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old_school posted:

That was when people were running around saying 2 million were gonna die right?

No, it was before.  A little over four weeks ago Dr. Fauci, the CDC, NYC Mayor, etc. all dismissed what was happening.  They each said this posed no significant threat to the US as recently as March 10.  They ignored the words of US intelligence that said something bad was brewing in China.  Two days later,  after they saw the numbers in Italy, and an NBA player tested positive, they all went: "holy****, shut it down now, shut it all down."  

I was there.  Saw it go down.

HomeField2020 posted:
adbono posted:
HomeField2020 posted:
Pedaldad posted:
HomeField2020 posted:

This thread title!? Players, it's baseball (. . . and life). Have fun and compete. Don't put too much stock in a rank beyond the first 100 or so - you know what you can do and your numbers and goal numbers. Keep working, keep swinging. It may turn into the wild west, but for now, take a deep breath, make a plan, and control what you can control. You've got this. Stay healthy all!   


Reminds me of a few weeks back.  When people said, "This corona virus!?  It's the flu.. go about your normal life, business as usual."

Seriously? My son is a 2020 with a plan A.  Of course, just like before, we'll be there to support a plan B, if necessary. What would you suggest?  That my son, one of the "Players" mentioned in the title, panic and prepare for a slaughter? We'll just encourage him to prepare. 

Just understand that you are disagreeing with people on this board who have played college baseball, coached college baseball, been involved in college recruiting, have sons that are currently playing college baseball, and regularly talk to college coaches. I get that you don’t like what we are saying. I don’t like it either. But you might want to offer a little more information to your 2020 than “ you got this.” 

Not disagreeing.  I have much respect for you and all on this board.  I may not have your baseball background, but I've said many times, watching my son play has been the best surprise of my life. That said, there are worse things  than having to come up with a plan B for baseball. So, we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.  That's it for me on this one. I'll let the experts hash it out. 

I hope you continue to enjoy watching your son

play for a long time. 

Pedaldad posted:
old_school posted:

That was when people were running around saying 2 million were gonna die right?

No, it was before.  A little over four weeks ago Dr. Fauci, the CDC, NYC Mayor, etc. all dismissed what was happening.  They each said this posed no significant threat to the US as recently as March 10.  They ignored the words of US intelligence that said something bad was brewing in China.  Two days later,  after they saw the numbers in Italy, and an NBA player tested positive, they all went: "holy****, shut it down now, shut it all down."  

I was there.  Saw it go down.

Let's keep this a baseball site, there is enough baseball politics to go around.

Note, Intelligence information was ignored by the POTUS 45.

CollegebaseballInsights posted:
Pedaldad posted:
old_school posted:

That was when people were running around saying 2 million were gonna die right?

No, it was before.  A little over four weeks ago Dr. Fauci, the CDC, NYC Mayor, etc. all dismissed what was happening.  They each said this posed no significant threat to the US as recently as March 10.  They ignored the words of US intelligence that said something bad was brewing in China.  Two days later,  after they saw the numbers in Italy, and an NBA player tested positive, they all went: "holy****, shut it down now, shut it all down."  

I was there.  Saw it go down.

Let's keep this a baseball site, there is enough baseball politics to go around.

Note, Intelligence information was ignored by the POTUS 45.

So keep it a baseball site except for your political opinions. Got it.

Pedaldad posted:
PABaseball posted:
Pedaldad posted:

I hope they deal with baseball a little differently and expand the roster size a bit.  What would be wrong with changing the roster size to 42 and allowing 12.5 scholy's to be split among all players at a minimum of .25 per player, some could get a little more.  

Then a redshirt baseball player would be on par with a redshirt football player.  He would be a  guy the coaches just feels needs a little more time to Russel Wilson.  Right now, a redshirt baseball player means a guy that didn't make the team in the Spring, isn't allowed to practice with his teammates, and has to struggle to make the team again next year.   

Expanding rosters doesn't accomplish anything. 35 is more than enough for a sport that puts 9 on the field at any given time. The way it is currently structured 8 guys don't even travel with their team to away games. 

As for scholarships, most schools don't even supply 11.7. Adding more is only good for the P5 and gifted mid majors who can add on. 

Your information about redshirts is not accurate. 

It helps alleviate the roster crunch and allows younger players who will be otherwise cut, to remain with the team, practice with the team, improve for future seasons.

