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Originally posted by CurveBall#17:
To tell you the truth wulbs I don't believe they are ready for LP. LP is solid expecially SWEEEEKKKKKIIYYY how ever u spell it their 2nd baseball. Conant has had several days away from prac with a ton of time off. Theres only one wya to get better and thats practice.

Well whatever they did obviously worked because Conant won 3-6
Fastdad, looks like your Barrington team is off and running. Nice shot of Chapman in the Herald if you don't get that paper. Sounds like he had a heck of a game as did the rest of the team. I am amazed that the preseason mentions from most of the Chicago papers failed to mention Billy Chapman, it seems they don't realize that baseball is played in places other than the sw suburbs. The way Chapman plays he should be mentioned. Has he signed with anyone yet? Eg12, run into a couple at the plate, I don't know but I bet you run into a few more this season, good luck at Illinois stste next year sounds like they are building a nice program.
We are tied with Prospect 7-7 in the 10th inning. Wild, intense game. Play resumes tomorrow at 4:30 in the top of the 10th inning at Prospect. Winters, Saisi, and Lattner have all thrown for Prospect and Osmanski, Werteptny, myself, and Montemayor have all thrown for Elk Grove. Elk Grove has their top of the order due up and Prospect has 6-7-8.
I know that Elk Grove is having a tremendous year, but I think that the MSL is having a bit of a down year. Normally, I would think that it is the top conference n the state, but this year BG and Shaumburg are down while some other schools are quite average.

They are still competitive teams, but not as strong as usual.
Interesting...Let me see if I've been following this correctly in the Herald:

Wheeling beat EG.
EG beat Prospect.
Prospect beat Wheeling.
But Prospect lost to BG.
BG lost to RM.
And Wheeling beat RM.

If you don't pitch your Ace, you have a good chance of losing.

Who are the top 2 pitchers for each MSL team in the East & West? Does any Team really feel they can go 3 deep and the hitters still won't hit it hard someplace?
Hey, anyone want to wieght in on the battle between West and the East after last night's results? East 4 - West 2. (Just missed 5-1.)
So much for the West being superior this season.

GrenRF4, you are right; there are no guarantees. But my point was: Baseball is all probabilities. You have a better chance of winning with your best pitchers on the mound because of the better control the top pitcher have (fewer HBP & BB). Hence, the old adage: "Good pitching, stops good hitting." With the parity in the MSL in both Divisions, pitching gives you the edge.

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