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I encourage all of you to read the following article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal today and authored by a Navy Seal. I am unbelievably proud of them. Look how he talks about who makes it as Seals and who are posers.

This article has much in common with what separates good baseball players from also-rans imho. The following quote really hit home with me, love to hear your thoughts...
Almost all the men who survived possessed one common quality. Even in great pain, faced with the test of their lives, they had the ability to step outside of their own pain, put aside their own fear and ask: How can I help the guy next to me? They had more than the "fist" of courage and physical strength. They also had a heart large enough to think about others, to dedicate themselves to a higher purpose.
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For a more detailed view of seal training, operations and a mission of incredibile courage and valor I highly reccomend:

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 by Marcus Luttrell

Simply one of the best books I have read in a long time. The book takes a decidedly conservative slant, but it is simply mind bogling what these guys go through in training and what Luttrell went through in the incredible mission that took the lives of all the seals around him in a mission gone bad in Afghanistan.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44

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