If you are going to say my information is inaccurate, please enlighten me about the inaccuracies in redshirting.  35 are allowed on the roster.  And yes, a player (one of the 35) that never touches the field during a game can be redshirted.  But, most teams list 37-40 on their rosters.  That means on most teams 2-5 listed are being "redshirted".  "Redshirted" by this fashion in baseball equals not on the team, not able to practice with the team, not even able to sit with them during the game.

I frequently have people that don't like what I write tell me that I am wrong.  Like it or not, I don't discuss "my feelings".  I know the rules.

Definition of  a Participant based on Equity Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)


Students who, as of the day of a varsity team's first scheduled contest

(A) Are listed by the institution on the varsity team's roster;

(B) Receive athletically related student aid; or

(C) Practice with the varsity team and receive coaching from one or more varsity coaches.

A student who satisfies one or more of these criteria is a participant, including a student on a team the institution designates or defines as junior varsity, freshman, or novice, or a student withheld from competition to preserve eligibility (i.e., a redshirt), or for academic, medical, or other reasons. This includes fifth-year team members who have already received a bachelor's degree.

Last edited by CollegebaseballInsights
CollegebaseballInsights posted:
Pedaldad posted:
old_school posted:

That was when people were running around saying 2 million were gonna die right?

No, it was before.  A little over four weeks ago Dr. Fauci, the CDC, NYC Mayor, etc. all dismissed what was happening.  They each said this posed no significant threat to the US as recently as March 10.  They ignored the words of US intelligence that said something bad was brewing in China.  Two days later,  after they saw the numbers in Italy, and an NBA player tested positive, they all went: "holy****, shut it down now, shut it all down."  

I was there.  Saw it go down.

Let's keep this a baseball site, there is enough baseball politics to go around.

Note, Intelligence information was ignored by the POTUS 45.

Wasn't aware that Dr. Fauci and the CDC were political figures.  Mayor of NYC certainly is, but he was just following the recommendations of the Fauci and CDC.

Pedaldad posted:

It helps alleviate the roster crunch and allows younger players who will be otherwise cut, to remain with the team, practice with the team, improve for future seasons.

If you are going to say my information is inaccurate, please enlighten me about the inaccuracies in redshirting.  35 are allowed on the roster.  And yes, a player (one of the 35) that never touches the field during a game can be redshirted.  But, most teams list 37-40 on their rosters.  That means on most teams 2-5 listed are being "redshirted".  "Redshirted" by this fashion in baseball equals not on the team, not able to practice with the team, not even able to sit with them during the game.

I frequently have people that don't like what I write tell me that I am wrong.  Like it or not, I don't discuss "my feelings".  I know the rules.

I'm not sure what you're talking about when it comes to your feelings. I have no interest in discussing your feelings. It has nothing to do with what I like, it has to do with what you're saying. 

"Right now, a redshirt baseball player means a guy that didn't make the team in the Spring, isn't allowed to practice with his teammates, and has to struggle to make the team again next year."

That just isn't true. Redshirts count towards the 35 man roster. Redshirts are not determined until after the season over once competition is finished. You can travel with the team every weekend, warm up in the pen every game, never see game action and still be redshirted.

The "most teams list 37-40" is not true either. 35 is the limit not a recommendation. Any program carrying more than 35 means they have guys out for the season who will be receiving a roster waiver. Things like season ending surgery, military duty, untimely death in the family. Things that would prevent guys from suiting up at any point in the season : Tommy John over the summer, torn achilles in September, etc

It's also a direct contradiction to say that redshirts are guys at the end of the roster and ready to be cut, then say college baseball should expand rosters as you did in your previous post.

Whether you discuss your feelings or not. People disagree and correct each other on this board all the time. You discuss or you move on, it's not that serious. 

I think he is talking about guys who were cut before season and are not on official roster but may be on the team roster on the website (there is a difference).  These guys will be redshirted but there are also guys who are on the 35 man official roster that will not play.  I do not see increasing the 35 man roster as an answer.  Almost all have players on 35 man roster that do not play and get redshirted.  I don't see the schools agreeing on increasing the travel roster.  That was pushed by the schools to save money so I don't see them pushing it any higher, most can't afford it and don't need more than the present travel roster in a weekend.  The other guys are either planned redshirts that they want to practice or weekday guys.

