I know that what I am about to say will probably be unpopular, however, so be it. First I admit I am a upper middle aged white male, raised in a middle class family within a nuclear family. My parents were together until my mothers death a quite a few years ago. I have been married for 31 years. We have raised 3 boys in a middle class neighborhood. I never completed my college degree but worked retail for 18 years in the grocery industry. I worked my way up from Bag Boy to a Store Manager. I leftnthat position to start over in IT. Again I started as a Help Desk and worked my way up to my current position as a consultant at a large national company and considered an expert in the mobile space.
I want people to understand my background in lightnof my next comments.
What the nine year old said was terrible and it was racist. However we have no background. Had this youngster had previous issues. Is this the first time. Does he understand. The word. Is it possible he was coerced by others to usebthis word? We have to trust in the adults involve and hopefully they did the right thing, just as Fenway said.
As fornthe youngsternthis slur was directed to. I feel for the youngster. However does he understand the word and the connotations that go with it?
What do we want to teach both kids? We want to teach tolerance. Does a no tolerance punishment make both of victims? If the punishment does not fit the crime, the kid being punished, may resent rather than learn. This just continues to breed intolerance. Do we want to teach the child that was the target of the slur that they areba victim?
I know what I was taught. Don't let the Bully know they got to you. That gives them power over you. Do we really want these types of words to continue to have power over our young people? Yes it is a terrible word. With a terrible history. No that word should not be used against others. I was also taught the power of forgiveness. My Grandmother never cared about what was innthe hearts of others, but our own actions. And in her family we forgave those who wronged us. Do we want ournyoung people to think they are victims, not to know the power of forgiveness. Then power of being sorry for your actions, because they were wrong. And not sorry just because of a punishment? Do we want words to continue to hold power over our young people. Do we want them to learn to be sad, mad or victimized, because what they were called.
I understand with my background Incan never understand what some people have gone through. I understand how blessed I am to have had the parents I have had, and the family I have had. I will never know how it feels to have that word used against me. However somethings are universal. We want all our children to be happy and strong. I am not sure some of the decisions made today are helping our children in that direction.