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I don't understand why people have to hate on A-rod...I am a big yankee fan, and as a baseball player, I can understand that you can''t get a hit every time. And why every at-bat that he makes out, "arod choked!"...thats ridiculous!

everyone remembers when he didnt catch the pop up on opening day? so on thurs. he had a pop pup by the foul line, and michael kay announces "the fans know all about his struggles..." is that a joke? i don't understand why people are so critical when it comes to arod...his BA with bases loaded was in the high 300s, he is so clutch, but he'll come through every once in a while.

on friday everyone was saying how arod didnt come through. true, he didnt in the 8th with the bases loaded, but abreu didnt come through either, and arod smacked a rbi double his first at-bat, and his second he crushed one to the wall, without the wind it would of been a hr...

According to one graphic run by Fox during Saturday's game, A-Rod has more RBI than any other player over the past 8 seasons.

No one produces every time, but the numbers prove that A-Rod produces more times than anyone else.

People seem to love ripping him because they think he's not worth $25.2 million/year. But remember, HE never said he was. The Rangers did. They offered; what was he supposed to do, turn it down? Would any of us have turned it down?

Not me!
We seem to play a macabre game in this country.

Lets build em up really high. And then lets tear em down. Doesn't make any sense

Some players like Jeter - who makes over 20 million himself, the public focuses on the 30 percent of the time he is successful. Others like A-Rod they focus on the 70% of the time they are not successful. A-Rod does not help himself with his public comments sometimes but how many of us are natually gifted public speakers and would always know the right thing to say in public?

What the public should really be frosted over is that Bud Selig makes over 15 million per year
Like I said before TR, ARod needs to get a mean streak to survive NY.
Just play ball and the NY fans will come around to love him if he has success.
A what have you done for me lately fan base is hard to survive,
you just have to overcome your fear of failure.
ARod want's to be perfect and loved by the fans.
And thats putting to much pressure on himself.
Get mean and nasty, and quit trying to be the media darling in NY. It will never happen for ARod with Jeter there.
He has to do it on the field.

Unfortunately the fans in NYC are a ,"what have you done for me lately" type of fan base. I am a yankeefan , born and raised in the bronx, and I can honestly say that AROD has a different mental look about him. He is open and he is not shying away from anything. I think it is great. He looks like he lost about 15 lbs, quicker, and hitting the ball the opposite way like he used to do in Texas. He is a beast and 400 foot opposite field blasts are pretty impressive.

The WFAN guys are a hoot so is the local Media , but AROD will post up monster numbers this year.

In a good world the yanks will win it all and AROD will stay.

In a bad world AROD will not win a championship as his teams pitching staff will once again become dismal in september. He will then opt out and become a MET ( just kidding but who knows).

In a surprise world, Clemens will come back to NYC and steer the ship to another World Championship along with his buddy Pettite. But then again would this really be a surprise.
Just play ball and the NY fans will come around to love him if he has success

IF??? This guy can quit tomorrow and is a sure fire HOF'er. He's the best player in the AL period (and arguably the entire league). The NY fans are just plain stupid or dumb. Not sure which. I'm a huge Yanks fan and love the fact that he's on the Yanks. Yes he has struggled in the post season, but the last time I checked this is a team sport. If you win, you win as a team. But if you lose (according to the NY media and fans), it's A-Rod's fault. IMO, this guy has nothing to prove.
Not a good week for Yankee pitching with Pavano, Igawa and Mussina all getting knocked around the park. Pettitte looked far from sharp with a bunch of walks. It's early though. Arod will be fine, and he'll need to be to keep them competitive. He is unusually needy of approval though. The game are tough enough to play, without checking the fans mood after every at-bat.
In 12 games, .375, 8 HR, 21 RBI.

His team is 6-6 and would probably be 3-9 or worse without him.

Call him "Mr. April" if you will, but with all the pitchers going down, his team needs him now and he is carrying them like an MVP. Wins now count just the same as wins in September, when they tally up the final standings in early October.
How can anyone hate the guy. He's such a great athlete and player. All I've ever said is the guy needs to stop trying to carry the world on his shoulders, and then he'll do it naturally. After a K last night, he still makes that childish face where he clenches his lips and squints. He wear's it on his sleeve, and in the bigs, thats considered immaturity. Gosh, he's what, 32, when will he look like he's matured. Maybe this year, maybe not. The guy does not like pressure. Some guys are like Ortiz, they love the spotlight, some guys just don't want the pressure and I think A-Rod is one of them. I still love watching him play and I'm a Sox fan.
I don't really like A Rod all that much and understand why he turns some people off, but...

A Rod just hit his 10th HR and drove in his 26th run in just 14 games. Walk off 3 run HR today. Is there no pressure in the early part of the season? The Yankees would be in last place without him. Before you can fail in the post season… you have to get there!

Believe me if he fails at any time during the year, people start jumping on it. Already happened in the first week this season when he struck out with the bases loaded.

I know what people are talking about with the gestures and such, but we are watching a genuine legend play. If he stays healthy and plays a full career, he will hold nearly all the offensive records in baseball history.

He will not turn 32 until the end of July, so he is in his prime and he already has …
474 HRs
1373 RBI
2087 Hits
1375 Runs
242 SB
.306 Batting Average

At the same stage in his career, Barry Bonds had hit around 300 HRs. BTW Barry Bonds, if we talk post season stats, has a .203 Life Time Batting Average in the Post Season.

The playoffs record has only been bad the last two years. In fact, years ago he innihilated the Yankees in the Playoffs. And he plays nearly every day.

