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Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
And for the record..........

Again, it's parent's that are involved here.

And you know what happens when that all comes about. Big Grin

I think it would be very entertaining to see, over the next twenty years, how much of an "uninvolved" parent KG remains as his kid(s) get older.

And the last time I checked, the players had their own forum on this board.
Originally posted by Texan:
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
And for the record..........

Again, it's parent's that are involved here.

And you know what happens when that all comes about. Big Grin

I think it would be very entertaining to see, over the next twenty years, how much of an "uninvolved" parent KG remains as his kid(s) get older.

And the last time I checked, the players had their own forum on this board.

The only difference between me and most of the parents on here is.........................

I've actually been through it as a player Wink already.

That will probably make a little bit of difference don't you think? Big Grin

Plus, I hope my kid likes golf instead.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:
Concerning players coming up thru DBAT's system; I can't speak on their individual teams as my son has never played on a DBAT team, but I do know that guys like Cade and Kyle as well as their instructors like Chris Edelstein and others have been very instumental in helping many young men in the Dallas metroplex reach their baseball dreams no matter what team they played for.

It's kinda hard not to recruit kids when you only have 16,17 & 18 year old teams. It's not like DBAT starts kids out at 8 years old.

Ya'll wake up.
H&U........great point.......I still don't get all the negativity to some guys that are just trying to make a living and help some of the area baseball players make it to the next level. What's so wrong with that?

Maybe I'm just missing something, but I really don't see what it might be.

All I know is, I have seen nothing but sincere professionalism from every person associated with DBAT that I have been around.

I'm proud that my son plays for DBAT and I'll tell everyone I know just that.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
I rather doubt this thread will have any effect whatsoever on amateur baseball. Can't remember hearing any of the boys even mention this website this weekend. For that matter, neither did the coaches or parents. Smile

{And for that famous record, I was shocked at the turn this thread took.}

But then, there is only one person in the world who knows what is good for amateur baseball and who also happens to be the sole holder of baseball knowledge.
Last edited by Texan
Enlighten us. We've seen plenty of your posts that gripe and moan about how amateur baseball is going down the toilet and only you know how to fix it. But what have you done lately to improve it, other than gripe and moan?

As I recall, you got very bitter when you didn't bring home the trophy from what was to you the biggest tournament in the world. Apparently some players either weren't there or showed up late due to be at AC, if I recall properly. You didn't get to live your dream through those kids, so you quit coaching.

How did that help the state of amateur baseball? You just took your toys & went home, rather than continue to help young men.

Get your butt back in the saddle and keep up the good fight. Start coaching again. Rather than just sit around & moan, acting like the deposed king of a pauper nation.

{And leave the arrogance at the door. It is only tolerable on those who can back it up.}
Last edited by Texan
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
This whole thread is a perfect example of some of what's wrong with amatuer baseball today.

A bunch of BS that does nothing to better the game.

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him."

Originally posted by TT53:
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
This whole thread is a perfect example of some of what's wrong with amatuer baseball today.

A bunch of BS that does nothing to better the game.

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him."


Nice try TT! Not my post, just agreeing with it was all. Go pick on someone your own size.
Originally posted by Texan:
Enlighten us. We've seen plenty of your posts that gripe and moan about how amateur baseball is going down the toilet and only you know how to fix it. But what have you done lately to improve it, other than gripe and moan?

As I recall, you got very bitter when you didn't bring home the trophy from what was to you the biggest tournament in the world. Apparently some players either weren't there or showed up late due to be at AC, if I recall properly. You didn't get to live your dream through those kids, so you quit coaching.

How did that help the state of amateur baseball? You just took your toys & went home, rather than continue to help young men.

Get your butt back in the saddle and keep up the good fight. Start coaching again. Rather than just sit around & moan, acting like the deposed king of a pauper nation.

{And leave the arrogance at the door. It is only tolerable on those who can back it up.}

Again Texan,

Back when I was coaching I would have taken these words and responded in a way which showed my desire for the game.

But after years of a constant beat down from opinions, values, and sorry character from individuals like yourself......I have decided to devote my efforts into something more productive at this stage of my life.

Your words are so far from the truth they warrant no response.
One of these days I will put together a short story on my past and the facts they involve.

Unfortunately, when names are mentioned in posts........they get dumped here.

I guess some folks would rather ignore the facts and work on assumptions.

