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RJM, try and understand where NWBB is coming from. Your photo can easily be mistaken to be based on race.

Why would you interpret it that way, unless YOU yourself hold differing views for different races? It takes one to think like one...I don't intend to pick on you but RYM is right, society is a boiling pot of hypocritical PC mess.

That's a different category .... pathetic, money grubbing, gold digger.

Sorry to be cynical...But if it was Tiger Woods the cashier at McDonalds or Tiger Woods the whatever, would he have married his current wife at all?
Last edited by monstor344
Absolutely wrong to attack and accuse RJM in this situation. I can certainly understand him being upset. I would wonder about him if he was not. It says alot about those that accuse imo.

Firt of all Seal is ugly. No he is hideous. Lets just pretend he is white so no one gets upset.

Seal is white. And he is ugly. Now that should make those that feel offended feel better.
Firt of all Seal is ugly. No he is hideous. Lets just pretend he is white so no one gets upset.

Seal is white. And he is ugly. Now that should make those that feel offended feel better.

I think it is always wise to read the entire thread, just because I have seen stuff taken out of context before.When I saw the comment, my first thought was, that it was a good example of the post about how ugly guys that are uglier than a doorknob get beautiful women.And then RJM used that as an example.
I think discusson, and debate, and even a good argument are good, but always be careful to not insinuate something about a person, in such a way as was towards RJM.I would of felt insulted as well.
Last edited by fanofgame
Originally posted by Stage Dad 9:
And what defines physical beauty.

Based on your previous posts and implied moral superiority I'll take a guess. All blacks are beautiful. All white conservatives are ugly.

How and the heck do you know what Heidi Klum thinks btw? Maybe she is attracted to ugly guys. There are women that think Keith Richards is still attractive even after he partied his face off.

Seriously, I don't blame RJM for being upset at the attacks that have been directed his way.
I think we all need to be sensitive to the fact that Seal has been through so much and has overcome so much adversity. How many Seals have been beat about the head over and over by those clubs? Actually escaped off those ice bergs and made it safely to shore? And then hooked up with with a Super Model?

Dayeum the dude is a modern day walking talking super hero Seal!
Lay off him RJM. You are so off base!
First of all, I know what this thread is about. Goodpitchtohit I don't believe I ever made any insinuation as RJM being a racist. I agree with what he was saying. I understood he was speaking about the beauty of one and the ugliness of the other.

I am in agreement with everyone here about how NWBB shouldn't have said anything about that. However, I never called anyone or anything or insinuated anything. I don't believe RJM is a racist, nor do I care.

Also, I'm not blaming RJM for being upset. The way I look at it though is it is an internet message board. Whatever happened to the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." My view on it is people need to grow up. Like I said before, it's not flattering to be called something such as a racist, nazi, etc.

RJM I'm not questioning your values. However, violence begets more violence. I know this just a tad bit off topic, but what if MLK punched everyone whoever called him a "******." What would of happened then?

Just to let you know, I'm not trying to cause any sort of drama on here. I'm just stating my opinion. It would be nice to talk about some baseball on here. It's getting tough over here as I saw my first snowflakes today. I can't wait for spring.
More thought........Why???

This post has clearly been light-heartedly comparing famous men (black, white, purple, martian, or whatever) that most would not consider to be a candidate for People magazine's world's sexiest man, with their obviously better halves - women (black, white, purple, martian, or whatever) whom most consider to be beautiful. Nothing more, nothing less. End of story. Apparently you and NWBB are the only ones that cannot seem to grasp this. If you have read the whole thread then you either
A. are the ones with the race problem
B. just simply stirring the pot
Either way, by your statements you are implicating everyone else - other than yourself, NWBB, Johnny Appleseed - who has posted on this thread after RJM's post as well, in the process throwing a lot of real good people under the bus.
A very wise and learned man loosely once said the following during a really bad riot:

"People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out."

Rodney King

I think we can apply his words to this dispute and end the carnage before someone gets hit with another golf club.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by johnny appleseed:
OK you are 100 percent right. Can we find any couples where the guy is good looking and the women is ugly? Don't see to many of those.

