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I know the season in the granite state doesn't get under way until April 10th, so this is early buzz, but it can't hurt to have a couple of guys to keep an eye on.

St. Thomas Aquinas, in Class I, will be starting 6'5" sophomore Matt Carr at 1st base. Matt broke his wrist early in his freshman season, so this will be a first look for lots of folks, but we remember him from his AAU days as a lefty pitcher with a big bat. He's a perennial high honors student, as well, so he'll eventually be a good catch someplace.

2005 Class L champs, Nashua South, are reportedly returning almost the entire championship team, and the buzz at Nashua North is that junior pitcher Jon Sawyer was clocked on a JUGS at Sunday's scrimmage vs, Tyngsboro, MA, at a consistant 87-88, with bursts to 91-92. I didn't actually see the reading, I was busy trying to find an open restroom, but the sources are reliable. He'll be one to keep an eye on, this season, as well.

20dad, if you're out there, do you know if Ben Hart will be pitching for Portsmouth?
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HB just got back from our trip to maryland and we are very please with were we are at this early in the season. Two juniors from HB that i would keep an eye on are pitcher David Christoffersen and catcher Andy Morton. David was hitting 88 consistently on the jugs this past weekend. Andy has a very strong arm for a catcher (1.9 pop time) and drives the ball to all fields. This years team could start one senior, three soph and five jr's. Could be hard to find innings for all of our pitchers.
KmomNH,... Thanks for kind words about Matt.

He accomplished one of his goals on Wednesday by starting in the opener for the varsity at first base. We won 11-2 over Pembroke and he went 1 for 4 with an RBI. It is early and all the teams are full of hope and anticipation, but I think STA will be very competitive. Like everyone else, the team will go as far as the pitching can takes us in the post season.

I know we will see a lot of the boys from the old AAU teams in the next few weeks.

Keep me updated on your son's progress too !
Hi, NHFD, 'bout time you found your way here, and congrats on your seasoner opener. Saw two former AAU teammates this afternoon - one from NH Griz and one from the BF. Just spaced the Grizzlie's name - James something - joined us late in their 13U season - plays for Londonderry JV. UGH!!! That's going to drive me nuts, now.

Keep an eye on Londonderry varsity - they mercy ruled Nashua South on Wednesday and beat North by 8 runs tonight.

As for my son - he went 4 1/3 on Monday. 5 K's, 3 BB, no hits, no earned runs, and he gets the start against Dover on Monday.

Great To Hear, I so glad he is pitching well !!! Is he getting opportunities to play in the field as well?

I just went looking for my info on that 13U year, but its missing at the moment. I think I know with player you mean, but like you I can't remember his last name.

We are off to a good start here, 2 and 0 now. The boys won 7 to 3 today over Coe Brown. Matt went 1 for 2 with a run scored today.

I hope we can find a point to meet at some point during the season. Im sure the summer will be harder with your traveling south.

From Matt, Deb & myself.....Have A Happy Easter!!!
2,7&27Dad - 20dad - KmomNH ,

Thank you all for your very kind words. It has been a bitter sweet time since the Nov 19th, but Matt has shown a lot of maturity in handling all that has occurred. Deb & I are so very proud of him. He has grown up a lot over the past year and despite the injury has accomplished a great deal in the classroom and on the court.

He will be undergoing the ACL surgery on the 18th and should be fully ready for basketball at WPI in October.

I want to thank Coach Chris Bartley at WPI for all his efforts in recruiting Matt and his support after the injury. It would have been very easy for him to just move on to the next kid on his list as it were. He and his staff stayed in touch with Matt and help us find a wonderful surgeon (Dr. Philip Lahey - His son, Tim, may get his MLB shot with the Cubs this year!). Matt is looking forward to studying Chemical Engineering at WPI and playing ball for Coach Bartley. Strange as it sounds, he is anxious to get started with the rehab. It hard now for him, becasue he knows he could go out and play and help the team now even with the knee less than 100%. Unfortunately if he did, he never be ready for college ball next season. Once the surgery is done, then his focus will be just on doing the rehab and getting ready for college.

I want to thank all of you for your help, support & guidance over the past few years. We have all had to deal with the ups & downs that high end athletics brings. Very few others understand what a family goes through when you make the sacrifices to give your children a chance to fulfill their dreams in athletics.


We are still planning to come over to the game at HB in February and look forward to seeing you and Josh in spring at STA for baseball.


We hope to see you at the Portsmouth game on the 15th. It will be the last one before Matt's surgery.


I can never thank you enough for all your support and advice over the years. It still seems like yesterday when we met at the Diamond Skills competetion. I have a feeling we will continue to bump into each other down at the LL field in summers.

I just looked at the Foster's site, and there is a nice article there on Matt. John Doyle talked with Matt last week at the Oyster River Christmas Tournament and it looks like the results of that talk are in this article.

