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China has a big 203mm towed gun, and its M110-copy SP model, that can hit about 40km with the Extended Range Full Bore shells, and about 50km with a base bleed round. Although this is not generally used in coast artillery.

Seoul is about 31 miles ( about 50 KM) south of the DMZ. If the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or North Korea) had these weapons, they could ostensibly volley a few rounds close to Seoul. If that were to happen though, it would be the predecessor of invasion and full out frontal conflict...not the type of lobbing of a few rounds into rural towns that happened here.

In this situation, the DPRK was firing from fixed positions of coast artillery that are dug into the side of a sheer faced mountain coast. While the SK targets were in the open and vulnerable, the DPRK guns are impossible to take out without smart bombs. It was an attack typical of the DPRK where they are risking nothing unless SK wants to declare all out war. Just another cowardly act in a long list of cowardly acts from Kim Jong Il.
Last edited by CPLZ
Well, if the North ever decided to launch an all-out assault on the South, the Seoul metro area (about 14 million) would be devastated within 20 minutes. We'd have less than 2 minutes warning that missiles were incoming, they have a lot of them, and the vast majority are aimed right at Seoul and many have coordinates centered on the joint command center on Yongsan, about a half mile from where I'm sitting and typing this. We have a pile of govt-issue gas masks sitting here in the corner of our little computer room (collecting dust for about ten years now - cartridges are probably no good anymore!).

But gosh darnit, I'll be putting up our outdoor Christmas lights today, and involuntarily helping my wife clean the house for our Thanksgiving get-together tomorrow. The cleaning part is really much more alarming to me than all-out war at this point. Plus, they're supposed to get us out of here if things get too hot. We received an e-mail from the school principal last night that the rumors of school closure today were not true (ahh, those kids never miss a trick!) but that the 7th grade field trip had been postponed (boooooooo!)

Anyway, thanks for the well-wishes. We're good!

Here's a picture of our house....I'm sitting in that little room behind the upper left window. Come visit!
If I told you, cball, I'd then have to kill myself.

Nah, I'm DoD CIV, so not on a military rotation. We've stayed because it's a good job, better than I would have had back home. My daughter wants to graduate here (4.5 more years), then I'd like to transfer to Cuba (much easier to get home) or Spain or Italy. We'll see.
Krak although you don't seem to be worried about any of this going on I still wish you and your family safety. Also, thank you for what you do over there and helping the military families so far from home.

I'll tell you the advice that I give any student / player I have that enters any branch of the military - if they shoot at you......DUCK
Okay, now that I know you feel you're as safe as you can be during this, I'd like to offer this tongue-in-cheek offer for all capable HSBBW members to come to your aid in the event of an all out war.

MN-Mom of course, will be our 5-Star General.

CPLZ will be second in charge with his West Point expertise.

Fungo will lob a few grenades across the DMZ with GunEmDown10 and YoungGunDad following with their own brand of firepower.

Vector will come along to tell us where we are.

We'll ride in trojan-skipper's giant wooden horse after gotwood4sale deploys one of his unique diversions.

TRHit and TPM will give us all a crash course in hand-to-hand combat....(it's a JOKE, before you jump on me!!!!)

Emanski's Heroes, 80Patriot, war dog and Patriot's Pop will work hard in the trenches for us.

Umpire extraordinare Jimmy03 will keep an eye on us to be sure there's no waterboarding.

And last but not least, HitItHere will be left at home. We don't want to make it THAT easy for that Kim Jong dude.
Last edited by biggerpapi

So glad to hear that you and your family are well. You have the right attitude, put up those Christmas lights! And stay safe, okay?


I don't think I'm cut out to be the 5-Star General. I'll nominate either my husband (who is used to giving orders) Smile or CPLZ. I will, however, volunteer to be the head snack provider and cleaner-upper.

Stay safe everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Originally posted by MN-Mom:
I don't think I'm cut out to be the 5-Star General. I'll nominate either my husband (who is used to giving orders) Smile or CPLZ. I will, however, volunteer to be the head snack provider and cleaner-upper.Julie

Oh no! It'll be like Little League all over again. The soldiers won't care if we win the war or not...they'll just want treats when it's over!!!
Last edited by biggerpapi

The cleaner-upper? I remember those days years ago. Our pre-HSBBW social circle dropping by your diner, Mom's Place, after an evening out "tripping the light fantastic". Ahhh, "The Bossa Nova"...still a favorite of mine! And having you there Mom, looking after us young bucks and does, teaching us the difference between your's and another leading brand. Quicker indeed!