I see a lot of 2020 parents pushing for the roster size increases because they do the see the writing on the walls.  They know or think that plan A actually involves their 2020 getting to campus and getting some time in the fall but it will be limited and then in the spring not making the official roster unless they are the top 1-3 studs of the 2020's and not getting to practice or do anything in the spring.  But rather than going to plan B or C they will still ride out plan A.  My fear is that if your 2020 does not get a roster spot in 2021 spring they will be left behind because the 2021's will at least get a spring season where your son will be sitting.  I hope parents understand how hard it is for a non-roster player to get any better.  Can't use the facility or training equipment until the team is done.  No coaching in the spring and hard for pitchers to find anyone to catch them.  Hard for hitters to have anybody to throw to them to hit.  Hard for position players to find anyone to hit to them to get fielding time.  It is like being banned to a deserted island.  Not trying to be Debbie Downer but I watched my son's friends this spring that were not on the roster and felt so bad for them. 

What PitchingFan described regarding 2021 rosters is exactly what other experienced people on this board have said. None of us are trying to be negative and none of us like the message we are sending. It’s just obvious TO US the impact that the NCAA ruling COMBINED WITH a shortened MLB draft is going to have on D1 top 100 baseball rosters. We are trying to be helpful by letting others know what is coming so that you have a chance to prepare for it. 

Also mentioned elsewhere, if you count the rosters of the top 25 (I did),  they only average 3.4 seniors/red shirt seniors across them. Yes I’m sure that number inflates as you go down the list. But return of 3.4 is easier to manage than 8. 
More competition yes,  not the end of the world or doom and gloom for the top 25. 

Not sure if collegebaseballinsights posted the same/similar or more complete roster analysis or not since I’m older than 45 and  I can't read a damn thing posted in the images 😜


Last edited by Eokerholm
Eokerholm posted:

Also mentioned elsewhere, if you count the rosters of the top 25 (I did),  they only average 3.4 seniors/red shirt seniors across them. Yes I’m sure that number inflates as you go down the list. But return of 3.4 is easier to manage than 8. 
More competition yes,  not the end of the world or doom and gloom for the top 25. 

Not sure if collegebaseballinsights posted the same/similar or more complete roster analysis or not since I’m older than 45 and  I can't read a damn thing posted in the images 😜


You are right that 3 or 4 is easier to manage than 8. But that’s only one side of the equation. The programs with only 3.4 seniors are also the programs that have historically had a lot of juniors taken in the MLB draft. With a 5 round draft that ain’t gonna happen. So (I’m guessing here) 4 juniors that would have been drafted won’t be and they will return also. 4 returning seniors not expected plus 4 returning juniors not expected gives you 8 more players on the 2021 roster than you expected. 8 equals 8 no matter how you get there. 

adbono posted:

What PitchingFan described regarding 2021 rosters is exactly what other experienced people on this board have said. None of us are trying to be negative and none of us like the message we are sending. It’s just obvious TO US the impact that the NCAA ruling COMBINED WITH a shortened MLB draft is going to have on D1 top 100 baseball rosters. We are trying to be helpful by letting others know what is coming so that you have a chance to prepare for it. 

 Just want to add again, that It's important for people to understand redshirting and the 35 man roster. Fall rosters are not the same as the spring. And not all programs carry 35. 

The players who will be hurt the most will be the  ones who were asked to come with no commitment.  They will have to work twice as hard as anyone else. Unfortunately, often times players are not added to the roster and would have to try again next year. 

Eokerholm posted:

Also mentioned elsewhere, if you count the rosters of the top 25 (I did),  they only average 3.4 seniors/red shirt seniors across them. Yes I’m sure that number inflates as you go down the list. But return of 3.4 is easier to manage than 8. 
More competition yes,  not the end of the world or doom and gloom for the top 25. 

Not sure if collegebaseballinsights posted the same/similar or more complete roster analysis or not since I’m older than 45 and  I can't read a damn thing posted in the images 😜


Here is a simple question, how long did it take you to count?

And did you break out by position?  😜😜😜😜😜😜






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Last edited by CollegebaseballInsights
adbono posted:
Eokerholm posted:

Also mentioned elsewhere, if you count the rosters of the top 25 (I did),  they only average 3.4 seniors/red shirt seniors across them. Yes I’m sure that number inflates as you go down the list. But return of 3.4 is easier to manage than 8. 
More competition yes,  not the end of the world or doom and gloom for the top 25. 