And we shouldn’t forget… The two years before A Rod joined the Yankees he was awarded the Gold Glove at SS both years.

Other than the playoff slump and a bad spell at 3B last year, he has been great. The 24 errors he made last year in 151 games needs to be compared to the 12 errors he made in 161 games in 2005. In 2003 playing SS in 158 games he made 8 errors and won the Gold Glove. In 2002 playing SS he made 10 errors in 161 games and won the Gold Glove.

He moved to 3B because that is what the Yankees wanted. No complaining!
But let’s compare the fielding stats between A Rod and Jeter the two years before A Rod joined the Yankees.

Games played – A Rod 320 – Jeter 274
Chances – A Rod 1440 – Jeter 1044
Put Outs – A Rod 486 – Jeter 378
Assists – A Rod 936 – Jeter 638
Double Plays – A Rod 219 – Jeter 120
Errors – A Rod 18 – Jeter 28

Makes you wonder why A Rod was the one to change positions, don’t it?

I’m not even an A Rod fan, but some things are just too obvious to ignore!
There’s a reason he makes so much money.
It's actually amazing when you consider how many Mr. October's the Yankees have had. In more recent times, Reggie invented the term. The next one that comes to mind is Paul O'Neil and I think you can throw Derek Jeter in that mix. I'll keep saying this, the Yankees have not won one since O'Neil retired.

Speaking of A-Rod, his swing looks absolutely perfect right now. I don't care what you call it - linear or rotational, absolutely perfect.

As Bee> noted, if people keep bringing up the fact it was against the Indians today, then we will have to close this thread Roll Eyes
Interesting take on AROD on Mike and Mike this morning on ESPN---the timing is right for AROD to not only become a Yankee hero but a MLB hero all around---it is possible he can break Bonds rcord of 73 HRS in the same year Bonds breaks Aaron's record---he will be giving the fans something psoitive to cheer about
Originally posted by TRhit:
Interesting take on AROD on Mike and Mike this morning on ESPN---the timing is right for AROD to not only become a Yankee hero but a MLB hero all around---it is possible he can break Bonds rcord of 73 HRS in the same year Bonds breaks Aaron's record---he will be giving the fans something psoitive to cheer about

He is absolutely crushing the ball. His swing looks better than ever, smooth, balanced with batspeed to spare. I tip my hat. We are lucky to watch, perhaps potentialy, the best ever. If he can maintain that level through the playoffs he will carry them to a title. If he tanks in October again, it won't be pretty though. I don't think he will, though. He will garner new fans overcoming his own self-doubt. I can't remember somebody starting SO hot.
He will not turn 32 until the end of July, so he is in his prime and he already has …
474 HRs
1373 RBI
2087 Hits
1375 Runs
242 SB
.306 Batting Average

The 24 errors he made last year in 151 games needs to be compared to the 12 errors he made in 161 games in 2005. In 2003 playing SS in 158 games he made 8 errors and won the Gold Glove. In 2002 playing SS he made 10 errors in 161 games and won the Gold Glove.

He moved to 3B because that is what the Yankees wanted. No complaining!
But let’s compare the fielding stats between A Rod and Jeter the two years before A Rod joined the Yankees.

Games played – A Rod 320 – Jeter 274
Chances – A Rod 1440 – Jeter 1044
Put Outs – A Rod 486 – Jeter 378
Assists – A Rod 936 – Jeter 638
Double Plays – A Rod 219 – Jeter 120
Errors – A Rod 18 – Jeter 28

PG - those SS numbers are absolutely astounding Eek Jeter may have balked about moving. Maybe the Yankees felt they would be affecting two positions on their infield by moving Jeter. Maybe they felt the fans wouldn't accept it. Seems A-Rod should be playing short Roll Eyes

On a second note, lets project A-Rod playing another 10 years. We'll be conservative and say he averages 30 homeruns, 100 rbi's, and 170 hits. That gives him:

774 homeruns although I am guessing he will try and break 800.
2373 rbis. (that's right they are rbis); and
3787 hits.

I am probably being ridiculously conservative with him but sometimes careers take a nose dive. Ken Griffy Jr. had a career like A-Rod until injuries set him back. Hopefully A-Rod can stay healthy.

One other thought, if A-Rod set his mind to it and there was luck involved, he might be able to hold the all-time Triple Crown for his career being the leader in hr's, hits, and rbis. We always talk about Wilt Chamberlain averaging 50 points a game for a season or Oscar Robertson averaging a triple double for a season but what about averaging a Triple Crown for a career? Eek
Last edited by ClevelandDad
That is a good point TR.

Also, It seems there is little doubt that Jeter is the better "leader"! Anyway, in the minds of those in charge of the Yankees.

Jeter is a guy I've met many times, used to room with my son. He is a real nice person and extremely confident. He is obviously a great player who will end up in the Hall of Fame. I only used those comparisons to show just how unbelievable Alex Rodriguez is and has been.

And yes... If he has a bad spell during the season or worse yet a bad post season... Watch out!

Also I think last year when he was struggling so bad defensively (there was a two week period where he was the worst defensive player in baseball) people started to think he was done. The good part is, it only proved that anyone, even the very best, can stink things up at times. Even everyone's favorite these days Albert Pujols! BTW, Derek Jeter has 6 errors already this year in just 14 games. Remember in 2003 A Rod made 8 errors in 158 games at shortstop.
Originally posted by TRhit:
Perhaps having seen Jeter on a more regular basis than most on here let me offer this: I personally think that AROD is better suited for third base than Jeter---AROD is probably a better shortstop than Jeter but I think he is also a better third baseman Jeter would have been

Arod is just better, isn't he?

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