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In the situation I mentioned above, I really don't care if the school marks her unexcused or not. The trip matters to us as a family, and we're going to take it.


The day my daughter will miss is the last day of a quarter. All of her graded work and all of her exams will already be done and in the books. It won't affect her grades. The worst consequence to her would an after-school detention, which means that instead of doing homework in the library, she'd be doing homework in the study hall room. It's a chance we're willing to take.


Sometimes you just have to remember whose kid it is (hint: yours, not the school's), weigh the costs and benefits, see what can be done to mitigate the costs, and make a command decision about where it's more important for the student to be on a given day.

I have been told since my son was about 12, that if he ever had the chance to play in the fall tournament in Jupiter; Go.  At the time, I had no idea what the big deal was.  But I remember getting that advice over the years.  So when he was asked to play there this year, there was never any hesitation.  Then reading all the advice on here, has made it a trip I am really looking forward to.


We will be driving down after school today.  

We just did an educational trip to take our son to the PG WWBA in Fort Myers, Florida.  Filled out an educational trip form to take his younger sibling, as well.  The only problem was the 20-30 lbs of textbooks that they needed to take along for homework.  Shouldn't have to pay for extra baggage on textbooks for an educational trip - but then that's another issue!


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