthfully judge me otherwise."...Joe Jackson
OK, I'm just a simple Irish American (hey, we're getting all nationality-crazed here..and if the subject is persecution, don't even get me started on Cromwell. The "No Irish Need Aply" signs were small potatoes. Ooops, was that an Irish joke, there?), but I'm confused. Max, what IS your beef?

Your say you're not a victim, you're a fighter. OK....that would differentiate you from all the rest of us here who have had easy, carefree lives, reaping abundant rewards and enjoying the fair life that is the right of all non-ethnic Americans. (Excuse me while I run outside to catch a glimpse of the pork in the treetops.)

You quote statistics (!?) about Hispanic players in MLB. I would venture a guess that there is a greater percentage of Hispanics in MLB than are represented in the general population of the US. You note that (IYO, I ain't buying the stats without checking) they come primarily from outside the US (and how do you tally Puerto Rico?). So -- what? -- the baseball 'prejudice' isn't against Hispanics, but US born Hispanics? That strikes me as very strange.

Your one player's experience proves what 'all the coaches won't talk about'. Our friend here Racab's Hispanic son has had a great deal of success and recognition. Your son has been recognized enough to have gone to the games in Australia. I'm not seeing any more of a problem getting recognition than any other player, of whatever background, nationality of origin, or hue.

Your son has had to endure insults and slurs. What!? You mean children, (even baseball players), and teenagers are nasty and cruel? Please, let me be the one to notify the media! My son had a very difficult time when we moved here because he was (horrors!) English! Yes, taunts, insults, and slurs...because young people, being inexperienced human beings, have a great deal of difficulty dealing with anyone who is 'different'. Welcome to the planet.

If you are using all this 'prejudice' you see as grist for your mill to make your son more of a warrior...well, knock yourself out. There are more constructive ways of achieving that end; ones that don't involve demonstrating to your children that the world is negative and evil place where the solitary life is the preferable path.

It's not that you're alone here in having to deal with problems of appropriate recognition and inapropriate slurs to your player, it's that you're alone in being so bitter.

And what gave you the idea anyone thought your son would be 'impacted' by anything anyone said here?????? Is there some neurological hookup on this site I'm unaware of?

PS -- good job on getting that 'adieu' thing straightened out

I'm sorry, AParent. If I had any self control I would have quit smoking and lost 20 lbs by now... Wink

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
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Friday night I responded in a ridiculious manner to a ridiculous post that had a very strong overtone of threat of legal action that was going to be brought upon Bob, the founder of HSBBWEB, by on Mr. Enias, ie: MaxE, Eye, BBNE1 or other alias.
It pains me that the purity of this website is being poisoned by such an ego.
The thread was deleted, as rightfully it should have been.
Bob, the founder of HSBBWEB, is an individual who out of the kindness of his heart and through no monetary gain, has provided parents and players with information regarding the baseball recruiting process.
Our family was wondering in the dark in the recruiting process until we found this website. I was extremely saddened and angered when Bob's good works were insulted and twisted. The statement that Mr. BBNE1 (at the time, now MaxE) made regarding "keeping files" as if he was gathering fuel for a lawsuit just infuriated me.
This is not about color, because for all I know you could be green or purple or orange, this is just a site to help players and parents learn about the recruiting process.
I have shared my experience here and listened to others' experience and learned a lot.
I have a problem with someone taking experience that I have had , dissecting it sentence by sentence, and then informing me that I am wrong and further accusing me of making "veiled threats" towards his son. My own experience is not wrong, as it is my experience.
Addressed to Mr. MaxE: I truly wish the best for your son and wish him success in all of his endeavors.
Justmom and Bob of HSBBWEB: I apologize for my reaction to the above mentioned nonsense. I hope that neither of you took it offensively towards you. I was very immature and should not have posted all of those green jumping guys. But I had had enough from this guy.
Bob of HSBBWEB: I gratefully respect what you have done with this website and appreciate all of the help that posters here have given our family and our son.