Show me an ugly woman with a purse full of money who wants to share it with me and you can take my picture with her all day long...then you will have a picture of two ugly people!

Last edited by Coach Waltrip
Originally posted by getagoodpitchtohit:
What would have been very mature would have been for NWBB & Stage 9 Dad to read and see the WHOLE thread to gain the context of the picture before making serious, inflammatory insinuations such as that.

I read the entire thread. What on earth does that have to do with anything? Like most threads it evolved strangely and did not have a consistent theme or message.

It began with a link to a story of Tiger admitting his “transgressions.” It meandered through posts claiming disgust with the incident and posts claiming disgust with the story and the coverage of it. Then came a doctored photo of Tiger with his wife followed by some attempts at humor. The first mention of race was contained in a post by ClevelandDad blaming the media for covering for Tiger and Obama while castigating Rush L.

That was followed by a couple of “attaboy’s” and then the thread returned to attempted humor. As part of that, on page 3, gotwood4sale posted: "always amazes me how these athletes with a face like a doorknob seem to marry the most beautiful women."

This was then followed by a couple of comments about his wife and a suggestion that she would never had married him if he were not wealthy.

After a photo of Ralph Kramden there was a post wondering why Ric Ocasek (Cars) and Paulina Porizkova (SI covergirl) could have been a couple. Back to “humor” and then a comment about Peter Wolf of J Geils and Faye Dunaway.

After a shot of Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts, followed by a photo of Anna Nicole Smith and what appears to be a dried up corpse, RJM posted the first photo of a black man with a white woman and the caption: “Here’s another mismatch.”

So, yes I had been following the thread and I did not see and still do not see any logical sequence to it that would control my interpretation of RJM’s post.

Unlike most of the other posts of alleged ugly men and beautiful women, this one had no descriptive comment and was the only one to feature a black man, who, in the photo, at least, does not appear all that ugly, and a white woman.

Having been witness in professional baseball to considerable bigotry, (yes, still in this day and age) and without an explanation accompanying the photo, I admit I did question why this photo was considered a mismatch. It has nothing to do with “brainwashing” and everything to do with personal experience. If there are those who can’t accept that, there’s nothing I can do about it.

RJM has since denied any motive or thought involving race. I don’t know him, but I will choose to believe him.
Unlike most of the other posts of alleged ugly men and beautiful women, this one had no descriptive comment and was the only one to feature a black man, who, in the photo, at least, does not appear all that ugly, and a white woman.

There was no need for a descriptive comment. It seems reasonable to suggest Seal is ugly/non-attractive and there is no getting around it. RJM's post did not need any descriptive comment and it followed all the others in sequence after gotwood's comment (ugly man/pretty wife motif). You and Stage Door 9 are the ones who implied he made a racial comment (when there was none there) and hence you appear to have a racist attitude imho.

Again, I think you are trying to demonstrate some type of uber moral superiority and frankly that seems phony and offensive. You are trying to demonstrate that by making the ludicrous argument that somehow Seal is attractive (you are so color-blind that even Seal is beautiful). Using that type of logic, anyone suggesting Seal is ugly must in fact be a racist. I don't think so.
CD, I think one point he was trying to make was race wasn't even mentioned until your post. Stating Rush was fired because he said something about a black athlete (by the way, he resigned), saying Woods and Obama were being protected by the main stream media because they were black, is where the racial overtones started. NOT RACISM, but racial overtones.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Again, I think you are trying to demonstrate some type of uber moral superiority and frankly that seems phony and offensive. You are trying to demonstrate that by making the ludicrous argument that somehow Seal is attractive (you are so color-blind that even Seal is beautiful). Using that type of logic, anyone suggesting Seal is ugly must in fact be a racist. I don't think so.

Talk about "uber" superiority. You now post, in essence, that you know why I posted better than I do. Even after I explained why I did what I did.

Even with my experience, I don't know how to argue with someone who thinks they know me better than I know myself. This is rich.

As I said, I don't RJM, but I believe him. It would take knowing him a lot better that one can from reading posts to call him a liar.

If my saying that is "uber moral superiority" compared to your insistance that you know me better than I do, so be it.
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