Not sure if collegebaseballinsights posted the same/similar or more complete roster analysis or not since I’m older than 45 and  I can't read a damn thing posted in the images 😜


You are right that 3 or 4 is easier to manage than 8. But that’s only one side of the equation. The programs with only 3.4 seniors are also the programs that have historically had a lot of juniors taken in the MLB draft. With a 5 round draft that ain’t gonna happen. So (I’m guessing here) 4 juniors that would have been drafted won’t be and they will return also. 4 returning seniors not expected plus 4 returning juniors not expected gives you 8 more players on the 2021 roster than you expected. 8 equals 8 no matter how you get there. 

You also have to consider at the top 25 programs that now instead of losing 3-6 HS guys to the draft they will now get them to campus.  It may make that number 8-12 extra roster spots.  The shortened draft will also have a big impact on leverage.  Does a Junior sign for less than slot so that he can start his journey?  Does the stud HS kid now sign a pro contract because the 3B at his future school is coming back or the returning starter is now a Sophomore again so he will have to wait two years to play?  

I heard Dave Van Horn on a podcast say that they were hearing that the draft would be based on how many games MLB played.  120 games = 20 rounds, 80 games = 10 rounds.  Anything less will be 5 rounds.  Most of the stuff I've read recently is saying they think it will be 10 rounds.  That will help alleviate the bottleneck a little.     

PitchingFan posted:

But his insights are good so please don't stop posting.  I have to copy them and blow them up or go to the source but I appreciate his ability to bring info to the table that most of us can't get to or find.



The images are just what is provided help this community along. 

Note,  the simple objective was to provide the community free information in a visual format.


Note, the images are what they are, embedding images will always be a challenge.

Note, there is a simple option, provides the power to truly unleash the power of college baseball roster information.

Each person must determine the value of information.

To some individuals, there might not be value to this type of information.

I understand.

All good.

Agreed, but as some have mentioned, roster management is roster management and those Jrs/Seniors from this year that don't draft, some will, and some probably will next year (or not) and this should "begin" to right itself after next year's draft. Same with the HS kids. Next year more opportunity to draft with more rounds.

The studs, will still get drafted. 

Yes, I get the math, more are left coming to campus, less drafted, means more return to campus. Log jam. 

DVH has 19 guys in Freshman class.

Ark average class size (over last 4 years) is 19.5 and averages with 9.8 pitchers. Vandy around 17.3, with 9.0 Pitchers, Louisville 16.5/8.0 (CBI can give it to you for each program).

That hurts a lot more than those that average 11-13 and 6 pitchers. 


Last edited by Eokerholm
Eokerholm posted:

No worries, CBI knows I was teasing and that my old eyes are crap. He also knows I brag on him all the time and share his site information with folks I've spoken too. Crazy valueable information and insight!! 

And it took quite awhile and no. LOL!



Bottom line. 

Many permutations.

This forum is going to be very interesting for the next couple of months.

Good stuff.

PitchingFan posted:

I think he is talking about guys who were cut before season and are not on official roster but may be on the team roster on the website (there is a difference).  These guys will be redshirted but there are also guys who are on the 35 man official roster that will not play.  I do not see increasing the 35 man roster as an answer.  Almost all have players on 35 man roster that do not play and get redshirted.  I don't see the schools agreeing on increasing the travel roster.  That was pushed by the schools to save money so I don't see them pushing it any higher, most can't afford it and don't need more than the present travel roster in a weekend.  The other guys are either planned redshirts that they want to practice or weekday guys.

I see a lot of 2020 parents pushing for the roster size increases because they do the see the writing on the walls.  They know or think that plan A actually involves their 2020 getting to campus and getting some time in the fall but it will be limited and then in the spring not making the official roster unless they are the top 1-3 studs of the 2020's and not getting to practice or do anything in the spring.  But rather than going to plan B or C they will still ride out plan A.  My fear is that if your 2020 does not get a roster spot in 2021 spring they will be left behind because the 2021's will at least get a spring season where your son will be sitting.  I hope parents understand how hard it is for a non-roster player to get any better.  Can't use the facility or training equipment until the team is done.  No coaching in the spring and hard for pitchers to find anyone to catch them.  Hard for hitters to have anybody to throw to them to hit.  Hard for position players to find anyone to hit to them to get fielding time.  It is like being banned to a deserted island.  Not trying to be Debbie Downer but I watched my son's friends this spring that were not on the roster and felt so bad for them. 

Appreciate this insight.  Question - what obligation does a red shirt have to the team?  Meaning...can he simply workout at a local facility to develop?  

I think anyone in HS that is recruiting and isn't a member of CBI's website and service is wasting a lot of time.