Here is a link to it:

Once again Thank You All

Mike & Deb

Matt had his ACL reconstruction surgery last Friday (1/18). Dr. Lahey said everything went exactly the way it was supposed to. (Although Deb & I got a bit nervous when the 2 hour surgery went close to 3!) They were able to harvest a good graft from his hamstring. Dr. Lahey said Matt should be fine and as long as he adheres to the rehab protocol, he should enjoy a very good freshmen year playing basketball at WPI.

He is doing well and is expereincing only a little pain. He is using the CPM machine six hours a day and says he has virtually no pain or discomfort when the knee is being exercised.

Thank You Again To Everyone For All Your Support & Prayers!

Mike & Deb
redsoxfan - you've put up 3 posts and all prominently feature AJ. Your profile says you're a scout for the Angels, but you call yourself "redsoxfan" and in your top players for 2008 post you mention only 3 kids from Nashua and one from Souhegan (who won't be playing in NH this season - his family moved back to Canada). I find that odd. Sounds like something I'd expect to see on varsityne - not hsbbweb.

I know that Zapenas thinks he's a shoe-in for Gatorade Player of the Year, and I know Bazdanes expects the same thing, but there are other players in NH who will compete for that crown. If you're truly a scout, why not give us your thoughts on players who don't live in Nashua?
Your comments are way out of line. I've known Bazdanes since he started school at Infant Jesus. He's a decent pitcher and he'll certainly compete for the title, but there are more players in the state than the ones in Nashua.

As for my son, he prefers to let his performance - not his mom - speak for him.

Please go back and read the rules for the message boards before commenting further.
Last edited by KmomNH
May I---I know a lot of scouts and the "real" ones don't post as you have Red Sox Fan

First of all if you are Angels Scout why use the RED SOX FAN ID?

I do not have a player in this debate so it matter not to me but PAL get real---I for one think you are a sham---REAL SCOUTS DO NOT POST AS YOU HAVE TO DATE
KmomNH is exactly right redsoxfan14 read the rules of the message board. Anymore further comments like that and your privileges will be revoked.

Is AJ Bazdanes your son btw? If so, you have hyped him enough imho. If he is what you claim he is, we'll all find out about him when he reaches the next level - assuming that is the case. Your posts do seem obviously designed to draw attention to him and thus I agree with KmomNH's previous comments.

Thanks, yes im learning way more than I ever wanted to about the knee and this procedure. I know you understand from Chris's TJ surgery. How are things going for him now?

Matt is doing very well all things considered. I was really concerned about the post-op pain, but he has really not had much at all. (He is growing a bit more though - they could not measure his height when he went for the preadmissions testing. The device attached to the scale went to 6 foot 6 and a 1/4 inches and they could not get it on top of his head. At this point he might as well go to 6'7" or 6'8", I know Coach Bartley wont mind!).

I hope we will get a chance to talk in person at the STA-Portsmouth basketball game on the 19th of Feb. (It's Matt's 18th birthday).


TRhit is right, the REAL scouts do not announce themselves as such. Let alone in the fashion you have done. Your childish retort leads one to draw the obvious conclusion that you are indeed just a child. Some of the people talking in this thread have quite a track record with their kids and college/pro baseball. Your not going to BS anyone here.

WOW, I just took a moment to look back at your posts, talk about shameless promotion. Everyone here can create a list of awards their son has garnered, but they dont include that list everytime they mention the name.

your quote -> "Bazdanes a 6'4 200 machine no team in Class L can beat him." I see this kind of yack on the basketball web sites. 99 times out of 100 its just a HS kid pumping up a friend.

I have a piece of news for you, there was a kid here in Class I a couple of years ago, Jeff Locke (maybe you heard of him - the 52 pick overall in the MLB draft). He threw harder than Bazdanes (consistently hitting 95) and had a good curve too. He was not "unbeatable". Only a moron would say that about any HS pitcher, they are all beatable simply because they are all 17/18 yrs old.

Can you explain "touches 91?", I know from my experience people use that phase when a kid does it once, but can't repeat it, or he did it on one style of gun, but never on others. At 6'4 & 200 hitting 91 is expected, its not something you should have to promote everytime you drop his name. What other pitches does he have? Can he consistently locate them? These are more important points than "he touches 91". The final word on 91 is...he either throws 91 or he doesn't.

Oh, by the way.....just so you know....KmomNH is right..the Thompson kid is not even in the country anymore. Yep, your might want to do a bit research there son before you just cut & paste someone elses list.

I WILL give you another name ... Ben Hart from Portsmouth will definitely compete for that honor. The fact you did not include his name tells anyone who knows anything about baseball in NH that your a fraud. Ben has been recruited by D1 programs just as illustrious as Zapenas and your boy. In fact I am quite sure passed on Maine and was looking at some of the big schools in the south.

Your comments about a parent here give you away. No person truely involved in recruiting or scouting would ever make a statement like that here. I know two gentlemen in the seacoast area who scout for MLB teams. My son was coached by both of them. I'm sure one phone call will tell me if the Angels have anyone in NH and who they are.
I would like to express my sincere condolences on the passing of AJ's father. redsoxfan14 - if you are AJ, I am very sorry to hear about your Dad.

