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"Think we can focus on the game and not rehash the classiness or classlessness of each team and their fans?"

Was a very well pitched game by both teams, especially Rowlett. Perfect game until top of 5, by Rowlett pitcher when consecutive walks loaded the bases. #8 hole hitter from Smith lined a single to left, and 2 runs scored.

Rowlett hit into at least 3 double plays, wiping out the 4 walks they were given. They also had 4 hits, 2 more than Smith.

Rowlett made 2 costly baserunning mistakes, early in the game. One resulted in a runner being thrown out at 3rd, with one out, and one being doubled off first on a 3-2 pitch, runner going, and a fly ball to shallow left.

Smith played errorless defense, and got the clutch hit. Rowlett played as well as Smith defensively, but couldn't get the timely hit when they had the opportunity.

All that other stuff is just fluff, neither team played rattled or distracted. Both teams deserved to be where they were, and due to more timely hitting, Smith won both games.
Originally posted by justaliloutside:
Well it seems like the Trojans had their hands full today as the Rowlett starting pitcher was on his A game making our hitters look foolish throughout the game. The Trojans pulled off a tough victory against a well matched opponent, Rowlett. To comment on the fans, I know the "Posse" can get a little wild and out of control, but the Newman Smith players were not laughing at the foul ball incident unlike the Rowlett players who thought it was hilarious when a line drive struck our pitchers ankle. The posse,unlike the ladder crew don't shout derogatory and racial comments at a player or tell players to meet them in the parking lot after the game? TALK ABOUT CLASSLESS!!

Ok, I don't agree with the Rowlett laughing/mocking Smith with the line drive incident. But I guess you didn't notice how the Rowlett coach immediatly jumped in and told his players to "stop it...we're not going to act like that". I was sitting right there on the first base line and heard it first hand. I didn't see your coach or school personel do this the night before. As of racial comments, you're crazy!!! I was closer to the ladder crew than you were and I never heard one racial comment. Don't open up that tired can of worms. Sure, they were heckling the right fielder. That is to be expected. Especially since he transferred from Rowlett to Smith this year.
And last but not least, about your beloved Posse. While Ringer1 son was running to the catch the door to the locker room, before it locked in front of him, your Posse told him "you better run". What does he need to run from? Your team won the game so why should my son run from these people. They should be happy they won. So when you want to come in here and act like your Posse is totally innocent you need a reality check and a new battery for your hearing aid. They are all kids with raging hormones and everyone of them is guilty about one thing or another. But don't try to act like your Posse members are innocent bystanders.

Too bad all of this overshadowed one hell of a ballgame because that's what it was.
"Posse" can get a little wild and out of control, but the Newman Smith players were not laughing at the foul ball incident unlike the Rowlett players who thought it was hilarious when a line drive struck our pitchers ankle. The posse,unlike the ladder crew don't shout derogatory and racial comments at a player or tell players to meet them in the parking lot after the game? TALK ABOUT CLASSLESS!!

I love it. What goes around, comes around. And as baseballmom put it, he wasn't injured he kept playing so we'll turn our head and just ignore it.
So, who won on the field? From most posts, it isn't obvious.

As an innocent angel bystander, focusing on the behavior of two groups of kids is unfair to the fine baseball teams. Parents, it's ok to be feel a degree of distain (there's that word again) for the opposing rowdies, especially when the behavior is inappropriate. But it seems obvious that neither side is above reproach. Playoff baseball is emotional. I thought this series would go three games.

Congratulations to Rowlett on a great season. Some wrote them off after the first 6-7 games. The Eagles have several underclassmen and their JV team stood out in the area. The future is bright.

CNS -- good job in sweeping a solid team. They have the pitching and top-to-bottom offense to keep winning. Good luck in future rounds.

Can we get agreement from both sides on the baseball side of things -- then close the topic? Smile
Apparently some Rowlett folks are just contentious! Maybe any rate, obvious sore losers.

It's playoff time...To get there, both teams had to play pretty darn well the last couple months. I wish more of the Rowlett folks could be proud of their teams accomplishment, and had the ability to focus on the game between the lines.
Fans are just
These 2 teams would be on the field playing, regardless of who was sitting in the stands!
That is the important thing! Appreciating the AB's, pitching, fielding, DBL plays, stolen bases..That's so much more entertaining than the nonsense banter from the stands, or a bullhorn or air horns (UIL violation)(or this message board!!).

R 0

Rowlett has a lot of talent! They played well.

Smith showed some strong defense!! PC had a dynamic throw!! 2 errorless games is great!! Trojans move on!! clapping
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