Now holds true for anyone considering a transfer in/out. Same thing. HUGELY valueable. 

I would have been ALL OVER that annual membership this time last year when my son was researching schools. 
Would have saved me days, if not weeks of analysis. Seriously. Great information at your fingertips!!!



K9 posted:
PitchingFan posted:

I think he is talking about guys who were cut before season and are not on official roster but may be on the team roster on the website (there is a difference).  These guys will be redshirted but there are also guys who are on the 35 man official roster that will not play.  I do not see increasing the 35 man roster as an answer.  Almost all have players on 35 man roster that do not play and get redshirted.  I don't see the schools agreeing on increasing the travel roster.  That was pushed by the schools to save money so I don't see them pushing it any higher, most can't afford it and don't need more than the present travel roster in a weekend.  The other guys are either planned redshirts that they want to practice or weekday guys.

I see a lot of 2020 parents pushing for the roster size increases because they do the see the writing on the walls.  They know or think that plan A actually involves their 2020 getting to campus and getting some time in the fall but it will be limited and then in the spring not making the official roster unless they are the top 1-3 studs of the 2020's and not getting to practice or do anything in the spring.  But rather than going to plan B or C they will still ride out plan A.  My fear is that if your 2020 does not get a roster spot in 2021 spring they will be left behind because the 2021's will at least get a spring season where your son will be sitting.  I hope parents understand how hard it is for a non-roster player to get any better.  Can't use the facility or training equipment until the team is done.  No coaching in the spring and hard for pitchers to find anyone to catch them.  Hard for hitters to have anybody to throw to them to hit.  Hard for position players to find anyone to hit to them to get fielding time.  It is like being banned to a deserted island.  Not trying to be Debbie Downer but I watched my son's friends this spring that were not on the roster and felt so bad for them. 

Appreciate this insight.  Question - what obligation does a red shirt have to the team?  Meaning...can he simply workout at a local facility to develop?  

He has no obligation to the team and vice versa.  But know some are rostered redshirts and some are non-rostered redshirt.  Redshirt is actually not an NCAA term but what we refer to these guys as.  There are also grayshirts and blueshirts which are different but similar. 

Rostered redshirt guys can practice with the team but not play in but a certain amount of games which many times is none.  These guys do get reps and can scrimmage so they are at least staying in shape and some get better.  The coaches can work on areas they need help with.  Unrostered redshirts are guys who are not on athletic scholarship and once games start cannot practice with the team, workout with the team or travel with the team.  They can use the team facilities in most cases, up to the school, but cannot have instruction from coaches.  It just makes it very tough to stay in shape much less get better.  As I said, I watched my son's friends/teammates this year who were unrostered redshirts and they were struggling doing anything.  you have to be real motivated to do the work on your own along with school and limited time in facilities.

I would think definitely he can workout anywhere he wants.  The coaches want them to get better but the NCAA ties their hands from what I understand.  So, I would think a coach would love for them find a facility to hit, pitch, throw, field.  The problem with pitchers is there are very few to no unrostered catchers so finding someone to catch them is a nightmare.  Hope that answered your question.  That is why we say on here all the time to have conversations with the coaches about where you fit and listen with an open ear to what they say before you get there is you are non-scholarship player and then especially in the end of fall.  Some coaches try to get players to make a move in December to a place they can play but some are willing to stay around and try again next year.  I would think the number of unrostered redshirts who make it the next year at the same school in D1 are very low. 

Tres Elakes 24 posted:

Here is an analysis of Texas A&M's possible roster issues next year:


This read is a perfect illustration of what some of us are talking about. Some really good players aren’t going to make the 2021 roster at Texas A&M. Players that have signed NLIs and have been heavily recruited.  FWIW, you could replace “Texas A&M” with the name of virtually any top 100 D1 program. 

TCU had 8 Seniors so they can carry 43 this year.   This will allow them to redshirt a lot of Freshmen.  This is a big advantage over say an Arkansas who has one Senior who has said he isn't returning.   There are so many pieces to this that every school and recruit will be affected differently.  

Kendall Rogers tweeted that Cincy has cut Men's Soccer and that baseball may be on the chopping block at other schools.   If college football doesn't happen this Fall it could do deep damage to all of the  male non revenue sports.   

Last edited by d-mac
d-mac posted:

TCU had 8 Seniors so they can carry 43 this year.   This will allow them to redshirt a lot of Freshmen.  This is a big advantage over say an Arkansas who has one Senior who has said he isn't returning.   There are so many pieces to this that every school and recruit will be affected differently.  