We are a friendly site (i.e., polite) and we exchange information to help young ballplayers. The purpose of this site is not to hype or promote individuals. I suggest letting one's performance do all the talking. That is the only thing that talks for my son and that is the best advice I can give. If you are talking to a college recruiter or a pro scout then certainly let them know about your capabilities - otherwise let your performance do the talking. Thanks.
Last edited by ClevelandDad

My team played Portsmouth twice last year and Ben threw in both games. I also spent some time in the dugout with him last spring as the coach of the Class I vs. Class L junior’s game at Franklin Pierce. I can say that he is a quality kid who happens to be a lefty Smile. His off speed stuff is as good as his fastball (mid 80's) with movement. His past experiences, hard work and makeup will allow him to be successful at the next level.

I played for a top 25 DIV 1 school and I have been a high school coach for almost 10 years. I have spoken to hundreds of college coaches and pro scouts about my kids and kids that I have seen. The question "how hard does he throw" always comes up and to me is almost a non issue. Two years ago we played at Kennett with Locke on the hill and we had success with his 95 fastball. I have also coached against guys 75-80 who hit spots and kept hitter off balance and didn’t have much success. So I guess my point is if a kid throws striks and gets outs I don’t care how hard he throws he can play for me any day.....

I saw AJ throw last weekend at Extra Innings Nashua and he throws hard with a hard curve. I know coach Neverett is very excited about him.
Last edited by coachC

My name is Charlie Bazdanes the older brother of AJ. I just got a phone call from my brother and he was just in disbelief of what i myslef jsut read.
I came upon some sad discoveries of what people had to say about AJ and my family. I would never nor my family tries and hype up my brother. We all just want to see him succeed and do well at Maine. If he gets drafted good for him if not he has a great D1 scool to go to.

I was not in Connecticut last Sunday for his Team Connecticut workout but it was verified from his pitching coach he didn't throw below 90 and hit 92 4 times. I don't have to justify or hype up my brother b/c quite simply and honestly what he has done outside of this state has proven his ability and unfortunately Mark Detering kept him from playing baseball last year. Tht is a different story than I won’t share. Can we just please show AJ and my family some respect. I do not know who this redsoxfan 14 is but I would like to see him removed from this community.

In no way does eh represent me or my family and what he is writing to KMOM is slanderous and just out right rude and wrong.

Thanks for the attention to this matter and I would appreciate people remove the negatives about AJ and my family. Although I didn’t say it let me just apologize to KMOM. That was awful to read that. People thank you for removing the negatives of AJ in advance...

Whos is redsoxfan 14 ?? Identify yourself

Welcome, Charlie.

Thanks for the apology, but its really not necessary. Those of us who've been on this site for a while recognize that the individual in question meant well with regard to your brother, but didn't quite go about things the right way. Since he's been addressed by some of the fine folks who've been with HSBBW for a long time, his posts have been much better and more in line with the way folks talk around here, so we can probably leave him alone. My gut feeling is that he meant well with regard to AJ and was only posturing when addressing me. As I said, he's been much better, lately, so no sense pushing the matter further.

Now if you don't mind a personal question, I remember hearing that you are a Colby-Sawyer grad. How did you feel about your experiences up there and what do you think of the baseball team they've put together? We saw them at the fall alumni game and they looked pretty good to my novice eyes.
I can honestly say that when Colby-Sawyer is mentioned I always remeber the four years of college baseball and the great times there. Colby-Sawyer not only helped me develop socially but also in the classroom and on the baseball field. I didn't even want to play high school baseball my senior season for a reason I won't discusss but Coach Broughton was happy to have meall four years and has a spot in the rotation each of tohse 4 years.

Colby-Sawyer (CSC) is what you make of it. It is a baseball program that if you put in hard work, determination, and have a good work ethic with skill obviously you will see Coach Broughton give you all the oppurtunities he can. I would certainly endorse playing for Coach Broughton it is just not a program to expected to be drafted in.


Thanks 2, 7 & 27 Dad!! It was a good article. another NH kid to root for and keep an eye on. A lefty too. I like to give my 13yr old lefty articles on other New England players who get drafted or scholarships. These show him that if he is serious and puts in the work when he is a little older that NH and New England kids can get noticed, especially if blessed with throwing with their left

20 Dad - I wish Chris all the luck in the world as he works his way back from TJ surgery!!!
20dad: It has been quite a while, but I forgot about this site (not sure how!). I coached against Chris and am very pleased to hear he is doing well. I wanted to ask you about something. I have a very good lefty who is about 6'2 and I'd say in the 180's. He is 15 and looks to be very good. He was clocked recently between 82-84. My question is: do you have any suggestions for development of a very young lefty with heavy promise? Thank you for your time.
Last edited by Oldschool17

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