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Having played against Newman Smith twice, I can tell you, their outfield is amazing defensively. There were (supposedly) 3 scouts at our last game against them just for the outfield. Claiborne throws well, and if he's got everything working, he's nasty. I would say overall they are a very solid team, but if Rowlett has good pitching and defense, they could definately pull it off. After all, we should've won the first game, and lost our emotions in the second game... and we didn't even make the playoffs.
Having played against Newman Smith twice, I can tell you, their outfield is amazing defensively. There were (supposedly) 3 scouts at our last game against them just for the outfield. Claiborne throws well, and if he's got everything working, he's nasty. I would say overall they are a very solid team, but if Rowlett has good pitching and defense, they could definately pull it off. After all, we should've won the first game, and lost our emotions in the second game... and we didn't even make the playoffs.

You didn't even mention their ability to hit. 8 of the starting 9 hit over .320 or so. These guys can swing the lumber.......I mean aluminum!
I was extremely impressed with Carmon during the Rockwall series. He is real aggressive and knows what to do and how to do it. He's built a quality program over the years and he should be commended!

They've got this kid named Loy that not a lot of people have heard about. Let me be the first to tell everyone that I think this kid has the ability to hit a game winner if they will let him play! Wink Roll Eyes
Newman Smith is pretty good. Only lost one game in District, the last game against richardson. Haha thats us. Yep. Anyways, I am on JV, but I didn't see the game, but they said they were pretty good both times they played them. I have a friend who goes to rowlett, and they are fairly good also, it will be a close game, but I think Newman Smith will pull it off. Sorry rowlett guys, 10-5A rules.
Originally posted by Fast Ball Mom:
With friends like that - who needs ..... oh well, you know the saying. GO EAGLES!!!!



You need to stop spreading those nasty rumors about who I am. I am inundated with pm's....shame on you! nono

Ok, back to the topic at hand,

It's a day away and the keys to the series are;

Can Rowlett's leadership core step up as they did last week? If so then game one could go to Rowlett. Combine that with the underclass surprise element. It can be done.

Second, pitching will also play into the fray as the Newman people are touting that #2 is as good as #1. If this is truly the case then Rowlett has their back against the wall and will be hard pressed to win 2 of three.

Thirdly, whoever holds up to the pressure of elimination will endure to fight another day.

Finally, no errors + Timely hitting + senior leadership + underclass tenacity = Rowlett facing winner of Tyler Lee & Creekview. good
Last edited by JAFO
Of course I am not sure you want Outside guy to associate with you. He seems a bit over the top if you know what I mean.

I don't even know who fastballmom is, and to say I am a fan is a bit presumptuous. I am not over the top either. I am just opinionated and try to interject some good points and humor along the way. People on here are way to serious and they need to loosen up and enjoy life instead of taking everything that is typed on here as the gospel. I don't know who you are Jafo, but I think you are opinionated too.
Rowlett spit the bit yesterday against a very powerful Newman Smith team. Long story short, they just couldn't get anybody out. It appeared. From my perch on the fence that the Eagles did not lack effort, but could not make solid contact as they have in the past. Credit has to go to Newman Smith's pitching. Also a good coaching move in the 5th to remove starter and go to lefty vs. lefty with bases juiced and 2 out to get the "k".

Pitching for Rowlett struggled early and often as Newman Smith showed why they are who they are. I predict a completely different type of game as last night look more like a track meet than a baseball game. I do know the loss at least on my end has rejuvenated focus and determination. I think we will see game 3 at Jesuit on Saturday.

On another note,

I did observe a few classless acts from the Newman faithful last night that are a bit disturbing. On field player that was attempting to show up the Eagles with the hotdog moves early in the game. Names will not be mentioned but the Eagles know who it was. And as Mr. Vanlandingham put so eloquently; "Baseball doesn't Forget". Also late in the game the fan section for Newman laughing and making fun of a player that was injured with a foul ball off the knee. This too, will not be forgotten. I fear the ladder crew will have something to say about the Newman hotdog performance of last night and the total classlessness of a few individuals when a player gets hurt. Again Newman shows why they are who they are.

Ok the ranting is over for now. I fully expect the Eagles to remember this game and do what it takes to get the job done this afternoon.
Last edited by JAFO
I was also at the game last night and agree with everything JAFO has said. There were certain times during the game when some of the fans would make me giggle with certain comments that were thrown out there. You expect that when you go away to play a playoff game. BUT when our player was on the ground and visibly hurt, after the foul ball hit his knee, and the fans started laughing I looked at my wife and said the exact same thing, "Classless!".
Another thing I agree with JAFO about is some of the hotdog performances on the field. I saw many. Not just by the individual that your talking about JAFO. Newman Smith is a very, very good baseball team. It's too bad we have to focus on the idiots that are just there to hear their head rattle. Ringer1 son told me after the game while they were going to the bus the heckling continued. My goodness win with some class.

Yes we were warned and as usual Newman did not disappoint. I am afraid of the repercussion at Rowlett today, but our fans do show a little more restraint when it comes to injury of a player. The injured player was able to resume but it was totally a classless act. The thing that disturbed me most was NO ONE confronted them about it from their own fans. So the bad rep IMO goes to the entire fan base there as they seemed to condone that type of behavior.

And by the way, I am not related to the player other than he plays for Rowlett and I hate to see anyone made fun of and laughed at when an injury occurrs. I now have a better understanding of Newman Smith and will remember the situation for future reference.
Now I didn't say that!!! But when they do start getting out of hand our coaches will send our players or some school personel to put a stop to it. I do keep one thing in mind and that is we are talking about kids and kids try to do the most shocking things to get attention. And one more thing, when Rowlett beats a team, the Ladder Crew doesn't hang around and tell them how bad they got beat. They get in their vehicles and leave.
Originally posted by Clemente21:
Your ladder crew is so kind. Go listen to them and come tell us what sportmanship is.

Oh no, don't get me wrong ladder crew is viscous, however they have toned down over the last two years. As I stated, I fear today’s game from the ladder crew’s perspective. I think it will be as the days of old.

But to sit in the stands and laugh and make joke of an injury is total classlessness. I will stand by that until the end. Newman Smith fans defined classless last night.

Just as my good friend ringer stated kids are kids. I also GUARRANTEE if the crew gets out of hand Maddog will go to right field and let them know that it is not acceptable, unlike Newman Smith.

Bottom line is we got our butt beat and we need to focus on business.
Sounds like sour grapes!! Frown
I think it was a great game... watch what is going on "between the lines!"...That is what counts! Some good hits, some great runs...Score reflects a good game. clapping
I've also checked with a vice principle on duty...nothing was classless. Spirited teens can act immaturely! I assure you that if there had been anything to warrant a reprimand, it would have been dealt with.
Laughing? Now, I'd much rather hear laughter than "trash talk"! nono
And, I'm sorry your player got hit with a foul ball...That's baseball. I'm sure it stung for a while,
but NOT injured. As you said...he was able to play! Our trainer would have seen to it if he had needed further help.

I'd imagine Rowlett students will be rowdy thisafternoon & rib some, too... It's to be expected...If they are "perfect", I'd really be surprised!
Wait till your kids go off to college!! Then you'll really get an earfull!! Eek

The focus is the game between the lines. Let's just hope the teams play to the best of their ability!

Go Trojans! clapping
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