Well we're still sold Mom...the HSBBW sure beats the other leading websites! "Get members before they get away!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale

    "gotwood4sale deploys one of his unique diversions."

Hmmm? Diversion, eh?

    Kimmy Boy, so good to see you again. It's me...Maddie. Last year's Dictators' Ball...remember? That was a wild night for sure...what are a few international incidents between friends? My sides still hurt from the laughter. I mean really...Magaden needed a little cleaning out. What a he11 hole that place is. The Russians...are they speaking to you yet?

    What do you have up your sleeve this year? Oh really? Just a few shells? On the island? To make a 'em you mean business? I thought you did that with the torpedo earlier this year. Lobbing shells is more fun? The video has gone viral? Oh yes, I guess I see your point.

    Up my sleeve? Just a Snickers©. Do I have one for you? No problem, take the whole pack. My other sleeve? Another pack. Go ahead, help yourself.

    Now, please, please let's have a drink. Let your worries bubble away. Your drink? Drugged? Never! Trust me Kimmy...I'm the knockout, not your drink. C'mon...I'm Maddie, your friend. Remember? That's a good boy...bottom's up!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
I don't think I'm cut out to be the 5-Star General. I'll nominate either my husband (who is used to giving orders) Smile or CPLZ. I will, however, volunteer to be the head snack provider and cleaner-upper.Julie

Oh no! It'll be like Little League all over again. The soldiers won't care if we win the war or not...they'll just want treats when it's over!!!

If it's Dairy Queen, I'm in.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Okay, now that I know you feel you're as safe as you can be during this, I'd like to offer this tongue-in-cheek offer for all capable HSBBW members to come to your aid in the event of an all out war.

MN-Mom of course, will be our 5-Star General.
CPLZ will be second in charge with his West Point expertise.
Fungo will lob a few grenades across the DMZ with GunEmDown10 and YoungGunDad following with their own brand of firepower.
Vector will come along to tell us where we are.
We'll ride in trojan-skipper's giant wooden horse after gotwood4sale deploys one of his unique diversions.
TRHit and TPM will give us all a crash course in hand-to-hand combat....(it's a JOKE, before you jump on me!!!!)
Emanski's Heroes, 80Patriot, war dog and Patriot's Pop will work hard in the trenches for us.
Umpire extraordinare Jimmy03 will keep an eye on us to be sure there's no waterboarding.
And last but not least, HitItHere will be left at home. We don't want to make it THAT easy for that Kim Jong dude.
Now that's funny right there.... GED10DaD
Nk always does just enough to make itself heard, then backs off and waits for concessions - like more food aid, more crude oil shipments, etc. That's how their country survives. It's like giving in to a little kid every time he throws a tantrum in an aisle at Walmart, year after year after year.

Probably of more concern is the coming arrival of the carrier USS George Washington and its warship entourage, which will be joining in military maneuvers Nov 28-Dec 1 in the general area of the attack. I'm sure the Chinese just LOVE this....the West Sea is not a big one, so these maneuvers will be happening almost as close to Chinese soil as North Korean soil.

Again, this sabre-rattling by the North is almost incessant. In fact it was just last year, I think, that some other event had happened and I posted something like "We may be home for Christmas!". The goal of the US is to get all civilians out of harm's way BEFORE anything blows up. They track all troop and equipment movement north of the DMZ, so hopefully they could tell if things were morphing into a more aggressive posture and shove us all into helicopters for evac.

The problem is, the North already has thousands of missiles aimed at Seoul. I believe it has been reported that a missile fired from the DMZ would reach Seoul in less than 15 seconds. BUT - the North won't do that because they do realize that the ultimate result of such an action would be the complete and utter destruction of their country. China is not yet ready to take on the world, either, and have been enjoying their growth and development into a global economic power; they don't want to see that jeopardized. Neither does Russia. So, in my humble civilian opinion, it's an ongoing 'check-mate' for North Korea.

Life is very much normal here - never missed a beat in Seoul. No school closures, nothing different. People just going about their daily lives in a sprawling Asian metropolis........and some of us still reeling from a great Thanksgiving feast a few hours ago! Eek

    "Life is very much normal here - never missed a beat in Seoul. No school closures, nothing different. People just going about their daily lives in a sprawling Asian metropolis........and some of us still reeling from a great Thanksgiving feast a few hours ago!"

Just another day? Well here's the proof. Following the feast it's out the door for a rousing game of "Where's Kim Chee?"


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