According to my husband, Mr. BBNE1/MaxE's threats of litigation in the course of expressing freedom of speech, which includes freedom of expression of opinion, is in direct violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. In that regard, BBNE1/MaxE's threat of litigation to silence opinion is a litigious act. BBNE1/MaxE's true identity is veiled. He has used or attempted to use prescriptions of law which do not allow that slanderous or libelous conduct can occur within the cloud or mask of anonymity. The Supreme Court of the State of California has judiciously ruled on this matter to prevent the threat of litigation to silence opinion. BBNE1/MaxE's threat to silence the opinions of others on this website by threat of lawsuit is characteristic of the mentality of persons attempting to usurp our Constitutional Rights regarding Freedom of Expression.
BBNE1/MaxE has indicated that he has an attorney. Any argument proffered by an attorney supporting BBNE1/MaxE's position will not hold.
To his chagrin, there is nothing for HSBBWEB to fear. Should this fellow cause you any legal grief, Bob, please feel free to pm my husband.

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Here's what Christina Aguilera did with her angst - turned it into a platinum hit record (a positive thing). This is a great song for ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE who seek to rise above. My son (caucasian - and has been called "Albino" by some in his very diverse middle school) likes to listen to this before any sporting event he's participating in:

Written by Christina Aguilera, Scott Storch

After all you put me through
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end, I wanna thank you
'Cause you made me that much stronger

Well I, thought I knew you
Thinking, that you were true
I guess I, I couldn't trust
Called your bluff, time is up
'Cause I've had enough
You were, there by my side
Always, down for the ride
But your, joy ride just came down in flames
'Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm

After all of the stealing and cheating
You probably think that I hold resentment for you
But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
I wouldn't know, just how capable
I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, yeah, ohh

Never, saw it coming
All of, your backstabbing
Just so, you could cash in
On a good thing before I'd realize your game
I heard, you're going round
Playing, the victim now
But don't, even begin
Feeling I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave

After all of the fights and the lies
'Cause you're wanting to haunt me
But that won't work anymore
No more, uh uh, it's over
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how, to be this way now
And never back down
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust, so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretended not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies
Disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see
You, won't, stop, me

I am a fighter and I
(I'm a fighter)
I ain't gon' stop
(I ain't gon' stop)
There is no turning back
I've had enough, yeah...

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
(Oh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Thought I would forget (thought I)
I remember (ohh)
'Cause I remember (ohh)
I remember

Thought I would forget (ooh)
I remember (ohh)
'Cause I remember (ohh)
I remember

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."

It all comes down to a very simple thing. You cannot be reasoned with. IE. you are unreasonable. You disagree with every persons opinion no matter how well intended or nicely put. It all comes down to this. Your ego will not allow you to let anyone disagree with you and you attack anybody who does not agree with you and accuse them of attacking you for simply disagreeing. That is unreasonable.

psychizophrenic, demented, whinner, whinning victim, loser, pickers of strawberries, bigot, crazy, ungrateful, bad attitude, chip on the shoulder, angry man, etc., there are probably more I've forgotten.

Add clueless, obnoxious, unfair, pain in the arse, and generally a miserable and sad human being. Those are my additions to your list. Nobody called you a picker of strawberries. That very clever and obscure reference was to the movie the Caine Mutiny in which Cap Queeg was a paranoid schizophrenic. (That is already on the list)

the Florida Bombers
"I love the HSBBW"
Then comes the long and painstaking work of building (or resurrecting) a genuine, non-defensive self in the context of an empathic and caring therapy relationship.

I think we either need Fungo or Dr. Phil......

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
An MLB team can sign any non-US player, usually quite inexpensively. Some of the boys are exceedingly talented, some are organizational fodder. All, it could be argued (should one be of a mind to consider MLB a strictly US enterprise) are "taking the place" of a US player. It is economics (or several other words), and it isn't directed against US Hispanics, any more (or less) than it is directed against white, black, or oriental US born players. This isn't a quota system.

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
Troll......Bait......Delete......Troll......Bait.....Delete.....Troll..... Ad nauseam and quite pretentious to say the least.
Get a life. Spend some time with your son instead of flamming every thread where you feel and falsely claim that you are the victim.
This website does not serve a useful purpose if the only satisfaction you get from it is w"H"inning thesaurusly challenged arguments.
Baseball is fun 14 this "sigh" frankly bores me.

"Elle est partie"
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