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I was looking for a place to ask some questions related to rules that I am unfamiliar with in High school baseball and came across these forums. 


I am new coach to an 11U knothole baseball team that follows High School baseball rules.


Last night we had a situation that I was not familiar with and was looking for some insight from others.


Here was the situtation :

1 out with a runner on 3rd.  Batter bunts the ball down first base line - literally right on the inside of the line.  Catcher comes out and makes the throw to first which was not in time and the runner from 3rd scored.  The umpire called the batter out because he did not run to first in foul territory in the "running lane" and sent the boy that scored back to third.   Our fields are not marked with a running lane and the batter ran right down the line, not inside the line and not out in foul territory.  I have now read where there should be a 3 foot running lane to first base during the last 45 feet of the baseline which you should be in when running - this we did not know.  I still do not know why the boy that scored from 3rd was sent back after scoring though.


Any clarification or help on this would be beneficial.  I want to make sure my boys and other coaches have a proper understanding as we move forward.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Y’all have probably chosen the worst possible rule set to play under, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Now to the situation. If I get the language wrong I’m sure one of the umpires will correct me.


The umpire called the batter out because of interference, and in all rule sets, that’s an automatic dead ball and the umpire gets to determine what bases the runners must return to. In all rule sets that running lane is there whether its drawn on the field or not. The simple act of running outside of that lane does not constitute interference. The umpire has to judge the runner was interfering with the player trying to receive a throw attempting to put him out.


The interference and obstruction rules are complex and take time to learn and understand. I STRONGLY suggest you download the Official Baseball Rules from and at least become familiar with them if not study them. You can get NFHS rules from the NFHS website, but they aren’t free. If you really want them, contact one of your local HS coaches and ask for an old rule book. I have several here because we get new ones every season.

Here's the written rule (Section 4, Article 1, Rule G)

Batter-Runner is out:

g. He runs outside the 3 foot running lane (last half of the distance between home and 1B) while the ball is being fielded or thrown to 1B.

 1. This infraction is ignored if it is to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field the batted ball or if the act does not interfere with a fielder or the throw. 


So unless the boy's path to the base interfered with the catcher's should have been ignored (I can't tell from the post). 


If the ump called this as an interference, then it is a dead ball and all runners have to return to the base they occupied before the pitch was thrown.(Article 2)


Did the umpire give you a clarification (if you asked)? 





Here is the shady part, I think.  Maybe you umps can add clarification.  As far as I know, as long as one foot is landing in the running lane, you should be OK.  In other words, if you are running to 1st and your right foot is landing in the lane, or on the base line and your left foot is outside the base line, that is considered running in the lane.  Is that correct?


No.  Here's the FED rule:

The batter runner is considered outside the running lane lines if either foot is outside either line.

OBR is more expansive:

Rule 6.05(k) Comment: The lines marking the three-foot lane are a part of that lane and a batter-runner is required to have both feet within the three-foot lane or on the lines marking the lane. The batter-runner is permitted to exit the three-foot lane by means of a step, stride, reach or slide in the immediate vicinity of first base for the sole purpose of touching first base.

Originally Posted by soulslam55:

Here's the written rule (Section 4, Article 1, Rule G)

Batter-Runner is out:

g. He runs outside the 3 foot running lane (last half of the distance between home and 1B) while the ball is being fielded or thrown to 1B.

 1. This infraction is ignored if it is to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field the batted ball or if the act does not interfere with a fielder or the throw. 


So unless the boy's path to the base interfered with the catcher's should have been ignored (I can't tell from the post). 


If the ump called this as an interference, then it is a dead ball and all runners have to return to the base they occupied before the pitch was thrown.(Article 2)


Did the umpire give you a clarification (if you asked)? 





Under FED rules the runner returns to the base occupied at the time of the interference.  The penalty you described applies only to 8.4.2b



we have a forum here called "ask the umpire" where you can post any questions regarding rules and recevie answers from our umpire staff.......its also a great resource to search.....over the years we have answered many if not all things regarding NFHS rules... and those situations and answers can be found in the search history....


let us know how we can help.

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