Kendall Rogers tweeted that Cincy has cut Men's Soccer and that baseball may be on the chopping block at other schools.   If college football doesn't happen this Fall it could do deep damage to all of the  male non revenue sports.   

If I'm a family, I'm going to look at the impact to my position, as a middle infielder, I might want to look elsewhere.







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CollegebaseballInsights posted:
d-mac posted:

TCU had 8 Seniors so they can carry 43 this year.   This will allow them to redshirt a lot of Freshmen.  This is a big advantage over say an Arkansas who has one Senior who has said he isn't returning.   There are so many pieces to this that every school and recruit will be affected differently.  

Kendall Rogers tweeted that Cincy has cut Men's Soccer and that baseball may be on the chopping block at other schools.   If college football doesn't happen this Fall it could do deep damage to all of the  male non revenue sports.   

If I'm a family, I'm going to look at the impact to my position, as a middle infielder, I might want to look elsewhere.






In a situation like TCU where you have 8 Seniors who either start or contribute, I'd expect a lot of current players to transfer out.   

d-mac posted:
CollegebaseballInsights posted:
d-mac posted:

TCU had 8 Seniors so they can carry 43 this year.   This will allow them to redshirt a lot of Freshmen.  This is a big advantage over say an Arkansas who has one Senior who has said he isn't returning.   There are so many pieces to this that every school and recruit will be affected differently.  

Kendall Rogers tweeted that Cincy has cut Men's Soccer and that baseball may be on the chopping block at other schools.   If college football doesn't happen this Fall it could do deep damage to all of the  male non revenue sports.   

If I'm a family, I'm going to look at the impact to my position, as a middle infielder, I might want to look elsewhere.






In a situation like TCU where you have 8 Seniors who either start or contribute, I'd expect a lot of current players to transfer out.   

Some may. But what I would expect is that at least 8 of the incoming recruiting class in fall of 2020 won’t be on the roster in the spring of 2021. 

PitchingFan posted:

He has no obligation to the team and vice versa.  But know some are rostered redshirts and some are non-rostered redshirt.  Redshirt is actually not an NCAA term but what we refer to these guys as.  There are also grayshirts and blueshirts which are different but similar. 

Rostered redshirt guys can practice with the team but not play in but a certain amount of games which many times is none.  These guys do get reps and can scrimmage so they are at least staying in shape and some get better.  The coaches can work on areas they need help with.  Unrostered redshirts are guys who are not on athletic scholarship and once games start cannot practice with the team, workout with the team or travel with the team.  They can use the team facilities in most cases, up to the school, but cannot have instruction from coaches.  It just makes it very tough to stay in shape much less get better.  As I said, I watched my son's friends/teammates this year who were unrostered redshirts and they were struggling doing anything.  you have to be real motivated to do the work on your own along with school and limited time in facilities.

I would think definitely he can workout anywhere he wants.  The coaches want them to get better but the NCAA ties their hands from what I understand.  So, I would think a coach would love for them find a facility to hit, pitch, throw, field.  The problem with pitchers is there are very few to no unrostered catchers so finding someone to catch them is a nightmare.  Hope that answered your question.  That is why we say on here all the time to have conversations with the coaches about where you fit and listen with an open ear to what they say before you get there is you are non-scholarship player and then especially in the end of fall.  Some coaches try to get players to make a move in December to a place they can play but some are willing to stay around and try again next year.  I would think the number of unrostered redshirts who make it the next year at the same school in D1 are very low. 

Thanks, very helpful.  My guy has baseball money so sounds like worst case would be rostered red shirt.  (Understanding all of the other warnings about coach trying to guide him out...get that part).

Tres Elakes 24 posted:

Here is an analysis of Texas A&M's possible roster issues next year:


For what it's worth, the article is a few days old.  In the comments section it notes that two additional players at A&M have entered the portal since the article was written.  I checked on D1 Baseball and that appears to be true.  A lot of moving parts out there it seems.

9and7dad posted:
Tres Elakes 24 posted:

Here is an analysis of Texas A&M's possible roster issues next year:


For what it's worth, the article is a few days old.  In the comments section it notes that two additional players at A&M have entered the portal since the article was written.  I checked on D1 Baseball and that appears to be true.  A lot of moving parts out there it seems.

Were they seniors?

Last edited by TPM

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