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Just read one of the message boards, and read where tom'row is cut day at the Carpenter Complex in Clearwater for the Philadelphia Phillies. About 28 players are expected to get their walking papers.

I remember watching this a year ago, and it is in many ways heart-breaking. The GM over Minor Leagues is usually standing at the end of the driveway leading to the clubhouse... players of all standing avoid eye contact, but when he approaches you, you go to the offices, where basically they have all your possessions already boxed up, and then the painful process of trying to figure out "what's next..."

Keep these young men in your thoughts... 30 ball clubs doing the same thing over the next week, all over the Sunbelt. Hopefully most spent some time in class, and have other interests. As the NCAA says, over 90% of Varsity athletes will go Pro, in something other than sports...

Don't kill the messenger.


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Heaven knows I have empathy for all of them, and especially for your son, 20.

They wouldn't have traded the experience for anything; it was what they've wanted since they were very little boys. And they lived that dream.

Best of all, they can forever say they were a Professional Baseball Player.

Which is incredibly cool. Cool

Best of luck to your son in his next adventure!
I am saddened to read this news.
Like more than a few, your son learned the "baseball is life routine" along the way and surely didn't get many/any breaks.
To his credit, he showed the courage to come back from injury, to rehab and to succeed.
He did succeed as a player/pitcher and a person and nothing that happened today or yesterday can change that.
Today, he starts a new journey but he starts it with a lot of personal strength. He has the courage to succeed.
Our son is loving his life after playing and I am loving seeing him build his passion.
One thing I recognize in him is the life tools he learned through baseball.
Those life tools really do work.
I wish your son all the very, very best.
Please keep us posted on how he is doing.

I salute your son and his baseball accomplishments to this point in his life, but it does not end here. I'm sure he'll have his fingers in the game til the end of time. While I know this is a time of mixed feelings, I can only imagine the lifelong smiles on his face sharing his "career" baseball experiences, but even more important he will now be able to enjoy his life passion without the pressures.

The glass is always half full
I too, salute all the players here who have experienced this business. Any of you that have this happen to you, you will soon see how special the fraternity and brotherhood of past, present, and future professional baseball players will be in your lives. Don't give up if you still have tools to play this game. Only when your body quits on you, then you will know you have done all you can do physically to compete at the professional level. For me, I didn't even quit then because I wanted it so bad. My heartfelt blessings and prayers to you brothers. You can get a lifetime pass at MiLB to attend all games when you have exhausted all your possibilities as a player. Do you know how special that is? You have achieved more than you may think and as several here have pointed out; you have overcome tremendous odds stacked against you to just sign a professional contract. Congratulations forever for that!

Best Regards,
today was cut day at the twins complex. son was released, he say's he knew something was up when everybody kind of avoids you.

20 Dad:
What does "released" really mean? Can he come back next year for an open try-out? Maybe for another team? Or he is done for baseball.

I wish he can work hard this year and be playing somewhere else next year.
Originally posted by bbking:
today was cut day at the twins complex. son was released, he say's he knew something was up when everybody kind of avoids you.

20 Dad:
What does "released" really mean? Can he come back next year for an open try-out? Maybe for another team? Or he is done for baseball.

I wish he can work hard this year and be playing somewhere else next year.
It means he looks for another team to give him a shot as soon as possible this year, or he moves on with his life. The "business" of baseball isn't as fun as what we see on tv.
20dad, Plan "B" that catfish mentions is almost always inevitable and as infielddad mentions is also a place where your son can use the skills he learned through baseball.
My son is currently in plan "B". His mother and I made the 6 hour drive yesterday to watch him for the first time as a high school assistant coach. Rained out! This allowed all of us (along w/mom and his fiancee) to attend a college game together and to renew some old friendships with the fans.

We also talked about the cuts that were happening to some of his former teammates (some that made it to MLB). Release will always be sad but at the same time it's a relief as it allows stability to become part of their lives. It's calming to a parent to hear their son say "I'm going to" ----- Instead of the continual uncertainty surrounding their future and hearing him say "I hope".
you are all so very kind,thank you. my wife is very surprised by your responses, "we don't even know these people". though in many way's we do. baseball people are the best.

he has many people in his corner, some options. i don't think he feels as though he's done. i guess to go out on your term's, not theirs is rewarding. if that can will.

i think back to LL day's. we never thought he'd go as far as he has. playing high school ball was our goal. his goal was much different,thank goodness. funny how things happen, even without a plan to get there.

a big business disquised as a little boy's dream.
Last edited by 20dad

Originally posted by 20dad:
"we don't even know these people"

My brown kraft paper headgear is the reason your wife may not know me 20dad, but considering it is on fire, could you please tell her it's ok to dump that platter of mostacolli right on top.


Originally posted by 20dad:
he has many people in his corner, some options. i don't think he feels as though he's done.

If he comes into my corner he'll want to bring some ear plugs!

