we have a beautiful basement that looks like a sports bar (previous owner was a bookie).
Party at RJM's house!
But seriously, folks ...
As to how prevalent is drinking: I regret to say, very much so, though then again, probably no more so than in our own time.
My son has always maintained good relationships with his teammates, but I often wondered why he didn't hang out with them more. He found his closest friends in other places. I worried that he was ostracizing himself among his teammates somehow, and truth be told he is sometimes a bit p r i ckly. (Wonder where he got that from?)
Well, one day I guess I pressed the point a bit, and he finally told me that "some of the people you're talking about, I'm there and they start drinking, and I have to leave." Now, I'm not so naive as to not know that lots of high school kids drink, but for some of the guys he was talking about it truly did surprise me.
So the bad news is, even a lot of "good kids" are drinking (at least). I hold out hope that they at least drink responsibly. And I do have some sympathy here in that we do seem to be a generation of hypocrites ourselves, since we allowed ourselves to drink beer legally at 18 but we don't allow our children's generation the same privileges.
On the positive side, the conversation with my son told me something about him that put my mind greatly at ease. I'm still not sure if this is a matter of moral strength, or just that son is so goal oriented that he simply will not risk getting caught doing something that would put his goals at risk. If I'm lucky, maybe it's both. I will say, I sleep pretty well at night even with him now off at college. And I no longer ask him his reasons for his choices in friends.