But maybe I'll put them up anyway and take my chances.

Better yet.............I think I'm gonna go kiss my son goodnight.
It's not this forum, It's all forums. Please read again.

Ran accross this article.
Forums - what are they good for?

The bumper sticker goes: "*orn - driving the Internet since 1986." While there's no denying pornography's long-standing reign over the Net, the runner-up to the throne would have to be the mighty forum: messageboards and all those virtual common rooms where people can gather and communicate. Forums often cop a bit of a beating, mostly for harbouring people who have not yet mastered the art of acceptable social behaviour, and there's a lot of merit to this belief, although it's not all bad...

It's often been said (mostly by n00bs that have been flamed for not adhering to posting guidelines), that Internet communities are the refuge of the lonely, bored and socially retarded. Because users' true identities are protected by the anonymity of the Web, they aren't judged on physicality, hence it becoming a sanctuary for those who don't fit society's perception of physical attractiveness. While existing in a virtual world where looks are redundant obviously has its benefits, there are plenty of downsides, which are unfortunately made worse by the lower echelons of Net users.

While it would be nice to place the blame for Net nastiness firmly in the lap of one particular type of people, the Web is your ultimate social leveller and it seems that (with the exception of a few world-class trolls who fall into the sub-human category) everyone is equally susceptible to being a part of one of these lower echelons. Even the most tolerant person will deride another if pushed far enough. Because Net communities are formed by like-minded people coming together to talk like-minded things, messageboards can quickly become cliquey. Each clique sets up its own rules (see: 'guidelines on posting') re-inforcing norms designed to include members (and exclude newbies), which can foster an environment where anything less than extreme conformity results in rejection. This doesn't exactly breed the sort of environment where people feel safe to post their views, something most forums ironically pride themselves on providing. Established forums are most unforgiving when it comes to newbs and even long-time members can face the wrath of the board if they oppose the dominant way of thinking for too long.

In the real world, in face-to-face, non-anonymous human interaction there's such a thing as accountability. There's no 'hiding behind a keyboard' or changing your avatar and user name when you insult someone in the real world, which is why so many people use the Net (a non-consequential environment) to indulge themselves in normally consequential acts. Thus, one of the biggest benefits of the Internet also becomes its biggest detracting feature, with censorship at the core of the issue. (ie. How visible should moderators be/ should they have the power to delete post etc etc).

Despite the bitchery, Internet communities are yet valuable resources, they link people together who may be separated by physical distance or circumstance on the common ground of shared interests and provide a relatively safe arena for open discussion. Forums are useful in providing ongoing discourse about topics that may not be easily broached in the real world, and this value is strengthened by the accessibility of information on the Net at large.

So, to answer the question, forums do perform valuable functions - both real and virtual. While there's not a lot of worth to a forum that's full of unchecked criticism and self-indulgent whining, there is a place for open-ended discussion, and the airing of issues to stimulate debate. So newbies, don't be scared of posting, go forth and forum. And, if you can't find a forum you can relate to, don't despair - there'll always be *orn.
I'll throw my two cents in...

The emphasis on DBAT on here doesn't bother me one bit. I am not a player just a parent. My son doesn't even know this web site exists.

In regard to DBAT constantly moving players on and off the roster - if true - who cares? In a way I think that is good for the boys. If they truly do want to play at the next level (college or pro) they had better get used to the idea that someone is always going to be breathing down their neck trying to take their position on the field and even their roster spot on the team. If select ball is supposed to truly prepare these boys for playing beyond HS then the constant threat of losing their spot in my opinion is good. That is real life brother - either on the baseball field or in the work place.

I have very little tolerance for people who think they should have a spot reserved for them because they've "been there" for years.

Personally, my son has changed teams three time in the past two years - the teams he was on kept going out of business - Knights, Dodgers, and then finally a stable team the Tigers. Every season he has had to come into a new situation and earn playing time. I think it has worked out great and it has made him a better player.

Anyway, the DBAT stuff doesn't bother me. Whoever started this congratulations on the new hat. My son got a new hat every summer but it was because every team he was on ceased to exist. I wonder if his Dallas Knights or Dallas Dodgers hats will become collectors items?
Last edited by crawdad
My son doesn't even know this web site exists.

Then you better be watching your son a lot closer to see what he is up to. All the kids know about this site. Remember Linty's comments to the players and parents about this site????? Does that help you remember now?