Seriously 20dad...we wish your son the most success. Keep us posted. And have your wife pass the grated romano...this mostacolli is delicious!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by 20dad:
baseball people are the best.

At West Point, it has been pointed out to me many times, that it is commonly held that the baseball players are the coolest, most laid back, most easily approachable, close knit group at the whole school.

Having been around basketball my whole life, I'd have to agree, baseball people are pretty cool.
20dad -
I have so enjoyed and benefited from your involvement on this site, as I am sure many others have. Your son has accomplished a great deal. Whether he is finished with professional baseball or not, it seems plain to me that he will accomplish much in whatever else he chooses to do as well.

I think that is one of the things that have always attracted me to baseball. In a very real sense, the skills needed to succeed at baseball are not all that much different than the skills needed to succeed at life.

You've raised an accomplished young man. Whatever path he pursues from here, I hope he considers the years he spent on baseball to be the blessing that they were.
Thanks for this post. It was sad to hear of the websters son's cut. I, too, wish them all the best. When I talked with son I told him about this and another post like it to remind him of this possiblity in his own life. It was a good chance for us to discuss the what if's for his own life.

Fungo's statement "Release will always be sad but at the same time it's a relief as it allows stability to become part of their lives. It's calming to a parent to hear their son say "I'm going to" ----- Instead of the continual uncertainty surrounding their future and hearing him say "I hope"." is so right on! Although this is son's first full season in this we knew that the roller coaster ride of the draft was just the beginning. This 'career' is just a continuation of that ride with a bunch of new twists and turns!
Just sittin' here observing all this...........

Not much info coming from my son, eerily quiet.

Don't really know of any official cut dates particular to his organization.

Two catchers signed with MLB experience to minor league contracts to bolster some weaknesses at the MLB level.

The loss of a year of experience due to injury weighs in.......

More pitchers and catchers than other positions. Pitcher cuts come first and most often.

With the addition of two more catchers, seems like a lot of catchers now............

And, in a two minute call, nine innings with the AAA team yesterday, 2/3 and some runs batted in............

Another week to go.

Last edited by FormerObserver
Originally posted by plash3:
Getting back to the top of this thread does anybody know the answer? What Phillies got cut. My son's teammate has a brother in the mix down there and I can't seam to get any info.

You can check out Baseball America's minor league transactions every monday for release updates. They have already posted releases.

Don't be confused with cuts vs. releases. Cuts can mean a player was optioned back to triple AAA from the big league team. This is happening now, with the non roster invitees for big league spring training. A release is a release from the leagues contract and future obligation. A cut can be just a move down for a player.

My son's former teammate was also released last week with the Phillies, catcher, however, the guy has a great "plan B".
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by plash3:
Getting back to the top of this thread does anybody know the answer? What Phillies got cut. My son's teammate has a brother in the mix down there and I can't seam to get any info.

The word I think your looking for should be optioned, not cut, when a player is sent down as mentioned by another poster here.

Don't feel slighted if this is indeed the case considering Price, Weiters,and many other promising youngsters have been optioned to AAA. Clayton Kershaw is one I can think of who is indeed the exception to the rule as I pointed out early last summer.

Many that are optioned down to AAA will be called up to the show pronto(soon).

PS Update: Raining here in paradise. We were supposed to meet with CARDS front office staff/scouts today to work out Reginald Williams but we had to reschedule. He has close to 40 steals in 12 games and hitting close to .600 in maxprepsports top hitters and ranked one of the top players in the nation in Top High School batting averages, and several other categories. Didn't mean to change topic.
Last edited by Shepster
You did change the subject, this topic is about players getting released, not those being considered for draft.

A little bit of sensitivity helps sometimes.

Not familiar with workouts happening during a players HS season, does this happen often? Is this allowed? Don't they wait until closer to the draft? Just curious.
Originally posted by 20dad:
today was cut day at the twins complex. son was released, he say's he knew something was up when everybody kind of avoids you.

one door closes another opens.

20dad- Sorry to hear bout your son but he has acheived a lot and has had a life ride that few ballplayers get to experience. I am sure he has made friends and memories that will last a lifetime. To everything, there is a season -turn, turn, turn. I am sure he will be fine and use his life skills to enter another adventure in life. I wish you and the Mrs. all the best as you enjoy the next adventure his bright future brings you. One door closes, another opens.

Best wishes to your family!

K Complex
Friends, this thread got off track with some arguments about an unrelated topic, and I received four complaints about it. I took the liberty of cleaning it up so we could stay on topic with an important subject.

I truly apologize to anyone who is offended by this deletion, but honestly, I do have the right to do that. I pay the monthly bill for our forums which is based in part on the number of posts stored, so sometimes it seems wasteful to pay to store arguments that are off-topic.

If anyone has questions or would like to complain, I sincerely request that you share your concerns with me via PM so that we can let this thread stay on topic. Thanks so much.

Last edited by MN-Mom

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