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Originally posted by Backstop-17:
You see, at the high school level, the majority of kids on the team will not go on to play at the next level,....

This is a shocking statement to me...bear with me here. (Backstop-17 please understand I know I took that line a little out of context from your post, I just want to make this point)

My wife and I have had conversations with other parents about how our son sometimes finds himself alone on a Friday night because the others are out drinking. Those parents have often said just what you did, "well, your son has so much going for him with college and maybe even pro ball in his future."




Every single one of those kids has potential. Every single one of those kids has a bright future. Maybe they won't be baseball players. But they'll be parents, coaches, neighbors, they'll have careers that support their families and benefit others.

I say they're "writing off" their children with the comment about my son. It's almost as if they're trying to justify their children's (and probably their) bad behavior and decisions.

These kids are 17-18 years old. They have 60-70 more years to make an impact on this world. Will that impact be building a beautiful home and family...or will it be falling off that balcony in college?

Will that impact be starting a business...or will it be driving into a ditch and saddling himself and his family with thousands of dollars in wasted expense?

Will that impact be coaching a little league team or will it be running a red light and wiping out three lives?
Last edited by biggerpapi
Talk to your kid. Do not assume they know. Do not assume they understand. Talk to your kids. Make sure they can talk to you. Our kids are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes and they are going to make bad decisions. Pray for my kid that he will make good decisions and God will watch over him. And I promise you I will be doing the same for yours.

Naive? Yes. We all have been. We have no idea the pressure they are under in certain situations. The pressure in HS is 10,000 times less than what they will face in college. The pressure to fit in and be one of the guys is enormous. Sometimes they have to take some lumps in order to learn. Sometimes they have to see someone else take some lumps in order to learn.

Deldad you are nothing but a class act in every way. I will not even begin to think I can understand your loss. But I want you to know I pray for you and your family and hope you can find joy in each day. And hotcornerdad you are not alone. Your a great dad who didnt do anything wrong. Your son only proved he is human and capable of making a bad decision. And I have no doubt he will prove his true character in the days to come. He is a fine young man who any parent would be proud to call their son.

I have no right to judge anyone. I have no right to look down on anyone. Only because of the grace of God I am where I am today. It has very little to do with anything I did. We raise our kids to the best of our ability and then we pray. And we thank him everyday for his grace and understanding. And I also thank him for my many friends on this site who I know will stand behind my son no matter what and I will do the same for yours. Thats what friends do.
"Prosecutors said Gallo, who was on parole for a felony DUI conviction, had a blood-alcohol level nearly three times the legal limit when he blew through a red light at 65 mph on April 9, 2009, and T-boned the car carrying pitcher Nick Adenhart and three friends"

That statement caught my eye. It seems so many of these tragedies are cause by repeat offenders who should not even have the right to drive sober.
Last edited by cball
Here's the biggest contradiction of this entire trial. Gallo alledgedly didn't know what he was doing when he got behind the wheel. But he knew to run from the accident. I say he knew what he was doing when he got behind the wheel. I say when the accident occured he knew he was on parole for drunk driving so he ran.
I'm sorry for all who've been effected by this, whichever side of it you've been on; it's just a no-good scourge that has all of us worried as hell.

Amen, Krak. Amen.

Your post about your son's unwillingness to "partake" in order to fit in made me think what a strong man he is going to be. I admire him, but also hate that he and others like him suffer the fate of ostracism for doing the right thing.

The last 24 hours have been very emotional for me reading through this thread. The kindness of deldad continues to touch my heart. The good wishes and support of so many on this board have blown me away. I finally decided to show my son the thread because I felt he had a right to know what I had posted. He said two things afterwards. First, he was very touched by deldad's words. Second, he thought it was amazing that parents of players could find support from one another in a forum like this.

I also find it amazing. Blessings on each and every person at the HSBBWEB.

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