"I have very little tolerance for people who think they should have a spot reserved for them because they've "been there" for years." I could not agree more with you. Now that is the truth.
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
But after years of a constant beat down from opinions, values, and sorry character from individuals like yourself......I have decided to devote my efforts into something more productive at this stage of my life.

Your words are so far from the truth they warrant no response.

Here is from one of your past posts:

Oh, on a side note. All-State ***** ******** left for Cape-Code showcase for entire week. Finally showed up 15 minutes before our final game. Obviously the late arrival effected his performance due to the fact I have never seen him give up 3 runs in the first much less in a game. Regardless, we would have lost with Nolan Ryan on the mound with our offense that day. Point being, not sure what kind of message it sends when you leave your team for a east coast showcase when you are one weekend from Farmington, the grandest stage for amatuer baseball.


My days of coaching are over. For many reasons. Mostly, my wife and I are trying to start a family and build our dream home at the same time. That in itself is crazy.

Second, I don't think I can take another summer with today's type players. Self-promotion takes priority over team to parents and players today. As hard as I have tried to change this, I fear nothing will change and it will only get worse. Well, not with me around. I am done.


As for me, the sun sets on my days in baseball for a while. Unless I have a son who wants to play catch. I can't wait till that day so I can be the parent who calls the coach and say......

"Why ain't my son playing as much as Johnny?'
"My son is going to this showcase, he will miss a week. When he comes back he still has his starting spot right? If not, we quit"

Anyways, I'll try not to bash anyone too bad. But if you want to know the truth, just ask. I can speak my mind now.

Probably no one really cares."

And what was that I heard about pulling your team off the field at LSU in '05?

When you run into something you can't handle, you just start name calling, then take your toys & go home.

Don't let it whip you. Start doing something productive for baseball. Get back to coaching, then you will have less time to gripe and whine.

Get back in the saddle.
Last edited by Texan
What an ugly thread this is.

While everyone here may not have the baseball experience Ken has, what all of us baseball parents have is many years experience as parents of baseball players - the sometimes thrilling and often gut-wrenching experience of trying to guide your child, who you love more than anything in the world, through the twists and turns of pursuing his dream.

Until you've spent 10 or 15 years doing that you probably shouldn't judge baseball parents too harshly, and by then you'll probably cut your comrades some slack (sometimes and only grudgingly) or if you still haven't learned anything at least your contempt for them/us will be from a completely different perspective and for different reasons than it is now.

Nothing matters in this world compared to the success and happiness of our children. That's pressure unlike any other.

I hope having a child teaches you something useful that you can give back to baseball as apparently many here think you have alot to offer if you can figure out how to get past your current obstacles.

Peace, man.
I never implied that any of your prior post was not a fact, KG. I was quoting it as fact, actually.

If it is really over your head, I'm not going to explain it. If you are ignoring the message, I'm going to let that slide as well.

Go play with your little one. He'll be grown and gone before you know it.

Last edited by Texan
Originally posted by Texan:
I never implied that any of your prior post was not a fact, KG. I was quoting it as fact, actually.

If it is really over your head, I'm not going to explain it. If you are ignoring the message, I'm going to let that slide as well.

Go play with your little one. He'll be grown and gone before you know it.


That sums it up. I figured there was no substance to your post. Just wanted to make sure.

And thanks for caring so much about my time I spend with my son. Trust me when I tell you we are spending some great time together.

But then again, I'm just a parent, what do I know. Wink
"I have very little tolerance for people who think they should have a spot reserved for them because they've "been there" for years." I could not agree more with you. Now that is the truth.

For you to agree with this is a joke. If you are affiliated with Linty Ingram's team, as is claimed, you know that part of what differentiates Linty is that he sticks with the guys who have been with him. I can assure you that if Linty's team was associated with most other organizations in the area, many of the players that have been on that team for years would have been sent packing due to injuries or "hitting their ceiling". Linty's team epitomizes the concept that "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts" and you are the beneficiary of that.
Originally posted by Train:
Thanks Uncle Ethan. See you over the weekend I am sure! Wink

Train, did you watch the Coppell games over the weekend? If so, can you send me a Private Message with your general opinions on how they did, be player specific if possible. I'm not on your allowed PM list or I would have gone that route.

I was traveling over the weekend.

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