Thanks for all the great advice fenwaysouth, and everybody else. You guys are right, I need to expand and not only look at the NESCACs as their admissions rates are normally <30% and the pull on admissions varies greatly at every school. From the information I've gathered from some people, it seems like the player has to be qualified for the school academically, almost more-so than any other conference, including Ivy.
You're very welcome, and you are very right for these kinds of schools. The athlete does have to be qualified academically and may be competing with other athletes to get accepted. If an athlete can get accepted on his own merit (on par with the student body), so much the better for him or her.
I know it is tough to NOT lump these schools together. But, you really can't. The acceptance rates vary considerably depending on which school within the college you are applying. For example: Harvard has an overall acceptance rate of 7%, but there may be schools within the University that are more or less....so it really depends on the situation. You can't compare those acceptance rates to other NESCAC or Ivys because each is a seperate case all on its own. So, it is difficult to compare. By researching this further, you will find out which school and situation works best for you.
One more thing: a teammate of mine went to Headfirst, stayed in communication with a couple coaches for the following weeks, and was encouraged to apply ED to 3 schools. He chose Middlebury eventually. Is this the common route for a recruited athlete that a coach is interested in? Do many offers get made with Headfirst alone?
Yes. NESCACs can recommend students for "slots", or "tips" to Admissions. In return, the coach will most likely want you to verbally commit, and apply ED or EA to secure you as a recruited athlete. There are pros and cons to doing this. If you do it, my recommendation is that you have ALL of financial aid packaging completed in advance. Again, this is something you need to do a little more research on.
You'll know immediately if a HeadFirst coach is interested. He will ask for a copy of your hs transcript. The amount of interest or the quantity of offers (at HeadFirst) will be determined by the coaches need for a LHP, and how well you perform at the showcase. It really is that simple...supply vs demand. If the HeadFirst schools are the type of schools you want to pursue then you are in the right place. Remember there are no guarantees, and this is an opportunity to get in front of hundreds of coaches. My son had a terrific experience at HeadFirst a couple years ago. The school he is attending, he met the coaches at HeadFirst.
Again, best of luck and feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.